18 research outputs found

    Creating a Worker-Individual Physical Ability Profile Using a Low-Cost Depth Camera

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    Assembly workers suffer from long-term damage performing physically intensive tasks due to workstations that are not ergonomically designed for the individual’s needs. Current approaches towards ergonomic improvements of workstations only assess the workstations themselves without taking the individual worker and abilities into account. Therefore, physical limitations, such as age-related loss of range of motion, are not addressed. Work-induced long-term damages result in employee absences, especially of workers close to their pension. Regarding the demographic change, this issue will be even more prevalent in the future. The current approaches, like the functional capacity evaluation, allow movement analysis of individuals, but are too time-consuming to be performed on all workers of a production site. This paper presents a method to assess the individual ability of a worker using a low-cost depth camera with full body tracking to determine the angles between body segments. A set of ergonomic exercises is used to demonstrate relevant abilities for assembly and commissioning tasks. By capturing the motion sequence of these exercises, a physical ability profile can be created with little effort

    Logistische Zielkonflikte in intermodalen Terminals

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    Gantry cranes are essential working systems at intermodal terminals. Their operation faces conflicting logistical objectives, such as improving the throughput time of the loading units, increasing the handling output, or reducing the waiting times of vehicles. Possible methods for analysing such conflicting objectives are Logistic Operating Curves (LOC) and throughput diagrams, which have found application in production logistics and can be derived and verified using simulation. In this paper, a simulation model for intermodal terminals is proposed to parameterize characteristic LOC. The LOC are used to analyse the conflict between the target values of a high output rate and a low throughput time

    Determining the potential to Improve schedule compliance

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    High schedule compliance is very important but rarely achieved in make-to-order productions. Especially when orders are released too late (e. g. due to missing raw material) it is challenging to identify how many orders can still be produced in time. This paper shows how companies can identify their potential to increase schedule compliance by earliest operation due-date sequencing. The simple model shows that five parameters determine the potential to increase schedule compliance through sequencing: the input sequence deviation, the WIP level, the number of operations, planned sequence interchanges in the order throughput, and the number of parallel machines.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (LO-858/10-1

    A Generic Approach to Model and Analyze Industrial Search Processes

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    Part 10: ICT for Collaborative ManufacturingInternational audienceSearch processes are omnipresent. In the field of industrial production they occur whenever material or information is needed. While searching is a fundamental activity within production processes, existing models and methods in the field of production management are not designed for modelling or analyzing industrial search processes. This paper presents a generic phase model that can be used to describe industrial search processes. Furthermore, an analysis method is proposed to determine and prioritize fields of action for the optimization of search processes

    Throughput time characteristics of rush orders and their impact on standard orders

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    The focus of this paper is to present modeling approaches for the rush and standard orders' throughput times. An additional aim is the modeling of a critical rush order share. Starting with a literature review on rush orders, we present an overview of the existing literature which deals with the production planning and control (PPC) and the modeling of the logistic targets of rush orders. Then we present a modeling approach for rush and standard orders' production throughput times. The last section of this paper deals with the problem of the modeling of a critical rush order share.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG

    Early estimation of work contents for planning the one-of-a-kind production by the example of shipbuilding

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    A transparent, reliable early estimation of work contents is crucial for capacity planning in shipyards. Yet most of the shipyards rely on practical experience of specialized production planners, for the early capacity estimation, which are prone to errors, as a bill of material is not available in the early stages of production planning in the one-of-a-kind production. This is due to a yet unfinished construction of the ship. This paper will discuss a method for creating a computer-supported, transparent, more reliable way for the estimation of work content, at an early planning stage of a one-of-a-kind production, using a generated bill of material. The bill of material is generated automatically using parametrized templates and contains steel and outfitting parts. Therefore a tool has been developed that generates steel and outfitting parts from parametrized templates. From the bill-of-material, the work content in hours is estimated by linking the parts in the bill-of-material to a process. The operation time can then be calculated by dividing the work content by the capacity of the work system. The operation time can then be used for scheduling the one-of-a-kind production

    Early estimation of work contents for planning the one-of-a-kind production by the example of shipbuilding

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    A transparent, reliable early estimation of work contents is crucial for capacity planning in shipyards. Yet most of the shipyards rely on practical experience of specialized production planners, for the early capacity estimation, which are prone to errors, as a bill of material is not available in the early stages of production planning in the one-of-a-kind production. This is due to a yet unfinished construction of the ship. This paper will discuss a method for creating a computer-supported, transparent, more reliable way for the estimation of work content, at an early planning stage of a one-of-a-kind production, using a generated bill of material. The bill of material is generated automatically using parametrized templates and contains steel and outfitting parts. Therefore a tool has been developed that generates steel and outfitting parts from parametrized templates. From the bill-of-material, the work content in hours is estimated by linking the parts in the bill-of-material to a process. The operation time can then be calculated by dividing the work content by the capacity of the work system. The operation time can then be used for scheduling the one-of-a-kind production

    Analyse von ArbeitsablÀufen mit 3D-Kameras

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    ProduktivitÀtsanalysen sind ein wichtiges Mittel zur Steuerung der Personalkosten in Industrieunternehmen. Diese Arbeit stellt ein durchgÀngiges Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Zeiten und zur Analyse der ProduktivitÀt vor. Die Methode leitet dazu aus mit 3D-Kameras erfassten Bewegungsdaten ZustÀnde ab und ermittelt relevante Zustandsdaten. Mit der systematischen Bewertung dieser Daten liefert sie aufwandsarme und aussagekrÀftige Ergebnisse.Productivity analyses are important tools to control labour costs in industrial companies. This work presents a consistent method for determining times and analysing productivity. To achieve this goal, the method accesses motion tracking data acquired by 3D cameras. The method derives worker states and determines relevant state data. By systematically analysing this data, it is capable to provide meaningful results

    Wertstromanalyse und -design fĂŒr Auftragsfertiger

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt eine Wertstrommethode fĂŒr Auftragsfertiger zur Analyse und Verbesserung der logistischen ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen. Die Vor-Ort-Aufnahme von Termintreue, Durchlaufzeit und Bestand ist das zentrale Element der Analysephase, die zusĂ€tzlich die Erfassung der aktuellen Konfiguration der Fertigungssteuerung beinhaltet. Die Wertstromanalyse schließt mit der Darstellung der Wertstromkarte. Das anschließende Wertstromdesign wendet erprobte und fĂŒr Auftragsfertiger relevante Verfahren der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung an. Es umfasst neben der Terminierung die Aufgaben der Fertigungssteuerung Auftragsfreigabe, Reihenfolgebildung und KapazitĂ€tssteuerung.This thesis develops a value stream method for the analysis and improvement of logistic objectives in a make-to-order production. The central element is the on-site recording of schedule reliability, throughput time and work-in-process. Additionally, the current configuration of the manufacturing control system is inquired and the complete flow of material and information is then charted. The following value stream design contains production planning and production control tasks. Concrete methods for the tasks order release, sequencing and capacity control support this process

    Early estimation of work contents for planning the one-of-a-kind production by the example of shipbuilding

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    A transparent, reliable early estimation of work contents is crucial for capacity planning in shipyards. Yet most of the shipyards rely on practical experience of specialized production planners, for the early capacity estimation, which are prone to errors, as a bill of material is not available in the early stages of production planning in the one-of-a-kind production. This is due to a yet unfinished construction of the ship. This paper will discuss a method for creating a computer-supported, transparent, more reliable way for the estimation of work content, at an early planning stage of a one-of-a-kind production, using a generated bill of material. The bill of material is generated automatically using parametrized templates and contains steel and outfitting parts. Therefore a tool has been developed that generates steel and outfitting parts from parametrized templates. From the bill-of-material, the work content in hours is estimated by linking the parts in the bill-of-material to a process. The operation time can then be calculated by dividing the work content by the capacity of the work system. The operation time can then be used for scheduling the one-of-a-kind production