201 research outputs found

    Identification of the water stress level in olive trees during pit hardening using the trunk growth rate indicator.

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    Water scarcity is generating an increasing interest in deficit irrigation scheduling. The trunk diameter fluctuations are daily cycles that have been suggested as tools for irrigation scheduling. The trunk growth rate (TGR) was suggested as the best indicator for olive trees during pit hardening. The aim of this work is to clarify how the TGR could be used to identify water stress levels. The experiment was performed during the 2017 season, in a commercial, super-high-density orchard in Carmona (Seville, Spain). Four different irrigation treatments were performed according to midday stem water potential values and TGR. The data obtained were very variable and both indicators presented a wide range of water status throughout the season. The maximum trunk diameter data clearly showed the pattern of the trees water status but the comparison between treatments and the identification of the water stress level was not possible. The average TGR was linked to the midday stem water potential, but with a minimum amount of data. Irrigation scheduling based on the average TGR was difficult because of the great increases in some daily TGR values. For clarity, the pool of data was grouped by midday stem water potential. These water stress levels were characterized using the weekly frequency of TGR values. The increase of water stress reduced the frequency of values between -0.1 and 0.3mm day-1 from 60% to less than 25%. Moderate water stress levels increased the percentage of values lower than -0.3mm day-1 from 7% to 37%. The most severe water stress conditions increased the TGR values between -0.3 and -0.1mm day-1 from 16% up to 22%.IRNASINSTITUTO DE LA GRASACSI

    Vortex motion channeling effects in Nb with mesoscopic arrays of Ni lines

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    Ordered arrays of submicrometric Ni lines have been fabricated in sputtered Nb films. Magnetotransport R(H) and (I, V) curves were measured close to the critical temperature using a cross-shape bridge that allows us to apply current in two directions: parallel or perpendicular to the lines. The experimental results show anisotropic vortex motion with clear channeling effects. In R(H) data, magnetic features appear but they are absent in the (I, V) curves

    Vortex phases in superconducting Nb thin films with periodic pinning

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    Magnetotransport properties have been used to investigate vortex phases in Nb films with periodic arrays of magnetic pinning centers. This kind of samples show a continuous glass transition similar to that observed in Nb plain films, but the periodic pinning yields different critical exponents and enhanced glass transition temperature at the matching field

    Vortex-lattice dynamics with channeled pinning potential landscapes

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    We have studied vortex-lattice dynamics as a function of driving force direction, in superconducting Nb films with periodic pinning arrays of magnetic dots. Square and rectangular symmetry arrays define channels that guide the vortex-lattice motion. We investigated the effect of the driving force direction on the commensurability between the vortex-lattice and dots array. We also studied the transverse depinning of the vortex-lattice as is moving longitudinally along channels. We found that transverse depinning forces are enhanced with respect to the static situation. The results are discussed in terms of the dynamical evolution of order in the vortex-lattice

    Experimental adiabatic vortex ratchet effect in Nb films with asymmetric pinning trap

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    Nb films grown on top of an array of asymmetric pinning centers show a vortex ratchet effect. A net flow of vortices is induced when the vortex lattice is driven by fluctuating forces on an array of pinning centers without reflection symmetry. This effect occurs in the adiabatic regime and it could be mimiced only by reversible DC driven forces

    Experimental vortex ratchet effect in nanostructured superconductors

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    Superconducting Nb thin films were grown on different arrays of triangle-shape metallic islands. The vortex lattice dynamics could be strongly modified by these asymmetric vortex traps. These asymmetric pinning potentials lead to a rectification effect on the vortex motion: Injecting an ac supercurrent on the sample yields a net dc vortex flow. This vortex ratchet ffect is adiabatic and reversible: The effect is frequency independent and the polarity of the dc voltage output could be tuned by the applied magnetic fields and the input ac currents

    Magnetic instabilities along the superconducting phase boundary of Nb/Ni multilayers

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    We report vibrating reed and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer data that exhibit prominent dips or oscillations of the superconducting (SC) onset temperature, Delta T(C)(H)approximate to 0.01-0.7 K, for a [Nb(23 nm)/Ni(5 nm)](5) multilayer (ML) in dc magnetic fields applied nearly parallel to the ML plane. The vibrating reed data exhibit reproducible structures below T(C) that may reflect multiple SC transitions, but they are sensitive to ac field amplitude and dc field orientation. This striking behavior poses challenges for theoretical and experimental investigations of interfaces between SC and ferromagnetic layers that involve magnetic pair breaking effects, "pi phase shifts" of the SC order parameter, and exotic ("LOFF") pairing states. Alternatively, the anomalies may mark dynamical instabilities within a confined, strongly anisotropic Abrikosov vortex lattice

    Interface barriers for flux motion in high-temperature superconducting superlattices

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    We study angular dependent magnetoresistance in the vortex-liquid phase of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 thin films and YBa_2Cu_3O_7/PrBa_2Cu_3O_7 superlattices. Superlattices were grown with different PrBa_2Cu_3O_7 thickness in order to tune coupling between YBa_2Cu_3O_7 layers. While dissipation of single film and coupled superlattices is scaled with the anisotropic three-dimensional model in the whole angular range, decoupling through PrBa_2Cu_3O_7 spacer breaks down the scaling and yields strong reduction of the dissipation when the magnetic fields are applied up to ±20degrees around the interface direction. Bean-Livingston barriers at the interface are the mechanism which governs this behavior

    Pattern of trunk diameter fluctuations of almond trees in deficit irrigation scheduling during the first seasons

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    Irrigation needs in mature almond orchards are very high. Although almond trees grow in rainfed conditions, the yield response is very sensitive to irrigation. Continuous monitoring of the water status could be an adequate tool to optimize deficit irrigation. In this sense, trunk diameter fluctuations appeared as a very promising indicator at the beginning of the century, but few data have been published. The aim of this work is to check threshold values of maximum daily shrikage (MDS) and identify possible limitations to their use in commercial orchards. The experiment was performed in a commercial farm in Dos Hermanas (Seville, Spain) during the 2017 season on a 7-years-old orchard (cv Vairo). The irrigation treatments were Control (100% ETc), sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) with a maximum seasonal irrigation of 100 mm and two regulated deficit treatments (RDI). Both RDI treatments (RDI-1 and RDI-2) were scheduled using the signal of maximum daily shrinkage (signal) and the midday stem water potential (SWP). In RDI-1, full irrigation conditions were provided before kernel filling and during postharvest, using the threshold values suggested in the bibliography. During kernel filling, the water stress level was designed to be -1.5 MPa (SWP) and 1.75 (signal). RDI-2 trees were irrigated using the same scheduling as RDI-1, but target water stress values were higher in kernel filling (-2 MPa and 2.75) and with a maximum seasonal amount of water of 100 mm. SWP in Control trees was near the McCutchan and Shackel baseline for most of the season. None of the deficit treatments reached the signal values suggested. Moreover, the signal values were almost equal between treatments, with no water stress effect. The trunk growth rate (TGR) presented clear differences depending on the water status

    Hidrogeles multicomponentes basados en vinilpirrolidona y su aplicación en ingeniería de tejidos y/o medicina regenerativa

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    Hidrogel con estructura de red polimérica multicomponente entrecruzada, caracterizado porque comprende: a) unidades derivadas de vinilpirrolidona (V) y unidades derivadas de un monómero alquénico aniónico o anionizable (A), donde las relaciones de reactividad en copolimerización radical binaria de (V) y (A) tienen valores máximo y mínimo de 0.5 respectivamente; y b) unidades derivadas de al menos un entrecruzante; siempre que el o los entrecruzantes sean i) dos entrecruzantes E1 y E2, donde E1 presenta homología al menos parcial respecto a (A) y E2 presenta homología al menos parcial respecto a (V); o ii) un entrecruzante E3 que presenta homología respecto a (A) y (V). Procedimiento de obtención del mencionado hidrogel que comprende poner en contacto los monómeros (A) y (V) con los entrecruzantes E1 y E2, o el entrecruzante E3, en condiciones de polimerización radicalaria. Uso del hidrogel en aplicaciones biológicas, biomédicas o biotecnológicas que requieran una interacción no tóxica hidrogel-célula.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Complutense de MadridB1 Patente sin examen previ