74 research outputs found

    Advanced Design of Semantic Web Portal: ODESeW2

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    This poster presents a rapid web application development framework to build semantic por-tals. This framework is composed of reusable views of semantic information, ontology views and an intelligent controller, as elements of the Model-View-Controller design paradigm

    Enseñanza de ELE a través de un sistema informático de análisis textual disponible en Internet

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    La creciente importancia de los corpus de textos digitalizados para la enseñanza de lenguas ha sido puesta de manifiesto por distintos autores a lo largo de los últimos años. Tribble y Jones (1990), Flowerdew (1993), Botley et al. (1996) y Sánchez (2000), entre otros, han subrayado la utilidad didáctica de los corpus textuales y de los sistemas informáticos que permiten consultarlos

    ecReport: a collaborative web tool for reporting R&D projects

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    Producing periodic progress reports of collaborative R&D projects is usually a tedious, error-prone and costly task that is mainly performed combining a set of isolated tools and manual processes. We present the ecReport system, which is a configurable reporting tool that is especially focused in collaborative EC-funded R&D projects, although it can be used for other purposes. This tool is based on the use of ontologies about different aspects of this type of projects (people, organisations, deliverables, etc.), and gives full support to the acquisition of data for periodic project reports and to the generation of reports from this data, and allows publishing this data in open formats like RDF

    ODESeW for the creation of R&D projects’ Intranets and Extranets

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    In this paper, we describe how the ODESeW platform can be used for the generation of the internal and external Web sites of R&D projects. ODESeW is a platform for the development of Semantic Web applications, which has been successfully used in the creation of the semantic portals of the EU R&D projects Esperonto, Knowledge Web and OntoGrid

    Construcción de ontologías legales con la metodología METHONTOLOGY y la herramienta WebODE

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    Este artículo describe cómo construir una ontología en el dominio legal utilizando la metodología y la plataforma de desarrollo de ontologías METHONTOLOGY y WebODE, respectivamente. Ambas han sido usadas ampliamente para desarrollar ontologías en diversos dominios. La ontología utilizada para ilustrar este artículo es una adaptación al ámbito legal español de una taxonomía de clases sobre entidades legales propuesta por Breuker

    Rapid ontology-based Web application development with JSTL

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    This paper presents the approach followed by the ODESeW framework for the development of ontology-based Web applications. ODESeW eases the creation of this type of applications by allowing the use of the expression language JSTL over ontology components, using a data model that reflects the knowledge representation of common ontology languages and that is implemented with Java Beans. This framework has been used for the development of a number of portals focused on the dissemination and management of R&D collaborative projects

    A platform for the development of Semantic Web portals

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    A Semantic Web portal is a Web application that offers information and services related to a specific domain, and that has been developed with Semantic Web technology. For the time being, the main difference with respect to a traditional Web portal is based on technological aspects: traditional Web portals are based on standard Web technology (HTML, XML, servlets, JSPs, etc.); semantic portals are based on that technology plus the use of Semantic Web languages like RDF, RDF Schema and OWL. This paper describes a unifying architecture for both types of portals, based on the MVC paradigm, which is implemented in the ODESeW framework. ODESeW has been used successfully in the development of a set of portals for the management of European R&D projects and for the management of research group

    ODEWiki: A Semantic Wiki That Interoperates with the ODESeW Semantic Portal

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    We present ODEWiki, a technology for the development of Semantic Wikis, which has a combined set of added-value features over other existing semantic wikis in the state of the art. Namely, ODEWiki interoperates with an existing semantic portal technology (ODESeW), it manages inconsistencies raised because of the distributed nature of knowledge base development and maintenance, it uses RDFa for the annotation of the resulting wiki pages, it follows a WYSIWYG approach, and it allows decoupling wiki pages and ontology instances, that is, a wiki page may contain one or several ontology instances. Although some of these features appear in some of the state-of-the-art semantic wikis, but they are not combined together in a single solution

    Managing R&D European Projects with ODESeW

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    This demo presents a Semantic-Web-based knowledge management system that supports R&D European Projects in different aspects: dissemination of project information and generation of management reports for the European Commission (EC)

    R&D Project Management with ODESeW

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    ODESeW allows developing ontology-based Web portals. We describe the functionalities offered by a specific deployment of the ODESeW application development platform, oriented to the management of EU R&D projects. As an example of this specific deployment, we focus on the project management functionalities currently provided for the EU KnowledgeWeb1 Network of Excellence (NoE)