12 research outputs found

    Fuzzy PD Controller in NAO System\u27s Platform

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    Humanoid robotic platforms rarely achieve the desire trajectory because of the deviation generated during the robot walking. This problem is due to different circumstances such as robot manufacturing, wear and tear of mechanic parts, or variations of floor flatness. Currently, one of the humanoid robots on the market is the robotic platform developed by Aldebaran Robotics called NAO robot, and it is used for different purposes where the robot needs to navigate into controlled spaces. NAO presents the issue of deviation during walking; therefore, a Fuzzy PD Controller is developed and implemented for this platform to reduce the orientation error and to ensure reliability during navigation. Inertial sensors are used to get the orientation reference and for feedback of the closed-loop control. Consequently, a robust control was implemented and tested in different conditions of floor and velocity during the robot’s navigation such as robot races and maze resolution. Experimental results show that fuzzy controller achieves significant improvements in the trajectories of NAO

    Eliciting Complex Thinking through Open Educational Resource Projects

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    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) has increased due to its advantages for academic activities and educational quality. Hence, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have sought to develop strategies to promote curricular and extracurricular activities that favor developing disciplinary and transversal competencies such as complex thinking and its meta-competencies: critical, systemic, scientific, and innovative thinking, oriented to favor problem-solving among students and the academic community. The main objective of this study was to analyze how using OERs in virtual education can promote the development of complex thinking as a transversal competency in higher education. We analyzed the content of 65 educational projects in a webinar aimed at promoting the adoption of OERs in the professional practice of the educational community. Each project had to comply with specific requirements, from the project's identification and description to measuring and evaluating the results and its impact and added value. Once all the projects were reviewed, the responses were classified into defined categories for better presentation; the sub-competency of complex thinking promoted by each project element was identified qualitatively. The results highlight how an OER can, through concrete activities, elicit complex thinking and its sub-competencies in higher education. The present study adds new evidence to the literature regarding boosting OERs as a tool to develop competencies aligned with UNESCO recommendations and contribute to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals in education

    Implementation of NAO robot maze navigation based on computer vision and collaborative learning.

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    Maze navigation using one or more robots has become a recurring challenge in scientific literature and real life practice, with fleets having to find faster and better ways to navigate environments such as a travel hub, airports, or for evacuation of disaster zones. Many methodologies have been explored to solve this issue, including the implementation of a variety of sensors and other signal receiving systems. Most interestingly, camera-based techniques have become more popular in this kind of scenarios, given their robustness and scalability. In this paper, we implement an end-to-end strategy to address this scenario, allowing a robot to solve a maze in an autonomous way, by using computer vision and path planning. In addition, this robot shares the generated knowledge to another by means of communication protocols, having to adapt its mechanical characteristics to be capable of solving the same challenge. The paper presents experimental validation of the four components of this solution, namely camera calibration, maze mapping, path planning and robot communication. Finally, we showcase some initial experimentation in a pair of robots with different mechanical characteristics. Further implementations of this work include communicating the robots for other tasks, such as teaching assistance, remote classes, and other innovations in higher education

    Pensamiento computacional basado en realidad virtual y razonamiento complejo: caso de estudio secuencial

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    The development of Computational Thinking (CT) in school education is considered essential to enable students to solve complex problems through the deployment of skills such as pattern identification and algorithm design. This article describes the evaluation of a learning experience of PC components from the complex reasoning approach (R4C) using a web-based virtual reality (WebVR) application called Virtual Campus. The method was intrinsic single case with a sequential study design based on quantitative methods. Two instruments were applied to 176 high school students, the first to measure the acceptance of the virtual environment and the second to assess the development of complex reasoning. The results indicate that the approval of the environment and its tools was very satisfactory, likewise, living the learning experience favored the achievement of scientific and critical thinking skills. Due to the above, it can be affirmed that the PC-R4C-WebVR convergence allows generating innovative learning dynamics, aligned with the demands of a constantly changing education and that contribute to the improvement of practices for problem solving.El desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional (PC) en la formación escolar es considerado indispensable para habilitar a los estudiantes en la resolución de problemas complejos mediante el despliegue de habilidades como la identificación de patrones y el diseño de algoritmos. En este artículo se describe la evaluación de una experiencia de aprendizaje de los componentes del PC desde el enfoque del razonamiento complejo (R4C) utilizando una aplicación de realidad virtual basada en web (WebVR) llamada Virtual Campus. El método fue intrínseco de caso único con diseño de estudio secuencial basado en métodos cuantitativos. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos a 176 estudiantes de nivel medio superior, el primero para medir la aceptación del entorno virtual y el segundo para valorar el desarrollo del razonamiento complejo. Los resultados indican que la aprobación del entorno y de sus herramientas fue muy satisfactorio, asimismo, vivir la experiencia de aprendizaje favoreció el logro de las competencias de pensamiento científico y crítico. Por lo anterior, se puede afirmar que la convergencia PC-R4C-WebVR permite generar dinámicas de aprendizaje innovadoras, alineadas con las demandas de una educación en constante cambio y que contribuyen en la mejora de prácticas para la resolución problemas

    The Metaverse and complex thinking: opportunities, experiences, and future lines of research

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    Research trends about the Metaverse have increased in recent years due to its potential to create immersive realities, where complex thinking becomes relevant as an ability to promote emerging ways to understand and explain the different realities that comprise a digital society. Although some investigations allow us to know both topics’ concepts and applications, scientific literature production about them is scarce. In this work, we conducted a systematic review of the literature (SLR), analyzing 234 publications from various databases, including Scopus and Web of Science, to understand how studies about the Metaverse overlap with the components of complex thought. The results showed that there has been extensive exploration of the Metaverse since 2022. The prevalence of the Metaverse aligns with the design of algorithms and retail sales, and it primarily correlates with virtual reality technology. Likewise, various reference frameworks and taxonomies have been designed to explain the operation of the Metaverse in different formative spaces. We concluded that examining the Metaverse from the perspective of critical, systemic, scientific, and innovative thinking can open lines of research that affect the knowledge of immersive technologies and the evolution of disruptive digital ecosystems

    Virtual reality-based computational thinking and complex reasoning : sequential case study

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    El desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional (PC) en la formación escolar es considerado indispensable para habilitar a los estudiantes en la resolución de problemas complejos mediante el despliegue de habilidades como la identificación de patrones y el diseño de algoritmos. En este artículo se describe la evaluación de una experiencia de aprendizaje de los componentes del PC desde el enfoque del razonamiento complejo (R4C) utilizando una aplicación de realidad virtual basada en web (WebVR) llamada Virtual Campus. El método fue intrínseco de caso único con diseño de estudio secuencial basado en métodos cuantitativos. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos a 176 estudiantes universitarios, el primero para medir la aceptación del entorno virtual y el segundo para valorar el desarrollo del razonamiento complejo. Los resultados indican que la evaluación del virtual campus y sus herramientas satisfactorio, con valoraciones muy favorable en cuanto a la facilidad e intención de uso, asimismo, la experiencia de aprendizaje en 3D permitió escalar principalmente las competencias de pensamiento científico y crítico. Por lo anterior, se puede afirmar que la convergencia PC-R4C-WebVR generara dinámicas de aprendizaje innovadoras, alineadas con las demandas de una educación en constante cambio y que contribuyen en la mejora de prácticas para la resolución problemas.The development of Computational Thinking (CT) in school education is considered essential to enable students to solve complex problems by deploying skills such as pattern identification and algorithm design. This article describes the evaluation of a learning experience of PC components from the complex reasoning approach (R4C) using a web-based virtual reality (WebVR) application called Virtual Campus. The method was intrinsic to a single case with a sequential study design based on quantitative methods. Two instruments were applied to 176 university students, the first to measure the acceptance of the virtual environment and the second to assess the development of complex reasoning. The results indicate that the evaluation of the virtual campus and its tools is satisfactory, with very favorable evaluations in terms of ease and intention of use, likewise, the 3D learning experience allowed to scale mainly scientific and critical thinking skills. Due to the above, it can be affirmed that the PC-R4C-WebVR convergence will generate innovative learning dynamics, aligned with the demands of a constantly changing education and that contribute to the improvement of problem-solving practices

    Imbrication of the Metaverse in the complexity of education 4.0: Approach from an analysis of the literature

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    El Metaverso como objeto de estudio se ha incrementado debido a su potencial para crear entornos inmersivos para acercar a las personas a realidades alternas. Aunque las investigaciones realizadas permiten conocer aspectos conceptuales y de aplicación, existe un conocimiento limitado sobre cómo se imbrica con la complejidad de la educación 4.0. En este estudio se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura (SLR) con 231 investigaciones recopiladas de Scopus y Web of Science en las que se imbricó el Metaverso con los componentes de la educación 4.0. Los resultados evidenciaron: (a) un amplio crecimiento de las publicaciones desde el año 2022, (b) el predominio del uso del Metaverso en la industria del diseño de algoritmos y las ventas al detalle, (c) una fuerte colaboración para desarrollar infraestructura 4.0 entre investigadores de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Corea del Sur, China, Reino Unido y Japón, (d) la aplicación del Metaverso utilizando tecnologías inmersivas, aumentadas y el diseño de avatares, así como su aplicación como estrategia de elearning. Se concluye que el tema ha despertado interés en la academia, no solo por su incidencia en el conocimiento de las tecnologías emergentes, sino también por su trascendencia en la evolución de ecosistemas digitales.The Metaverse as an object of study has increased due to its potential to create immersive environments to bring people closer to alternate realities. Although the research carried out allows us to know conceptual and application aspects, there is limited knowledge about how it is intertwined with the complexity of education 4.0. In this study, a systematic review of the literature (SLR) was carried out with 231 investigations compiled from Scopus and Web of Science in which the Metaverse was interwoven with the components of education 4.0. The results evidenced: (a) a large growth in publications since 2022, (b) the predominance of the use of the Metaverse in the industry of algorithm design and retail sales, (c) a strong collaboration to develop infrastructure 4.0 among researchers from the United States of America, South Korea, China, the United Kingdom and Japan, (d) the application of the Metaverse using immersive, augmented technologies and the design of avatars, as well as its application as an e-learning strategy. It is concluded that the subject has aroused interest in the academy, not only because of its impact on the knowledge of emerging technologies, but also because of its importance in the evolution of digital ecosystems.Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación (IFE), Tecnológico de Monterrey Novus N21-20

    Examining the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking competency in health sciences students and its relevance to the graduate profile

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    This article presents the findings of a study conducted on health sciences students in their last semester of training regarding their perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies. The objective was to gain insight into how these students perceive the cognitive competencies and skills acquired during their university career as relevant to meet the challenges of their future professions. This study contrasts the perception of achievement of complex thinking competence by gender of the participants, as well as compared to students from other disciplines, with the intention of identifying significant differences. This competency's selection lies in its relevance to decision-making when facing problems, which is fundamental for any contemporary professional. This study relied on a representative convenience sample of graduating candidates from a university in western Mexico. Methodologically, the researchers used descriptive analyses and a validated instrument. The results indicated that the sample students' perceived achievement was very high and balanced, i.e., no significant differences existed by gender or the perception of their sub-competencies. This study revealed a significant difference compared to other disciplinary areas; the medical and health sciences graduate candidates' perceived achievement of competency development was higher

    Campus virtuales : revista científica iberoamericana de tecnología educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésEstudio que pretende analizar cuáles son las diferencias en las dimensiones del pensamiento computacional entre distintas áreas disciplinares de estudiantes de pregrado. Se trabajó con un diseño de estudio transversal y de muestreo por conveniencia, con una escala de 29 ítems para evaluar el pensamiento computacional en 95 estudiantes de pregrado, que estudian diversas disciplinas en dos universidades mexicanas. Los resultados mostraron que había diferencias con los estudiantes de ingeniería que tienen mayor pensamiento crítico, algorítmico, solución de problemas. En cooperación y creatividad no se observaron diferencias significativas entre estudiantes de psicología, informática administrativa e ingenieríaES

    Comparison of Complex Thinking Skills between Students from Public and Private Institutions in Mexico

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    The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study conducted on a population of students from two technological universities in Mexico. The intention was to contrast the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies among students in the last levels of their training. Then, to identify areas of opportunity for developing professional competencies it was applied a sample of 551 Engineering and Business school students from two higher education institutions in this Latin American country. In this manner, 60,61% corresponded to public universities while 39,39% remaining corresponded to private universities. Methodologically, a statistical descriptive analysis was carried out. The study was conducted with a convenience sample answered by students from technological universities located in western Mexico through Google Forms. After analyzing the results, it was possible to identify a gap in the students' perceived achievement in both institutions, with the private institution having a significantly higher mean. This study raises the importance of guaranteeing the development of professional competencies equitably among all students, intending to avoid differences that impact their perceptions of their abilities. All of this considering that complex thinking as a set of disciplinary and meta-competences should be similarly taught indifferent the type of university or higher education institution