5 research outputs found

    Global study of is6110 in a successful mycobacterium tuberculosis strain: Clues for deciphering its behavior and for its rapid detection

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    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis insertion sequence IS6110, besides being a very useful tool in molecular epidemiology, seems to have an impact on the biology of bacilli. In the present work, we mapped the 12 points of insertion of IS6110 in the genome of a successful strain named M. tuberculosis Zaragoza (which has been referred to as the MTZ strain). This strain, belonging to principal genetic group 3, caused a large unsuspected tuberculosis outbreak involving 85 patients in Zaragoza, Spain, in 2001 to 2004. The mapping of the points of insertion of IS6110 in the genome of the Zaragoza strain offers clues for a better understanding of the adaptability and virulence of M. tuberculosis. Surprisingly, the presence of one copy of IS6110 was found in Rv2286c, as was recently described for a successful Beijing sublineage. As a result of this analysis, a rapid method for detecting this particular M. tuberculosis strain has been designed

    Idoneidad del uso del MALDI-TOF MS para la identificación de Staphylococcus aureus y miembros del grupo de Staphylococcus intermedius (S.I.G.)

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    A pesar de que el género Staphylococcus es comúnmente aislado en humanos y animales, su identificación sigue siendo problemática. Este estudio evalúa la idoneidad del MALDI-TOF MS (Biotyper 3) para su identificación, comparando los resultados obtenidos mediante diferentes métodos: fenotípicos, MALDITOF MS (añadiendo o no ácido fórmico) y moleculares. Una colección de 37 cepas fue identificada por técnicas convencionales como S. aureus (n= 7), S. intermedius (n=1) y S. pseudintermedius (n=29). Los aislamientos provenían de perros, tanto sanos como enfermos (n=27), y humanos (n=10), a partir de diferentes muestras biológicas. Todas ellas fueron también identificadas por biología molecular y los cultivos puros fueron procesados en el MALDI-TOF MS. La información fue analizada con DAG_Stat. La sensibilidad, especificidad, eficiencia y el índice kappa se estimaron para cada especie bacteriana con un nivel de confianza del 95%, tomando la biología molecular como gold standard. Se detectaron Estafilococos de 27 perros y de sus dueños. Solamente una cepa de S. intermedius fue aislada, así que los parámetros relacionados con ella tienen que ser considerados con cautela. Todos los S. aureus fueron identificados correctamente. Usando MALDI-TOF MS con ácido fórmico, hubo una concordancia casi perfecta entre pruebas en la identificación de S. aureus y S. pseudintermedius. Cuando no se añadía ácido fórmico, la concordancia fue perfecta para S. aureus, mientras que para S. pseudintermedius fue buena. Este trabajo demuestra la validez, la utilidad y la fiabilidad del MALDI-TOF MS para la identificación de aislamientos bacterianos pertenecientes a Staphylococcus spp

    Penicillin susceptibility among invasive MSSA infections: a multicentre study in 16 Spanish hospitals

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of penicillin susceptibility among MSSA causing bloodstream infections (BSIs) in 16 Spanish hospitals and to characterize the penicillin-susceptible MSSA (MSSA-PENS) isolates. Methods: A total of 1011 Staphylococcus aureus isolates were collected from blood cultures in 16 Spanish hospitals during 2018–19 (6–12 months) and their susceptibility to 18 antimicrobials was determined. The MSSA-PENS isolates were selected and examined by PCR to determine the presence of the blaZ gene, other resistance genes and the genes lukF/lukS-PV, eta, etb and tst. The immune evasion cluster (IEC) type was also analysed. All the MSSA-PENS isolates were submitted to S. aureus protein A (spa) typing and the clonal complexes (CCs) were assigned according to their spa type. Results: The prevalence of MSSA was 74.6% (754/1011) and 14.9% (151/1011) were MSSA-PENS-blaZnegative. MSSA-PENS-blaZnegative isolates (n = 151) were ascribed to 88 spa types and 11 CCs. The most frequent CCs were CC5 (35/151) and CC398 (25/151), with t002-CC5 and t571-CC398 being the most common lineages. Pan-susceptibility was identified in 117 of the 151 MSSA-PENS-blaZnegative isolates (77.5%). In the remaining isolates, erythromycin and clindamycin resistance was the most frequent resistance found, although tobramycin, ciprofloxacin, fusidic acid, mupirocin and/or tetracycline resistance was also detected. Thirty-eight MSSA-PENS-blaZnegative isolates were IEC negative and four isolates were Panton–Valentine leucocidin (‘PVL’) positive. Conclusions: A high penicillin susceptibility rate was detected among MSSA, opening therapeutic opportunities for BSIs. The emergence of new successful MSSA-PENS clones could be responsible for these data. The detection among MSSA-PENS-blaZnegative isolates of the clonal lineage CC398 or the absence of an IEC raises questions about their possible animal origin, requiring further analysis

    Carbapenem-resistant Citrobacter spp. isolated in Spain from 2013 to 2015 produced a variety of carbapenemases including VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, NDM-1 and VIM-2

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    Objectives: There is little information about carbapenemase-producing (CP) Citrobacter spp.We studied the molecular epidemiology and microbiological features of CP Citrobacter spp. isolates collected in Spain (2013-15). Methods: In total, 119 isolates suspected of being CP by the EUCAST screening cut-off values were analysed. Carbapenemases and ESBLs were characterized using PCR and sequencing. The genetic relationship among Citrobacter freundii isolates was studied by PFGE. Results: Of the 119 isolates, 63 (52.9%) produced carbapenemases, of which 37 (58.7%) produced VIM-1, 20 (31.7%) produced OXA-48, 12 (19%) produced KPC-2, 2 (3.2%) produced NDM-1 and 1 (1.6%) produced VIM- 2; 9 C. freundii isolates co-produced VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Fourteen isolates (22.2%) also carried ESBLs: 8 CTX-M-9 plus SHV-12, 2 CTX-M-9, 2 SHV-12 and 2 CTX-M-15. Fifty-seven isolates (90.5%) were C. freundii, 4 (6.3%) were Citrobacter koseri, 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter amalonaticus and 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter braakii. By EUCAST breakpoints, eight (12.7%) of the CP isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested. In the 53 CP C. freundii analysed by PFGE, a total of 44 different band patterns were observed. Four PFGE clusters were identified: cluster 1 included eight isolates co-producing VIM-1 and OXA-48; blaVIM-1 was carried in a class 1 integron (intI-blaVIM-1 - aacA4-dfrB1-aadA1-catB2-qacE¿1/sul1) and blaOXA-48 was carried in a Tn1999.2 transposon. Conclusions: We observed the clonal and polyclonal spread of CP Citrobacter spp. across several Spanish geographical areas. Four species of Citrobacter spp. produced up to five carbapenemase types, including coproduction of VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Some CP Citrobacter spp. isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested, a finding with potential clinical implications

    Estudio multicéntrico de cepas clínicas de SARM sensibles a antibióticos no-ß-lactámicos: líneas genéticas y producción de la leucocidina de Panton-Valentine

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    Introduction: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is considered a major cause of healthcare-associated (HA) and community-acquired (CA) infections. Considering non-ß-lactam susceptibility as a potential marker for mecC-MRSA and CA-MRSA, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency and the associated genetic lineages of non-beta-lactam-antibiotic susceptible MRSA (NBLS-MRSA) strains in a multicenter study in Spain. Methods: A collection of 45 NBLS-MRSA strains recovered in the period from January to June 2016 from 12 Spanish hospitals was analyzed. Molecular typing through spa-type characterization, agr group and multi-locus-sequence typing was performed. Methicillin-resistant genes (mecA and mecC) as well as immune evasion cluster (scn-chp-sak-sea-sep, considering scn gene as the marker of IEC system) and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes were determined with PCR/sequencing. Results: The NBLS-MRSA phenotype was uncommon in the 12 hospitals analyzed (NBLS-MRSA/MRSA frequency: 0.3%-7.7%). All strains contained the mecA gene (and none contained mecC). Twenty-two different spa-types were detected among NBLS-MRSA strains, with spa-t008/agr-I the most prevalent (27%). The main clonal complexes were (CC/%): CC8/42.2%, CC5/33.3% and CC30/4.4%, with ST8 and ST5 as the main sequence types. The PVL toxin was present in 38% of strains (with spa-types t008, t024, t019, t044, t068, t318 and t3060). The IEC genes were detected in 78% of strains: IEC type-B (n = 17), type-F (n = 16), type-A (n = 1) and type-E (n = 1); 10 MRSA isolates were scn-negative. Conclusion: The NBLS-MRSA phenotype is uncommon in the analyzed hospitals; although no mecC-positive strains were detected, it could be a good marker for MRSA PVL-positive isolates (38%), frequently associated with CA-MRSA infections