40 research outputs found

    Comensalitat durant el bronze final i la primera edat del ferro al paratge arqueol貌gic de Can Roqueta: an脿lisi dels dip貌sits relacionats amb el consum en contextos dom猫stics i funeraris

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    La reconstrucci贸 de les pautes de consum d"aliments durant el bronze final i la primera edat de ferro, tant si s贸n de caire dom猫stic com si no, passa per un an脿lisi exhaustiu de les diferents dades arqueol貌giques. En primer lloc, tenim els espais destinats al consum. Les circumst脿ncies pr貌pies del registre arqueol貌gic a Catalunya durant aquests per铆odes fa que, dep猫n del territori, aquest nivell d"an脿lisi sigui m茅s o menys evident. Aix铆, en territoris on existeix una tradici贸 arquitect貌nica en pedra i, fins i tot, dissenys urban铆stics ben definits (entorn del Segre i l"Ebre), aquest problema resulta relativament f脿cil de tractar en funci贸 de la conservaci贸 de la resta d"elements i la particularitat de les estructures analitzades. Aix貌 ha perm猫s caracteritzar certes pr脿ctiques.de consum diferenciades del que podria ser propi d"un 脿mbit dom猫stic en jaciments com Barranc de G脿fols (habitacions 1 y 2), la Moleta del Remei (habitaci贸 7), Tossal Red贸 (habitaci贸 1), San Crist贸bal (habitaci贸 2), Sant Jaume Mas d"en Serr脿 (habitacions 3 i 4), l"edifici de Tur贸 del Calvari de Vilalba dels Arcs o Gen贸 (habitaci贸 2) (Lucas 1989; L贸pez Cachero 1998; Sanmart铆 et al. 2000; Fat谩s 2004-05; Garcia 2005; Sard脿 2008). Aquesta situaci贸 contrasta amb el que passa a la resta del litoral catal脿 on les estructures negatives s贸n pr脿cticament l"煤nica evid猫ncia del poblament existent i on resulta molt complicat, fins i tot, la documentaci贸 de qualsevol espai habitacional que ens permeti avan莽ar en aquesta direcci贸

    Riudavets, Irene y Ferrer, Antoni, La cultura talay贸tica de Menorca. Una isla entre la Edad del Bronce y la Edad del Hierro, Colecci贸n Historia-Mayor, Editorial Dilema, Madrid, 2022, 355 p., 95 figs. b/n, 26 l谩ms. color, ISBN 978-84-9827-572-8 (edici贸n en espa帽ol), ISBN 978- 84-9827-574-2 (edici贸n en catal谩n).

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    La obra que presentamos est谩 dedicada a la prehistoria m谩s reciente de la isla de Menorca y es el resultado de las 煤ltimas intervenciones arqueol贸gicas. Esta no es una decisi贸n inocente y hay que relacionarla con la candidatura de la cultura talay贸tica menorquina para que sea declarada Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Se trata de una candidatura, a nuestro juicio, completamente justificada y que deseamos se resuelva positivamente m谩s pronto que tarde. El volumen cuenta, adem谩s, con una doble versi贸n en castellano y catal谩n. La prehistoria de las Baleares siempre ha resultado un tema muy atractivo para evaluar el desarrollo de las sociedades humanas en medios insulares. Las islas son como peque帽os laboratorios donde se ponen a prueba las din谩micas sociales en funci贸n de los diferentes grados de aislamiento o conectividad propios de los distintos per铆odos. En este contexto resulta de inter茅s evaluar, como si de un 芦microcosmos禄 se tratase, la llegada de gentes, los contactos regulares o espor谩dicos, las influencias, en general, y la asimilaci贸n de t茅cnicas y materiales que llegan a las distintas islas, as铆 como la creaci贸n de identidades propias y diferenciadas unas de las otras. Este es uno de los valores de este libro, que analiza de manera diacr贸nica el desarrollo de una poblaci贸n insular como es la menorquina

    Estudio de la habitaci贸n 2 de Gen贸, una aproximaci贸n al conocimiento del espacio dom茅stico de las comunidades de CC.UU antiguos en el Bajo Segre

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenci贸 del Grau de llicenciat. Departament de Prehist貌ria, Hist貌ria Antiga i Arqueologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Directors: Maya Gonz谩lez, Jos茅 Luis i Petit i Mendiz脿bal, Maria 脌ngels. 1998

    N茅cropoles protohistoriques de la r茅gion de Castres (Tarn): Le Causse, Gourjade, Le Martinet

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    El n煤mero 94 de la serie DAF se ha dedicado a las necr贸polis protohist贸ricas de Le Causse, Gourjade y Le Martinet, ubicadas en la regi贸n de Castres (Tarn). Se trata de un trabajo colectivo a cargo de arque贸logos especialistas en diversos campos y vinculados a varios organismos cient铆ficos, que trabajaron coordinadamente durante 5 a帽os. Integran el equipo J. P. Giraud, F.Pons y T. Janin como directores, adem谩s de J. M.Carozza, H. Duday, V. Forest, A. Gardeisen, A. Lagarrigue y J. Roger. El Midi franc茅s es una de las zonas del sur de Europa mejor conocidas a nivel de arqueolog铆a funeraria protohist贸rica. Hasta ahora los mayores conjuntos estudiados del Bronce Final y la Primera Edad del Hierro se ubicaban en el Languedoc, pero con este trabajo el conocimiento se amplia hacia un territorio situado m谩s al interior

    The Study of spatiotemporal patterns integrating temporal uncertainty in late prehistoric settlements in northeastern Spain

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    This paper explores the integration of two variables that are typically difficult to use in spatial analysis: time and uncertainty. A framework is constructed to analyse mid- and long-term variation in settlement dynamics during late prehistory in northeastern Spain. Following previous proposals, an aoristic model is built with ceramic dating to feed a Monte Carlo simulation that explores the case study using a discrete time-step approach. At the same time, available radiometric dating is used to validate the accuracy of the simulation results. Departing from the static analysis of spatial variables, the model proposes a new approach by which researchers can address temporal uncertainty. The results show that patterns detected by classical spatial analysis can be produced by artefacts derived from the division of time in chronologies instead of discrete time periods. The model is also used to compare a-priori identical variations whose rate of change, when analysed with this approach, is revealed to be completely different

    Pastures and fodder for feeding equids 3000 years ago. The Can Roqueta site (Barcelona, Spain) as a model of equine herd management

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    Can Roqueta has provided a large number of equid and dog assemblages from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. An analysis of the stable isotopes 未13C and 未15N in 42 bone samples has made it possible to reconstruct the diet of domestic equids. The results and carpological remains show that the territory was managed for agricultural and pasture use. They indicate the cultivation of two types of highly nutritious and digestible millet, used in combination with other cereals to prepare fodder, as well as the use of natural pastures

    Equine diet during protohistoric times in the Northeast of the IberianPeninsula: stable isotope data (C, N) from bone collagen

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    The analysis of stable isotopes in bone collagen allows us to infer the diet of the animals studied. This dataset consists of isotopic signatures (未13C and 未15N) obtained by isotope ratio mass spectrometry from the skeletal remains of 42 equines (horse, ass and their hybrids) from the Can Roqueta site (Sabadell, Northeast Iberian Peninsula). Their chronology spans from Late Bronze Age to Late Roman Period, with particular emphasis on the Early Iron Age. These animals were found in storage silos and graves and were probably sacrificed as ritual offerings. The isotopic values are accompanied by data to assess the quality of the collagen analysed. This fills a gap in equine isotopic values for this region and chronology, which may be of use to archaeologists interested in the study of livestock management or palaeodiet

    Mapping changes in late prehistoric landscapes: a case study in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    The temporal span of the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age (1300-550) saw the emergence of intense interconnectivity in the Mediterranean sea. The development of colonial trade dramatically increased cultural exchange along its coasts as can be observed in archaeological evidence. These large scale processes had an impact at all scales and territories close to the main trade routes. However, the process was extremely diverse in its forms. This work presents a case study focused on two adjacent areas in the coast of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Spatial analysis has been carried out to explore the trajectories of settlement location dynamics during the whole period. Basic geographic variables, mobility and distance to trade routes have been explored to identify key differences over periods and areas. Results indicate that the factors guiding settlements location varied between the two zones. Moreover, one of the areas was radically influenced by trade routes in the Early Iron Age while the other did not seem to be affected by this external factor. The interpretation of these analyses suggests that the rise in connectivity was not homogeneous over the Western Mediterranean, but in the regions where it took place this factor was decisive to explain their historical trajectories

    La perioditzacio del bronze final al ferro incial a Catalunya

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    [spa] Con este trabajo pretendemos realizar un repaso cr铆tico de la sistematizaci贸n del Bronce final y la Primera edad del Hierro, desde Bosch Gimpera hasta la actualidad. Este per铆odo que representar铆a los inicios de la Protohistoria catalana, ha sido asimilado durante muchos a帽os al fen贸meno de la "Cultura de los Campos de Urnas" y a la introducci贸n de la siderurgia. Las numerosas excavaciones y el aumento de las dataciones C14 exigen un debate cient铆fico para establecer nuevas propuestas que definan claramente los grupos culturales, las relaciones que entre ellos se establecieron y su desarrollo en el tiempo.[eng] This paper aims to offer a critical review of the systematisation of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, from Bosch Gimpera to the present time. For many years this period has been contemplated as part of the "Urnfield Civilization" phenomenon and the introduction of iron and steel working, and in fact represents the beginnings of Catalan Prehistory. The countless preventive excavations and the increase in C14 dating call for a scientific debate to establish new schemes such as that of the cultural groups and their situation in time.[fra] Cette 茅tude a pour but de revoir de mani猫re critique la syst茅matisation du Bronze final et le premier 芒ge de fer, de Bosch Gimpera 脿 nos jours. Cette p茅riode a 茅t茅 assimil茅e pendant de nombreuses ann茅es au ph茅nom猫ne de la 芦 Civilisation des champs d'urnes 禄 et 脿 l'introduction de la sid茅rurgie et repr茅sente effectivement les d茅buts de la Protohistoire catalane. Les nombreuses fouilles pr茅ventives et l'augmentation des datations au C14 requi猫rent un d茅bat scientifique destin茅 脿 茅tablir de nouvelles propositions comme celle des groupes culturels et leur situation dans le temps

    Equid use and provision during the Early Iron Age in Can Roqueta (NE Iberian Peninsula). Zooarchaeological study and first strontium isotope results

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    This article reports the results of a zooarchaeological study (including, mortality profiles, and anatomical and pathological descriptions) of the Early Iron Age (8th-6th c. BC) equid remains at the Can Roqueta site (Sabadell, Barcelona), together with the first strontium isotope results to determine their geographical origin. The zooarchaeological study reveals a remarkable number of equid remains at the site, the bone pathologies of which suggest their use for riding, drafting and load-carrying. The mortality and sex profiles point to the presence of adult animals, while the absence of neonatal and juvenile remains raises the question as to whether these individuals may have originated from other sites specialised in equid breeding. The strontium values obtained from six individuals suggest that some equids were reared in a geological area with a similar strontium signature to that of the Vall猫s area, where the site is located. However, three equids present a different strontium signature, pointing to a possibly different geographical origin