202 research outputs found

    Transition in Scientific Journals : towards a new Scientific Communication

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    New Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet in particular have arisen a lot of changes in how we communicate and disseminate knowledge. One of the areas where there have been many obvious changes would be in the Science Communication . Scientific Journals, together with academic conferences being one of its pillars, have probably received most of the pressure to change due to the new reality. Scientific journals , 350 years after its beginnings, and given also the crisis of the 80s , are into a strong discussion about its continuity , its business model, but also of spreading . Beyond the economic and scientific journals the adaptation to the Internet, and also beyond the debate on peer review as a quality model , one of the most important aspects for research , according to our point of view, is the added value of the magazines , both articles and the authors themselves. Thus , we studied the accessibility of content, something that is broader than Open Access. The ability to find and manage this content will also depend on the way in which they are produced and presented . It is intended , therefore, to define and study several parameters to establish the degree of accessibility of the contents of scientific journals . The areas of study were scientific journals in the field of Information and Documentation (according CARHUS ) compared to other areas , such as Science and Technology , Medicine and other social sciences. A quantitative approach is conducted to research and analysis on various parameters of four concentric levels of study: site publishers, journals , scientific articles , bibliography . Another focus of study would be the feasibility of formulating a degree of accessibility as a standard of quality

    Colección Publicaciones-1: Annual review of information science and technology

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    Reseña de la publicación titulada "Annual review of information science and technology

    Cercant les molècules en el món digital: una visió actual de les fonts d'informació

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    Cambios y tendencias en la publicación de revistas científicas

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    This chapter looks at some of the key innovations and developments that have recently arisen in the field of scientific journals. First, it examines the megajournal, a journal with thousands of articles published annually that authors sometimes categorize as a repository with peer review procedures. It then analyses the various methods for incorporating research data into journals, either through so-called data articles or through data journals. Third, it looks at the possibility of finding a new article format to bring about changes in the traditional model. Finally, it discusses nanopublication, i.e., the smallest unit of scientific research that can be attributed to an author and therefore cited and acknowledged

    REVIEW OF JOURNALS-2: "Journal of Documentation"

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    Scientific journals are always a good source of references to be updated on all the new knowledge that is always being generated in our field of expertise. That is why most scientists always end up having a certain set of preferred journals and magazines, and this is explained by the fact that journals, even in our field, tend to position themselves in certain areas of knowledge, (in technological terms or in other terms

    Evolución de repositorios temáticos y megarrevistas: visión 2017

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    En 2016 han tenido lugar una serie de acontecimientos relacionados con los repositorios temáticos. En este sentido, se presentan los nuevos repositorios creados a imagen y semejanza de ArXiv, y se relacionan con la promoción activa de la Ciencia Abierta. Asimismo, se comentan futuras novedades respecto las megajournals y se analizan las tendencias de futuro respecto las estrategias de las grandes compañías de información y conocimiento científico.En 2016 ha tingut lloc una sèrie d'esdeveniments relacionats amb els repositoris temàtics. En aquest article es presenten els nous repositoris creats a imatge i semblança de ArXiv, i es relacionen amb la promoció activa de la ciència oberta. Així mateix, es comenten futures novetats respecte a les megarrevistas i s'analitzen les tendències de futur respecte a les estratègies de les grans companyies d'informació i coneixement científic.A series of events related to thematic repositories took place in 2016. In this article, the new repositories similar to ArXiv are presented, and their relation to Open Science is described. Likewise, future predictions about megajournals are commented upon. Finally, future trends regarding the strategies of the large information and scientific knowledge companies are analyzed

    Colección Publicaciones -2: Journal of Documentation

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    Cercant les molècules en el món digital: una visió actual de les fonts d’informació químiques

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    This paper analyzes the changes that new technologies and mainly Internet are having over chemical information sources. To do so, it classifies the most common ones into different chapters, the first being Chemical Abstract Service. The following evaluates the changes produced on journals and encyclopedias. Newer tools such as databases and their adaptation to Internet, together with those more recent ones to be worked with, search engines and gateways, are discussed in later chapters. Fi124 nally, after mentioning how university libraries are also updating their resources, the author discusses the evolution of these tendencies

    REVIEW OF JOURNALS-2: “Journal of Documentation”

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    Scientific journals are always a good source of references to be updated on all the new knowledge that is always being generated in our field of expertise. That is why most scientists always end up having a certain set of preferred journals and magazines, and this is explained by the fact that journals, even in our field, tend to position themselves in certain areas of knowledge, (in technological terms or in other terms

    Redes sociales y altmetrics: nuevos retos para las revistas científicas

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    The first part contains a selection of six general and academic social networks, which are briefly described to identify their functions, find out which journals are currently present and determine the challenges they face. These networks allow us to describe the applications and benefits that social networks can offer journals. Academic social networks face other challenges that also affect scientific journals and are associated with the management of research data and open access to said data and their content. One of these challenges is financial, since they are currently free, and paid services are being considered to make them fully cost effective. Ownership of content uploaded by researchers has not yet been resolved, and policies on this issue should be set up and monitoring carried out. The second part defines altmetrics and analyses the indicators used (views, downloads, citations, recommendations, etc.) and possible implications for the future. In this case, alternative metrics are still at the experimental phase, and the scientific community has yet to be convinced that they represent a valid contribution to the evaluation of science