14 research outputs found

    Secuencia temporal en el swing de golf de jóvenes promesas

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    The golf swing is a skill which could be classified as a high velocity hitting where the main goal is that the head of the golf club reaches its maximum velocity at impact time. Ten golf swings executed by four young players were biomechanicaly analyze. Automatic capture with Vicon Oxford Metrics © was used. The absolute values of the linear velocities were higher at men that at women. At the interval analysis, the downswing presented less variation than the backswing. The analisis of the maximum timing sequence showed that depending on the gender they described different order. At men, the secuence started with the hip movement, followed by, left elbow, left shoulder and the club head. At women the hips and left elbow occurred simultaneously followed by the left shoulder and the club head. El swing en golf es una destreza que podríamos catalogar de golpeo de velocidad donde el objetivo es que la cara del palo alcance la máxima velocidad en el momento del impacto. Se han analizado biomecánicamente diez golpeos de cuatro jugadores promesas, mediante el sistema fotogrametría 3D Vicon Oxford Metrics © de captura automática. En primer lugar se ha podido comprobar que los valores absolutos de velocidades lineales eran mayores en los chicos que en los chicas. El análisis de las dos fases del swing indica que la fase de aceleración (downswing) presenta una variabilidad menor que el backwing. El análisis de la secuencia temporal de máximos alcanzados en los segmentos muestra cómo las aEcciones de los mismos siguen un orden diferente en función del género. La secuencia en los chicos empieza por el movimiento de caderas y sigue con el codo izquierdo, el hombro izquierdo y el palo; en las chicas, las caderas y el codo izquierdo actúan simultáneamente seguidos del hombro izquierdo y del palo.Peer Reviewe

    Valoración de la fuerza explosiva en esgrima

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    La fuerza explosiva es una capacidad física muy importante en la esgrima, por lo que su valoración resulta importante para el control y planificación del entrenamiento. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue valorar la fuerza explosiva general y específica en tiradores de alto nivel. Se aplicaron dos tests genéricos de fuerza explosiva (salto vertical sin contramovimiento –SJ-, y salto vertical con contramovimiento -CMJ-), y cuatro tests específicos (Fondo desde parado -F-, Fondo desde Saltos -FS-, Flecha desde parado -FL- y Flecha desde Saltos -FLS-) a 17 tiradores masculinos pertenecientes al equipo nacional español absoluto de esgrima. Se utilizaron dos plataformas de fuerza, una para cada apoyo. A partir de los datos de las fuerzas de reacción se obtuvieron las variables determinantes de la fuerza explosiva tales como el desplazamiento vertical (detente) o la velocidad horizontal de de despegue. Se observa que la batería de tests llevada a cabo proporciona, en un corto periodo de tiempo, una información de gran relevancia para el control y la planificación del entrenamiento con el objetivo de intentar optimizar el rendimiento de los deportistas. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre las fuerzas verticales máximas en cada apoyo en el salto vertical lo que puede estar asociado con asimetrías de la fuerza muscular.Explosive strength is one of the most important physical capacities in fencing. The evaluation of explosive strength is fundamental for the planning and control of the training program. The purpose of this study was to assess the general and specific explosive strength in 17 senior male fencers of the national Spanish team. They carried out general explosive strength tests: Squat Jump (SJ) and Counter Movement Jump (CMJ); and specific explosive strength tests: Lunge from static position (F), Lunge from bounces (FS), Flèche from static position (FL) and Flèche from bounces (FLS). From the information of the reaction forces there were obtained the determinant variables of the explosive strength, such as the vertical displacement or the takeoff horizontal speed. The results were obtained from two force platforms, one for each support. Results showed that the tests carried out provided, in a short time, relevant information to plan and control the training program in order to the improve athletes performance. Significant differences were found between the vertical maximal strength in each support in the vertical jump. These differences can be associated with asymmetries of the muscular force.Peer Reviewe

    Perspectiva de Género en la Inserción Laboral de los Deportistas Olímpicos Españoles

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    La exigencia del deporte de alta competición en la actualidad es muy grande y puede suponer privar al deportista del tiempo para su desarrollo académico. Este hecho repercute sobre las oportunidades laborales posteriores. El objetivo general del presente estudio fue analizar los niveles de inserción laboral de los deportistas olímpicos españoles que participaron en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona en 1992 en función del género así como algunos de los factores facilitadores de la inserción laboral identificados en la literatura. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo mediante encuestas, utilizándose el cuestionario por correo como técnica de recogida de datos. 117 exdeportistas (64 varones y 53 de mujeres) respondieron a dicho cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que los exdeportistas olímpicos de los JJOO de Barcelona´92 lograron niveles de estudios y de situación económico-laboral superiores a la población general. Las diferencias encontradas entre hombres y mujeres siguen el mismo patrón que el existente en la población general, por lo que la carrera deportiva no puede asociarse a las diferencias salariales encontradas

    La retirada deportiva en deportes colectivos: comparativa profesionales y amateurs

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    Recently researchers have increased their interest in the post sport life of the elite athletes (Park, Lavalle,and Tod 2013).  The unique economic features of each sport make interesting the comparison between them (Aquilina, 2013).The aims of this study were to analyse if the quality of the sport retirement (based on the perceived difficulties on different dimensions), the features of the sport retirement (planning, the willfulness, the type of career path and the academic level) were different between professional and amateur athletes. A cross-sectional descriptive study based on surveys was applied. An ad hoc questionnaire of closed question was answered by 127 retired elite athletes.  Fifty-three athletes were from a professional sport while seventy-four athletes were from a non-professional sport. The professional athletes experienced in a greater grade difficulties related with their working career, their family, their social network, and they lived the working integration less positively than the amateur athletes. The amateur athletes suffered more frequently economic difficulties. As it could be expected due the greater relation with sport, a higher number of professional athletes were exclusively devoted to sport, while more amateur sport combined their sport career with working. Moreover, among those who combined the sport career with studies, the professional athletes gave more frequently priority to sport.  Planning the retirement was more frequent among the professional athletes. No significant differences were found in relation with the willfulness of the sport retirement and the study level of the athletes.En los últimos tiempos han aumentado el interés por la vida de los deportistas tras su carrera en la élite (Park, Lavalle,y Tod 2013).La propia idiosincrasia económica de cada deporte hace que sean interesantes las comparaciones entre diferentes grupos (Aquilina, 2013).Los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar si la calidad de la retirada deportiva, evaluada a partir de las dificultades percibidas en diferentes ámbitos, y las condiciones asociadas a la misma (planificación, voluntariedad, tipo de carrera deportiva y nivel de estudios) era diferente para los deportistas profesionales y amateurs. Se utilizó un estudio descriptivo transversal mediante encuestas, con muestreo intencional, administrando un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas, elaborado ad hoc. Participaron un total de 127 deportistas, de ellos 53 profesionales y 74 no profesionales. Los deportistas profesionales experimentaron en mayor grado dificultades relacionadas con su carrera profesional, con su familia, con su red social y vivieron su proceso de integración laboral de una forma menos positiva que los deportistas amateurs. Estos últimos, experimentaron en mayor grado dificultades económicas. Como cabría esperar debido a un vínculo más fuerte con el deporte, un mayor número de deportistas profesionales se dedicó exclusivamente al deporte, mientras que un mayor número de deportistas amateurs compaginaron deporte y trabajo. Además, entre aquellos que compatibilizaron el deporte con los estudios, más deportistas profesionales priorizaron el deporte. La planificación de la retirada fue más frecuente entre los profesionales y no se observaron diferencias en relación a la voluntariedad de la retirada ni en el nivel de estudios

    Activity profile of top-class female soccer refereeing in relation to the position of the ball.

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to describe the activity profile of top-class female soccer referees during competition and to relate it to the position of the ball. Ten matches from the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) under-20 female World Championships held in Russia in 2006 were filmed and the kinematical parameters of the female referees (n=\0) and the ball were determined using a two-dimensional photogrammetric video system based on direct linear transformation (DLT) algorithms. Total distance covered during a match was 10 km, of which 1.3 km represented high-intensity activities (>13 km/h). The referees' highest mobility was achieved in the initial 15min of the match, covering greater distance and performing more intense exercise (P<0.01) than in the final 15-min of the game. Mean distance from the referee to the ball was 19.5 ± 2.4 m, with no significant differences between 15 min match periods. The results of this study show that: (1) the physical demands placed on top-class female referees are much like those experienced during male moderate-standard refereeing and (2) the referees were able to maintain the distance from the ball throughout the match

    Acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in top-class young soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in young soccer players. Twenty-one top-class young soccer players (16.1±0.2 years) performed a countermovement jump test and a maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running for 20 min on a treadmill at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate. Two force platforms were used to obtain the following parameters during the countermovement jump: jump height, maximum power, maximum power relative to body mass, maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass, and maximum vertical ground reaction force applied to each leg. Maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass applied to the support leg during the kicks were also calculated with a force platform. The kicking motion was recorded using a three-dimensional motion-capture system. Maximum velocity of the ball, maximum linear velocity of the toe, ankle, knee and hip, and linear velocity of the toe at ball contact during the kicks were calculated. Non-significant differences were found in the parameters measured during the countermovement jump and the maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running, suggesting that the jumping and kicking performances of top-class young soccer players were not significantly affected after 20 min treadmill running at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate

    Penalty Corner Routines in Elite Women’s Indoor Field Hockey: Prediction of Outcomes based on Tactical Decisions

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    Indoor hockey is a highly competitive international sport, yet no research to date has investigated the key actions within this sport. As with outdoor field hockey, penalty corners represent one of the most likely situations in which goals can be scored. All 36 matches of the round-robin phase of the 2010-2011 England Hockey League Women’s Premier Division ‘Super Sixes’ competition were analysed with the purpose of establishing which factors can predict the scoring of a goal using Binary Logistic Regression analysis. Seventy two (22.6%) of the 319 observed penalty corners resulted in a goal. The strongest predictor of scoring a goal was taking the penalty corner from the goalkeeper’s right. Based on the odds ratio (OR), the odds of the attacking team scoring were 2.27 (CI = 1.41 - 3.65) times higher with penalty corners taken from the goalkeeper’s right as opposed to the left. Additionally, if the goalkeeper decided to rush to the edge of the circle, the odds of the attacking team failing to score were 2.19 (CI = 1.18 - 4.08) times higher compared to when the goalkeeper remained near the goal line. These results suggest that strategic decisions from the players and coaches have an important part to play in the success of penalty corners. Future research should investigate the impact of goalkeepers’ movement and further examine the technical and tactical intricacies of penalty corners

    La eficacia del efecto látigo en el drag flick en el hockey hierba The effectiveness of the bullwhip effect in the Drag-flick in field hockey

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    &lt;p align="justify"&gt;El penalty c&amp;oacute;rner es una de las jugadas m&amp;aacute;s importantes en el hockey hierba. El drag-flick es la t&amp;eacute;cnica de golpeo m&amp;aacute;s eficaz en las jugadas de penalty c&amp;oacute;rner (McLaughin, 1997). Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron el describir los par&amp;aacute;metros cinem&amp;aacute;ticos del drag-flick en jugadores de nivel internacional y analizar las diferencias interg&amp;eacute;nero. La muestra fueron trece sujetos, un modelo, seis hombres y seis mujeres. El sistema de captura autom&amp;aacute;tico VICON registr&amp;oacute; 20 lanzamientos de cada jugador con una frecuencia de muestreo de 250 Hz. Las velocidades m&amp;aacute;ximas angulares de las caderas, hombros y stick&amp;nbsp; fueron superiores&amp;nbsp; (p&amp;lt;0.01) en el modelo que en ambos grupos de g&amp;eacute;nero. Mediante la comparaci&amp;oacute;n estad&amp;iacute;stica del modelo con ambos grupos de g&amp;eacute;nero se han podido determinar las claves de este gesto t&amp;eacute;cnico, siendo necesario un movimiento hacia atr&amp;aacute;s del stick (efecto l&amp;aacute;tigo) antes de la aceleraci&amp;oacute;n de caderas y hombros, para terminar el gesto con la m&amp;aacute;xima aceleraci&amp;oacute;n del stick. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Palabras Clave:&lt;/strong&gt; Biomec&amp;aacute;nica, drag-flick, hockey hierba, cinem&amp;aacute;tica&lt;/p&gt;<br>&lt;p align="justify"&gt;The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is more efficient than other techniques when playing a penalty corner. The aims of this study were to describe the kinematics of international field hockey players during the drag-flick and to analyse gender differences. Thirteen participants, one male drag-flicker, six males and six females participated in the study. VICON optoelectronic system measured the kinematic parameters from the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz. Twenty trials were captured from each subject. Ball velocity at release, hips maximum angular velocity, stick minimum and maximum angular velocities were higher (p&amp;lt;0.01) in the drag-flicker than in both gender groups. Comparing with the drag-flicker we have found the cues of the skill, being necessary a whipping effect of the stick before an explosive movement of hips, shoulders and a maximum acceleration of the stick. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Key Words:&lt;/strong&gt; Biomechanics, drag-flick, field hockey, kinematics.&lt;/p&gt

    Secuencia temporal en el swing de golf de jóvenes promesas

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    The golf swing is a skill which could be classified as a high velocity hitting where the main goal is that the head of the golf club reaches its maximum velocity at impact time. Ten golf swings executed by four young players were biomechanicaly analyze. Automatic capture with Vicon Oxford Metrics © was used. The absolute values of the linear velocities were higher at men that at women. At the interval analysis, the downswing presented less variation than the backswing. The analisis of the maximum timing sequence showed that depending on the gender they described different order. At men, the secuence started with the hip movement, followed by, left elbow, left shoulder and the club head. At women the hips and left elbow occurred simultaneously followed by the left shoulder and the club head. El swing en golf es una destreza que podríamos catalogar de golpeo de velocidad donde el objetivo es que la cara del palo alcance la máxima velocidad en el momento del impacto. Se han analizado biomecánicamente diez golpeos de cuatro jugadores promesas, mediante el sistema fotogrametría 3D Vicon Oxford Metrics © de captura automática. En primer lugar se ha podido comprobar que los valores absolutos de velocidades lineales eran mayores en los chicos que en los chicas. El análisis de las dos fases del swing indica que la fase de aceleración (downswing) presenta una variabilidad menor que el backwing. El análisis de la secuencia temporal de máximos alcanzados en los segmentos muestra cómo las aEcciones de los mismos siguen un orden diferente en función del género. La secuencia en los chicos empieza por el movimiento de caderas y sigue con el codo izquierdo, el hombro izquierdo y el palo; en las chicas, las caderas y el codo izquierdo actúan simultáneamente seguidos del hombro izquierdo y del palo.Peer Reviewe

    Valoración de la fuerza explosiva en esgrima

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    La fuerza explosiva es una capacidad física muy importante en la esgrima, por lo que su valoración resulta importante para el control y planificación del entrenamiento. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue valorar la fuerza explosiva general y específica en tiradores de alto nivel. Se aplicaron dos tests genéricos de fuerza explosiva (salto vertical sin contramovimiento –SJ-, y salto vertical con contramovimiento -CMJ-), y cuatro tests específicos (Fondo desde parado -F-, Fondo desde Saltos -FS-, Flecha desde parado -FL- y Flecha desde Saltos -FLS-) a 17 tiradores masculinos pertenecientes al equipo nacional español absoluto de esgrima. Se utilizaron dos plataformas de fuerza, una para cada apoyo. A partir de los datos de las fuerzas de reacción se obtuvieron las variables determinantes de la fuerza explosiva tales como el desplazamiento vertical (detente) o la velocidad horizontal de de despegue. Se observa que la batería de tests llevada a cabo proporciona, en un corto periodo de tiempo, una información de gran relevancia para el control y la planificación del entrenamiento con el objetivo de intentar optimizar el rendimiento de los deportistas. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre las fuerzas verticales máximas en cada apoyo en el salto vertical lo que puede estar asociado con asimetrías de la fuerza muscular.Explosive strength is one of the most important physical capacities in fencing. The evaluation of explosive strength is fundamental for the planning and control of the training program. The purpose of this study was to assess the general and specific explosive strength in 17 senior male fencers of the national Spanish team. They carried out general explosive strength tests: Squat Jump (SJ) and Counter Movement Jump (CMJ); and specific explosive strength tests: Lunge from static position (F), Lunge from bounces (FS), Flèche from static position (FL) and Flèche from bounces (FLS). From the information of the reaction forces there were obtained the determinant variables of the explosive strength, such as the vertical displacement or the takeoff horizontal speed. The results were obtained from two force platforms, one for each support. Results showed that the tests carried out provided, in a short time, relevant information to plan and control the training program in order to the improve athletes performance. Significant differences were found between the vertical maximal strength in each support in the vertical jump. These differences can be associated with asymmetries of the muscular force.Peer Reviewe