2 research outputs found

    Features healthcare of patients in temporary disability in the area of health of Albacete

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    Originales[ES] Fundamentos: La incapacidad temporal (IT) constituye un importante problema sanitario, econ贸mico y social. El objetivo del estudio es describir los motivos de IT, satisfacci贸n laboral y caracter铆sticas sociosanitarias de los sujetos que permanecen en IT durante un periodo prolongado. M茅todos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, sobre 404 pacientes en IT. Se recogieron datos sobre: diagn贸stico de IT, satisfacci贸n laboral, salud autopercibida, caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas, estado de salud y perfil de locus de control.Resultados: Entre las personas en IT predominan los varones (53,2%), con edad media de 48,1 a帽os, casados (64,1%), con bajo nivel de instrucci贸n (36,1%) y pertenecientes a clases sociales inferiores (27,2%). Las enfermedades predominantes son las enfermedades del aparato locomotor (46,5%), seguidas de problemas psicol贸gicos (18,6%) y enfermedades cardiovasculares (6,2%). Los pacientes muestran un nivel aceptable de satisfacci贸n laboral, siendo 茅sta superior en hombres (76,5 卤 12,9DE), en pertenecientes a categor铆as sociales superiores (80,9 卤 14,9 DE en categor铆as I-II) y en trabajadores con nivel de instrucci贸n elevado (80,5 卤 14,5 DE en personas con estudios universitarios). La mayor铆a califica su salud como buena (57,9%), y sin un perfil predominante de locus (37,6%). La mayor铆a tienen episodios previos de IT, generalmente inferiores a 6 meses (74,5%). Conclusiones: Varones de mediana edad, con enfermedades del aparato locomotor, bajo nivel de instrucci贸n, buena salud autopercibida, satisfechos con su trabajo y pertenecientes a clases sociales inferiores conforman el perfil m谩s com煤n del paciente que permanece en IT durante un periodo prolongado, no observ谩ndose entre ellos un perfil de locus de control predominante.[EN] Fundamentals: The temporary disability (TD) constitutes a major health, economic and social problem. The objective of the study is to describe the reasons for IT, job satisfaction, and features social and health care of subjects that remain in IT for a long time.Methods: Descriptive study cross, about 404 patients in IT. Data were collected on: diagnosis of IT, job satisfaction, self-perceived health, features sociodemographic, health status and profile of locus of control.Results: Among the people in IT dominate males (53.2%), with average age of 48.1, married (64.1%), with low level of education (36.1%) and lower social classes (27.2%). Predominant diseases are diseases of the locomotor system (46.5%), followed by psychological problems (18.6%) and cardiovascular diseases (6.2%). Patients show an acceptable level of job satisfaction, which is higher in men (76.5 卤 12, US), in belonging to higher social categories (80.9 卤 14.9 of in categories I-II) and workers with high level of instruction (80.5 卤 14.5 of in people with University studies). Most qualifies as good health (57.9%), and without a predominant profile of locus (37.6%). Most have previous episodes of IT, generally less than 6 months (74.5%).Conclusions: Men of middle age, with diseases of the musculoskeletal, low level of instruction, good health self-perceived, satisfied with his work and belonging to the lower social classes comprise the most common profile of the patient who stays in IT for an extended period, not observed including a profile of locus of control predominantlyN

    Analyses of the sociosanitary variables associated with the permanency in temporary disability

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    Originales[ES] Introducci贸n: La incapacidad temporal (IT) constituye un proceso de origen multifactorial. Objetivo: Evaluar el proceso de IT en relaci贸n con la enfermedad, estado de salud, satisfacci贸n laboral, perfil de locus de control y caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas. M茅todo: Estudio observacional de cohortes prospectivo sobre 404 pacientes en IT. Realizamos un an谩lisis de supervivencia describiendo la evoluci贸n de los participantes en cuanto a su permanencia en IT. Resultados: La permanencia media en IT fue significativamente superior (p<0,05) en sujetos con nivel de instrucci贸n bajo (9,4 meses), trabajadores manuales (8,5 meses), mayores de 60 a帽os (10,0 meses), pacientes insatisfechos laboralmente (9,3 meses), con baja autopercepci贸n de salud (10,2 meses), consumidores de medicaci贸n cr贸nica (10,6 meses), fumadores (9,3 meses) y consumidores de drogas no institucionalizadas (10,5 meses). Tras el an谩lisis multivariante, se asocian a una menor duraci贸n de la IT: las enfermedades del aparato locomotor, sistema cardiorrespiratorio o problemas psicol贸gicos, un nivel de instrucci贸n alto, una buena autopercepci贸n de salud y la abstenci贸n en el consumo de t贸xicos. Conclusiones: Adem谩s de la enfermedad, otros factores relacionados con la percepci贸n del estado de salud, caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas y el estilo de vida, influyen de manera significativa en la reincorporaci贸n de un trabajador a su actividad laboral. [EN] Introduction: The temporary disability (IT) refers to a process of multifactorial origin.AIM: To evaluate this process in relation with the corresponding disease, health status, labor satisfaction, locus of control profile and socio-demographic characteristics. Methods: A prospective observational cohort study was performed on 404 patients in IT. We carried out an analysis of survival describing the evolution of the participants as well as their permanency in IT. Results: The permanency average in IT was significantly high (p <0,05) in subjects with a lower level of instruction (9,4 months), manual workers (8,5 months), over 60 years old (10,0 months), labor unsatisfied patients (9,3 months), with low health self-awareness (10,2 months), consumers of chronic medication (10,6 months), smokers (9,3 months) and consumers of not institutionalized drugs (10,5 months). After the multivariate analysis, they associate the diseases of the locomotive device, the cardiorespiratory system or psychological problems, a high level of instruction, a good auto perception of health and the abstention in the consumption of toxins to a minor duration of the IT.Conclusions: Besides the disease, other factors related to the perception of the health status, socio demographic characteristics and the way of life, influence in a significant way the reincorporation of a worker to his labor activityN