18 research outputs found

    Enfermidades parasitarias das abellas

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    Titulación: Grao en Veterinaria -- Materia: Enfermidades Parasitarias IIEsta unidade didáctica denominada Enfermidades parasitarias das abellas forma parte da materia Enfermidades parasitarias II que se imparte no primeiro semestre do 4º curso do Grao en Veterinaria. Esta materia consta de 3 bloques temáticos: protozooses, artropodoses e outras parasitoses. Cada unha delas está composta por varias unidades didácticas. Dos grupos definidos no Libro Branco para o Título de Grao en Veterinaria, editado pola «Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación» (ANECA), as materias Enfermidades Parasitarias I e II forman parte do grupo de sanidade animal e están moi relacionadas coas materias que integran este grupo: epidemioloxía, parasitoloxía, enfermidades infecciosas, medicina preventiva e policía sanitaria, e zoonoses e saúde pública. Os contidos desta unidade didáctica van dirixidos a estudantes de 4º curso do Grao en Veterinaria con coñecementos previos de enfermidades parasitarias I, parasitoloxía, epidemioloxía, bioloxía animal, microbioloxía, inmunoloxía, citoloxía e histoloxía veterinaria, fisioloxía animal, patoloxía xeral, propedéutica clínica, anatomía patolóxica veterinaria e farmacoloxía, farmacia e terapéutica, e serán impartidos en dúas sesións de docencia teórica, unha de prácticas clínico-laboratoriais e unha de seminarios. A formación que o alumnado adquire sobre a disciplina de enfermidades parasitarias achega ó profesional veterinario un amplo coñecemento sobre as causas, natureza, mecanismos de transmisión, acción patóxena, diagnose, tratamento e medidas de prevención e control dos principais procesos parasitarios que afectan ós animais, tanto de forma individual como colectiva e, especialmente, neste último caso, posto que as enfermidades parasitarias están entre os procesos patolóxicos máis comúns das colectividades animais. Así mesmo, os coñecementos adquiridos no estudo de Enfermidades parasitarias son básicos para controlar as afeccións que se transmiten dos animais ó ser humano (zoonoses) e de certas enfermidades de declaración obrigatoria. Do mesmo xeito, o estudo desta disciplina é básico para establecer os correspondentes Programas de Sanidade Animal e Saúde Pública Veterinaria que a Administración debe elaborar e implantar para manter e mellorar no posible o estado da gandería española e da saúde humana.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Cephenemyia stimulator (Diptera: Oestridae) myiasis in a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Portugal

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    Herein we present a nasopharyngeal myiasis case by Cephenemyia stimulator in a roe deer hunted in Trás-os-Montes (NE Portugal). Preliminary inspection showed one larva sorting through the nostrils and the examination of the nasopharyngeal cavity showed more than 15 larvae in the glottis and retropharyngeal recesses. Four larvae were collected and stored into 70% ethanol for morphological and molecular identification. Three of the larvae were identified as third instars and the other one as a prepupa of Cephenemyia stimulator, being the first confirmation of this species in roe deer from Portugal. C. stimulator is currently widely distributed in roe deer from central and northern Spain so, the transboundary natural dispersal of these cervids would explain the introduction of this myiasis in Portugal. Further studies are needed to monitor the spreading of this infection in the westernmost populations of European roe deerThe authors are very grateful to Jorge Afonso (Carramo Safaris, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal), the hunter who submitted the larvae for investigation. This work was supported by the projects UIDB7CVT700772/2020 and LA/P/0059/2020 funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and by the Program for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups (ED4312019/04, Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    Efficacy of two commercial ready-to-use PCV2 and mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccines under field conditions

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    Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae are economically important pathogens in swine farms. Vaccination is the main preventive measure for both infections. In order to test two ready-to-use bivalent vaccines, 646 piglets from a herd actively infected with both pathogens were stratified according to the sow parity number and randomly assigned to three groups: A and B were vaccinated with two different vaccines, respectively, while C remained as the unvaccinated control. Vaccine efficacy was assessed based on the weight, average daily weight gai (ADWG), degree of lung lesions, presence of PCV2 viremia by qPCR and presence of PCV2 and M. hyopneumoniae antibody levels by ELISA. Our data revealed that the sow parity did not influence the vaccine outcomes. Good results for most of the analyzed parameters were observed in both vaccinated groups. ADGW and final weight were higher and lung lesions were less evident in both vaccinated groups than in the control one, but only Group A showed a significant improvement. PCV2 viremia was not detected in Group A, but it did appear in Group B coinciding with its peak in Group C. Finally, both the PCV2 and M. hyopneumoniae serological patterns differed depending on the employed vaccineS

    Environmental distribution of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) in swine herds with natural infection

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the aetiological agent of PCV2-Systemic Disease (PCV2-SD) and PCV2-Subclinical Infection (PCV2-SI). PCV2 is highly resistant to environmental conditions, being able to remain in the farm environment and thus represent a risk for infection maintenance. The aim of this study was to identify, under field conditions, the possible critical points in the environment of non-vaccinated farrow-to-weaning swine farms where PCV2 could accumulate and persist. For that, environmental samples from five swine farms with PCV2-SD or PCV2-SI were taken and analysed by qPCR, including different farm areas, farm personnel and management implements. PCV2 DNA was detected in the environment of all farms (42.9% of positive samples). Overall, the PCV2-SD herd seemed to present more positive samples and higher viral loads than the PCV2-SI herds. At individual farm level, weaning areas appeared to be the most contaminated facilities. In addition, PCV2 was found at high levels in most samples from farm workers, especially work boots, suggesting that they may play a role in within-farm transmission. In addition, PCV2 was detected in areas without animals the like warehouses, offices and farm perimeter. Therefore, this study is helpful to improve measures to reduce within-farm PCV2 dissemination.This work has been funded by the European PCV2-Award 2016 sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, GermanyS

    Epidemiological study of the association between bovine gammaherpesvirus type 4 and reproductive disease in dairy cattle from northwestern Spain

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    Bovine gammaherpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) has controversially been related with cattle reproductive disease. In the present study we analyze the relationship between exposure to BoHV-4 and reproductive performance in dairy cattle from northwestern Spain. A total of 2022 sera from 50 farms were examined to detect anti-BoHV-4 antibodies. Herd and individual reproductive records were collected to analyze association with exposure to BoHV-4. In addition, 52 abortion cases were examined to detect BoHV-4 DNA. An individual seroprevalence of 66.6 % and a herd prevalence of 98 % were found. Exposure to BoHV-4 increased with age, particularly in individuals between 26−36 months old (OR = 2.7; CI 95 %: 1.2−5.0, compared to animals < 26 months). Seroprevalence was not associated with herd fertility and herd abortion rate, but seropositive animals between 26−36 months presented prolonged calving to fertilizing insemination intervals (HR: 1.4; CI 95 %: 1.2–2.0) as well as higher odds of an unsuccessful 1st insemination (OR: 2.5; CI 95 %: 1.2−5.0). In abortion cases, BoHV-4 DNA was found in 12 vaginal swabs from 5 farms but not in any fetal tissue. Our results reveal an endemic, high and widespread exposure to BoHV-4 among dairy cattle from NW Spain with a limited impact in the reproductive performance of herds. The significantly worse reproductive performance of seropositive animals of 26−36 months of age may be the consequence of the establishment of primo-infections when moving heifers to lactation lots. Our findings may be useful to understand the potential population impact of BoHV-4This work was supported by the Program for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups(GRC2015/003, Xunta de Galicia, Spain), by the Research Project ‘RUMIGAL: Rede de estudo multidisciplinar dos ruminantes en Galicia’ (R2014/005, Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and by a postdoctoral grant to J.M. Díaz-Cao (Xunta de Galicia, Spain).S

    One Health Approach: An Overview of Q Fever in Livestock, Wildlife and Humans in Asturias (Northwestern Spain)

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    This study aimed to investigate the seroprevalence of C. burnetii in domestic ruminants, wild ungulates, as well as the current situation of Q fever in humans in a small region in northwestern Spain where a close contact at the wildlife–livestock–human interface exists, and information on C. burnetii infection is scarce. Seroprevalence of C. burnetii was 8.4% in sheep, 18.4% in cattle, and 24.4% in goats. Real-time PCR analysis of environmental samples collected in 25 livestock farms detected Coxiella DNA in dust and/or aerosols collected in 20 of them. Analysis of sera from 327 wild ungulates revealed lower seroprevalence than that found in domestic ruminants, with 8.4% of Iberian red deer, 7.3% chamois, 6.9% fallow deer, 5.5% European wild boar and 3.5% of roe deer harboring antibodies to C. burnetii. Exposure to the pathogen in humans was determined by IFAT analysis of 1312 blood samples collected from patients admitted at healthcare centers with Q fever compatible symptoms, such as fever and/or pneumonia. Results showed that 15.9% of the patients had IFAT titers ≥ 1/128 suggestive of probable acute infection. This study is an example of a One Health approach with medical and veterinary institutions involved in investigating zoonotic diseasesThis work was funded by INIA—Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (RTA2017-00055-C02-02), the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), and PCTI 2018–2020 (GRUPIN: IDI2018-000237)S

    Cardiorespiratory nematodes and co-infections with gastrointestinal parasites in new arrivals at dog and cat shelters in north-western Spain

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    Metastrongyloid and trichuroid cardiorespiratory nematodes of dogs and cats are considered emergent in several European countries, and an increase in the number and extent of endemic foci has been described. Since data on their prevalence are limited in this continent, faecal samples from new arrivals (365 dogs and 65 cats) at two animal shelters in North-western Spain were analysed using both floatation and Baermann techniques. In order to confirm the microscopic identification of Metastrongylidae first stage larvae, molecular characterization based on the sequence of the ITS-2 was performed. The possible influence of some variables such as the species, sex and age of the animals and the co-infection with other gastrointestinal parasites on the prevalence of cardiorespiratory nematodes was analysed. The most prevalent metastrongylid was Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (15.4%) followed by Angiostrongylus vasorum (4.1%) and Crenosoma vulpis (1.1%). Regarding trichuroids, Eucoleus aerophilus and/or Eucoleus boehmi eggs were detected in 28 dogs (7.7%) and four cats (6.2%). Almost all animals positive to cardiorespiratory nematodes (86.8%) were co-infected with gastrointestinal parasites. The prevalence of Metastrongylidae and respiratory trichuroids was significantly higher in dogs co-infected with Taenia spp. and Toxocara canis or Giardia duodenalis and Sarcocystis spp., respectively. In cats, a significant higher prevalence of Metastrongylidae nematodes was found in animals co-infected with Toxocara cati. Our results reveal that cardiorespiratory nematodes are common in companion animals from north-western Spain, showing higher prevalences than those previously reported from this country. This investigation represents the first report of C. vulpis, E. aerophilus and E. boehmi in dogs from Spain. The identification of a number of zoonotic parasites is of public health concern. Our results indicate that these nematodes should be included in the differential diagnosis of dogs and cats from north-western Spain showing respiratory or cardiac clinical signsThis research was funded by the Program for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups (ED431C 2019/04, Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    Specificity of Stenurus (Metastrongyloidea: Pseudaliidae) infections in odontocetes stranded along the north-west Spanish coast

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    Parasites extracted from the lungs and the pterygoid sinus complex of 6 species of odontocetes stranded along the north-west Spanish coast (Northeast Atlantic) between 2009 and 2019 were morphologically identified. The samples belonged to 14 specimens, including 3 harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, 6 short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, 1 long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, 1 Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus, 1 striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba and 2 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. All animals (14/14) were infected by nematodes of the genus Stenurus spp.; moreover, two of them presented a mixed lung nematode infection by Stenurus spp. and Halocercus spp., and another two a mixed infection by Stenurus spp. and the trematode Nasitrema spp. in the pterygoid sinuses. The morphological characterization of the Stenurus specimens revealed the existence of three different species: Stenurus minor, present in the pterygoid sinuses of harbour porpoises with a mean intensity of 43.0 ± 9.0; Stenurus globicephalae, in the pterygoid sinuses of pilot whales and the Risso's dolphin (370.3 ± 579.4); and Stenurus ovatus infecting bottlenose and striped dolphins’ lungs (47.7 ± 76.5). This is the first citation of S. minor and S. ovatus in odontoceti from the Galician coast. Nematodes of the genus Stenurus are frequent in odontocetes stranded along the north-west Spanish coast. A clear host-parasite association was observed between S. minor and the Phocoenidae family, between S. globicephalae and the subfamily Globicephalinae and between S. ovatus and subfamily Delphininae. Different trophic position and niche segregation may lead to different patterns of specificityS

    The Goat as a Risk Factor for Parasitic Infections in Ovine Flocks

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    Small ruminants in northwestern Spain are frequently managed in mixed flocks. Sheep–goat joint management has not been considered a risk factor for parasite infection, so the main objective of this study was to establish if mixed management with goats supposes a risk factor for parasitic infections in ovine flocks. Two thousand and ninety-three sheep were sampled from 74 commercial meat ovine flocks for diagnostic of the main parasites. Goat contact was a risk factor for sheep to be infected by protostrongylids, Dictyocaulus filaria, gastrointestinal nematodes and Eimeria spp. In contrast, Moniezia, Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Paramphistomidae prevalences were not influenced. Sheep–goat mixed management can be considered as a risk factor, since goats would act as a source of pasture contamination for interspecific parasites (protostrongylids, Dictyocaulus filaria and gastrointestinal nematodes). In relation to host-specific parasites, such as Eimeria spp., goats cannot be considered as a source for sheep, but competition for food and spaces between both small ungulates can suppose a reduced grazing area to sheep, provoking high environmental contamination and stress that facilitate their infection. Future epidemiological studies for parasitic infections in small ruminants should consider sheep–goat mixed management as a possible risk factor to be included in multivariate analysesThis work was supported by a program for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups (ED431D 2019/04, Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    The Age-Related Cryptosporidium Species Distribution in Asymptomatic Cattle from North-Western Spain

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    An age-related distribution of Cryptosporidium species has been reported in cattle, with C. parvum being predominant in suckling calves, C. bovis and C. ryanae being predominant in post-weaned calves and C. andersoni being predominant in adults. However, variants to this pattern have recently been reported. Thus, fecal samples (n = 594) from asymptomatic cattle were collected in north-western Spain. Animals were classified as 2 years (G5). Cryptosporidium detection and species identification were performed by SSU rRNA PCR. Individual Cryptosporidium prevalence was 16.7%; it significantly decreased with age. Cryptosporidium parvum was predominant in G1 and C. bovis was predominant in the rest of the age classes; C. bovis and C. ryanae were especially prevalent in G2 and G3. Cryptosporidium occultus was not found in suckling calves. Finally, C. andersoni and C. xiaoi were occasionally detected in G5. The presence of C. parvum in all age classes implies significant animal and public health concerns. The predominance of C. bovis in cattle older than 1 month supports the idea that the age-related pattern of Cryptosporidium species described in cattle is not fully consistent, and thus further studies are still needed to identify those factors determining the species distributionThis research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), grant number AGL2016-76034-P and by Xunta de Galicia (Spain), grant number 2017-PG117S