522 research outputs found

    Multiple Crossover Phenomena and Scale Hopping in Two Dimensions

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    We study the renormalization group for nearly marginal perturbations of a minimal conformal field theory M_p with p >> 1. To leading order in perturbation theory, we find a unique one-parameter family of ``hopping trajectories'' that is characterized by a staircase-like renormalization group flow of the C-function and the anomalous dimensions and that is related to a recently solved factorizable scattering theory. We argue that this system is described by interactions of the form t phi_{(1,3)} - t' \phi_{(3,1)} . As a function of the relevant parameter t, it undergoes a phase transition with new critical exponents simultaneously governed by all fixed points M_p, M_{p-1}, ..., M_3. Integrable lattice models represent different phases of the same integrable system that are distinguished by the sign of the irrelevant parameter t'.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    The Freezing of Random RNA

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    We study secondary structures of random RNA molecules by means of a renormalized field theory based on an expansion in the sequence disorder. We show that there is a continuous phase transition from a molten phase at higher temperatures to a low-temperature glass phase. The primary freezing occurs above the critical temperature, with local islands of stable folds forming within the molten phase. The size of these islands defines the correlation length of the transition. Our results include critical exponents at the transition and in the glass phase.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures. v2: presentation improve

    Adaptive evolution of transcription factor binding sites

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    The regulation of a gene depends on the binding of transcription factors to specific sites located in the regulatory region of the gene. The generation of these binding sites and of cooperativity between them are essential building blocks in the evolution of complex regulatory networks. We study a theoretical model for the sequence evolution of binding sites by point mutations. The approach is based on biophysical models for the binding of transcription factors to DNA. Hence we derive empirically grounded fitness landscapes, which enter a population genetics model including mutations, genetic drift, and selection. We show that the selection for factor binding generically leads to specific correlations between nucleotide frequencies at different positions of a binding site. We demonstrate the possibility of rapid adaptive evolution generating a new binding site for a given transcription factor by point mutations. The evolutionary time required is estimated in terms of the neutral (background) mutation rate, the selection coefficient, and the effective population size. The efficiency of binding site formation is seen to depend on two joint conditions: the binding site motif must be short enough and the promoter region must be long enough. These constraints on promoter architecture are indeed seen in eukaryotic systems. Furthermore, we analyse the adaptive evolution of genetic switches and of signal integration through binding cooperativity between different sites. Experimental tests of this picture involving the statistics of polymorphisms and phylogenies of sites are discussed.Comment: published versio
