175 research outputs found

    Chirp-based direct phase modulation of VCSELs for cost-effective transceivers

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    A 2.5Gb/s DPSK transmitter based on direct phase modulation of a VCSEL using its own chirp is proposed. The VCSEL, which wavelength is 1539.84nm, has been characterized both static and dynamically. The sensitivity of a single photodiode heterodyne receiver using the proposed 2.5Gb/sVCSEL transmitter is -39.5dBm. Thus, this transmitter is an extremely cost-effective solution for future access networks.Postprint (author's final draft

    Directly Phase Modulated Transmitters and Coherent Recivers for Future Passive Optical Networks (PON)

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    En los últimos años, el tráfico de dato transmitido en las redes ópticas de acceso ha crecido exponencialmente debido a nuevos servicios como pueden ser la computación en la nube, el video online, la realidad virtual y aumentada, el internet de las cosas (IoT) y la convergencia entre las redes ópticas y redes inalámbricas en el paradigma del 5G. Estos nuevos servicios endurecen los requerimientos de las redes ópticas de acceso, como pueden ser unas tasas de datos más altas, un mayor alcance y un mayor número de usuarios. Para abordar estos requerimientos, esta tesis ha investigado, desarrollado y analizado nuevas tecnologías para transmisores y receptores orientadas a los dos tipos de redes ópticas de acceso que la comunidad científica ha identificado como posibles candidatas. Estos dos tipos de redes ópticas son las redes uDWDM y las redes TWDM como las redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones.Las redes uDWDM están basadas en la transmisión de tasas de datos relativamente bajas, por debajo de 2.5 Gbps, que son dedicadas en su totalidad a los usuarios finales. Estas tasas de datos relativamente bajas son multiplexadas en longitud de onda usando intervalos frecuenciales estrechos, del orden de 12.5 GHz o 6.25 GHz. En esta tesis, los transmisores modulados directamente en fase se han propuesto como posibles candidatos para estas redes uDWDM. En concreto, se han propuesto un DFB modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; un RSOA bombeado por un VCSEL y modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; y un VCSEL modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1.25 Gbps y 2.5 Gbps. Estas señales moduladas directamente en fase son recibidas con un receptor heterodino con un único fotodiodo (PD) para mantener el coste tan bajo como sea posible. La combinación de estos transmisores modulados directamente en fase con el receptor heterodino con un único PD ha sido probada como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes ópticas de acceso basadas en redes uDWDM. Estas combinaciones proveen sensibilidades que varían entre -39.5 dBm y -52 dBm, que se traducen en balances de potencia que van desde 38.5 dB a 51 dB y por lo tanto en ratios de división o número de usuarios de entre 128 y 1024 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de fibra monomodo estándar (SSMF).Además, los links de 1 Gbps formados por la modulación directa de DFBs o de RSOAs bombeados por VCSELs y el receptor heterodino con un único PD son usados como enlace de subida en canales bidireccionales. Estos enlaces de subida son combinados con enlaces de bajada basados en Nyquist-DPSK generada con un MZM y recibidos con un receptor heterodino de un único PD. Como parte de análisis de los canales bidireccionales, se ha analizado el estudio de la viabilidad del uso de LOs de bajo coste, como DFBs o VCSELs, en los receptores heterodinos con un único PD. Estos canales bidireccionales son también unos candidatos prometedores para las futuras redes uDWDM, ya que en esta tesis se ha probado que pueden proveer enlaces full-duplex de 1 Gbps usando intervalos frecuenciales tan pequeños como 6.25 GHz o 5 GHz. Estos canales bidireccionales tienen balances de potencia que van desde 37 dB a 42 dB y tienen posibles ratios de división de 128 o 256 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de SSMF.Esta tesis también ha investigado y desarrollado receptores quasicoherentes para redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones. Este tipo de redes están basadas en altas tasas de datos, como 10 Gbps para redes NG-PON2 y 25 Gbps para las futuras evoluciones de NG-PON2, en entornos multi longitud de onda donde los usuarios son multiplexados en tiempo y longitud de onda (TWDM). El receptor quasicoherente usa la amplificación coherente gracias a la recepción heterodina y por tanto la sensibilidad del receptor es mejorada en comparación con los esquemas de detección directa. El receptor quasicoherente es independiente a la polarización, lo cual es una característica importante para los receptores coherentes. Además, el receptor quasicoherente permite seleccionar el canal de trabajo sin la necesidad de filtros ópticos y es un receptor independiente de la longitud de onda debido a que el canal de trabajo se puede elegir ajustando la longitud de onda del LO. El receptor quasicoherente de 10 Gbps muestra una sensibilidad -35.2 dBm y por tanto permite un balance de potencias de 35.64 dB y un ratio de división de 128 después de una transmisión de 40 km a través de SSMF.La combinación del receptor quasicoherente con un ecualizador FFE/DFE permite combatir la dispersión cromática de la banda C y conseguir un link de 25 Gbps con un alcance de 20 km a través de SSMF. El receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE muestra una mejor sensibilidad de -30.5 dBm con el llamado ecualizador de altas prestaciones, lo que lleva a un balance de potencias de25 dB. Si se utilizada el llamado ecualizador de baja complejidad, la sensibilidad cae a -27 dBm y el balance de potencias cae a 23 dBm. En ambos casos, el receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE permite un ratio de división de 32 después de una transmisión de 20 km a través de SSMF.En conclusión, esta tesis ha presentado transmisores (DFB, RSOA y VCSEL) modulados directamente en fase combinados con un receptor heterodino con un único PD como potenciales candidatos para las redes uDWDM. Esta tesis también ha presentados los receptores quasicoherentes como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes NG-PON2 y sus futuras evoluciones.<br /

    Cost-effective ROADM design to maximize the traffic load capacity of u-DWDM coherent metro-access networks

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    The current constant growing in traffic demands caused by the popularization of cloud services, mobile and social networks is requiring architectural changes at the underlying networks so as to provide a more highly dynamic connectivity. Cost-effective and energy efficient solutions are also required in flexible network subsystems in order to make available future sustainable networks. In this context, a novel cost-effective and energy-efficient solution DWDM ROADM (D-ROADM) node design has been recently considered to enable optical Metro-Access networks convergence. In this paper, we assess the D-ROADM capabilities in a dynamic ultra-Dense Wavelength Multiplexing (u-DWDM) coherent Ring Network scenario. In particular, the metric Blocking Bandwidth Probability (BBP) vs. Traffic Load Capacity (TLC) has been considered. Our numerical evaluations show that the performance penalty of cost-effective D-ROADM based networks could be reduced to 35% for 62.5GHz DWDM channels when compared to WSS-based ROADMsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Wavelength conversion towards Rayleigh backscattering tolerant PONs via four-wave mixing in SOA-based ONUs

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    Wavelength shifting in PONs with downstream signal remodulation is presented, allowing upstream transmission over trees with 25km feeder and 1:32 split with penalties <2dB, originally Rayleigh backscattering limited. Side-mode suppression is analyzed for hybrid PONs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Experimental assessment of 10 Gbps 5G multicarrier waveforms for high-layer split U-DWDM-PON-based fronthaul

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The current constant growth in mobile networks' traffic demands caused by the popularization of cloud and streaming services on personal devices, requires architectural changes so as to fulfill all new 5G mobile network requirements. Cloud access radio network (C-RAN) architecture in combination with the massive deployment of small cell antenna sites have recently been proposed as a promising solution but will be demanding for high-capacity mobile fronthaul links. An efficient way for performing that connectivity is to make use of the dense wavelength multiplexing passive optical network (DWDM-PON) infrastructure. In this context, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been extensively explored as a potential candidate. Nevertheless, the main drawback of OFDM is its high out-of-band radiation. In order to overcome that drawback, new 5G multicarrier waveforms (FBMC, UFMC, and GFDM) have recently been proposed. In this paper, we experimentally assess and compare 10 Gbps 32-QAM-OFDM/FBMC/UFMC/GFDM system performance for high-layer split ultra-DWDM-PON-based fronthaul using a radio-over-fiber technique. The performance has been done in terms of spectral efficiency, peak-to-average power ratio, spectral density, and receiver sensitivity. In particular, intensity-modulation with direct-detection and quasi-coherent-detection have been considered. In order to improve the multicarrier system energy efficiency, the effect of using a hard clipping technique over transmitted signals is also studied. Finally, we evaluated the crosstalk interference between two adjacent channels of the same modulation scheme, as a function of their electrical frequency span for downlink application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enhancing dynamic student learning by teamwork in innovative projects at an Erasmus Mundus master subject adapted to the EHEA (EEES)

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    The EHEA (EEES in Spain) is creating common academic degree standards comparable and compatible between the European countries. The definition of the new Credit unit, the ECTS, focused on the hours of study devoted by the students, is also promoting the renovation of the educational process at the higher studies of Graduate Degree and Master. We describe the experience of innovation of the teaching practice of the “Fibres & Telecommunications” subject of the Master PhotonicsBCN (part of the Erasmus Mundus Master EUROPHOTONICS), by introducing team9 working techniques for promoting: the development of cooperative learning, interpersonal skills, and positive interdependence among the students, not forgetting the individual initiative and responsibility. The teamwork is oriented to small innovation projects (inspired in state9of9the9art research challenges faced by the European FP7 EURO9FOS Network9 of 9Excellence) promoting interactive and dynamic student learning process. Each team member is spontaneously encouraged to learn as much as possible on both: the area of his task inside the common project, and also the influence of his task in the over all results of the project. This is implemented by the use of commercial software for professional systems deployment (VPIphotonics TM ), which allows each team to check the real viability of their innovative solutionPostprint (published version

    Colorless FSK Demodulation and Detection With Integrated Fabry-Perot-Type SOA/REAM

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    A receiver for optical frequency modulated signals, based on colorless demodulation and detection, is presented. An integrated combination of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and reflective electroabsorption modulator (REAM) is designed to obtain a comb-like spectral detection function, replacing the typically required costly frequency discrimination filter. The spectral properties of the designed SOA/REAM chip are discussed and the reception of a 10-Gb/s optical frequency modulated downstream signal is demonstrated, proving the applicability as receiving optical subsystem in the customer premises equipment of fiber-to-the-home access networks with wavelength reuse for upstream transmission and no downstream crosstalk.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    L-Band In-Line Remote Amplification for an Extended WDM/PON Ring Architecture

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    In this paper, a study on a fully passive WDM/PON ring architecture which reaches 19 km distance, while serving more than 1000 users with symmetric several hundred Mbit/s per user is presented. The design is based on SARDANA (Scalable Advanced Ring -based Passive Dense Access Network Architecture) and was generated as an alternative solution, with its novelty laying on the use of L-band in line remote amplification. The simulation of an extended access WDM/TDM PON formed in a double fibre ring with single fiber trees was created. The network’s operation has been tested for several conditions of usage (i.e. maximum number of users,transmission power and pump power) and an optimization of the design has been performed. The target was to achieve, with given transmission and pump power, the reach of more then 1000 users with input power high enough to permit the use of an RSOA at the ONU. The use of L-band signals and special doped fiber has permitted the effective use of RSOAs in the total of the end users.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fortistis: Split extension in dense passive optical networks by inline amplification with remote ASE-shaped pump delivery via colorless optical network units

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    A method for extending the customer density via ASE-pumped splitters in the tree in a WDM/TDM-PON is presented. The influence of Rayleigh backscattering in the feeder is faced, originally prohibiting any upstream transmission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version