31 research outputs found

    Középkori steppetörténet - magyar őstörténet = Medieval history of the Steppe - Hungarian early history

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    A kutatás résztvevői a munkatervben vállaltakat teljesítették. A kutatás keretében 3 nemzetközi konferenciát szerveztünk (MeN2 Jászberény 2007; MeN3 Miskolc 2009; MeN4 Kairó 2011), amelyeken a steppei nomád népek elismert hazai és külföldi szakértői vettek részt. A MeN2 (Jászberény 2007) előadásainak írott változata a Chronica 7–8. számában (2007–2008) jelent meg. A MeN3-n elhangzott előadások tanulmány változatai a Miskolci Egyetem kiadványában, a Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis: Sectio Philosophicában, a MeN4 előadásai pedig a SZTE Történeti Intézetének évkönyvében, a Chronica 11. számában jelennek meg. Csoportunk további nemzetközi és hazai konferenciákon öregbítette a magyar steppetörténeti kutatás hírnevét. A kutatás 4 éve alatt a résztvevők 10 kötetet publikáltak, ill. készítettek elő publikálásra: 1 tanulmánykötetet írtak és szerkesztettek (2009), 1 konferenciakötetet megjelentettek (2008-2009), 2 forráskiadvány 2011-ben megjelenik, másik 2 konferenciakötet és 1 forráskiadvány megjelenése is folyamatban van, valamint 1, a volgai bolgárokról szóló monográfia és 2 PhD-disszertáció kézirata is elkészült. Ez idő alatt 58 tanulmányt és 1 könyvfejezetet jelentettek meg magyar és idegen nyelven. A pályázatban résztvevők tanulmányai térben és időben széles körben vizsgálják a középkori nomád népek történetét, kultúráját, valamint kapcsolatát más népekkel, hatalmakkal. Ezeken keresztül képet alkothatunk a nemzetközi kutatás legújabb eredményeiről is. | The participants of the research have met the work undertaken in the plan. During the research project, we organized 3 international conferences (MeN2; MeN3; MeN4), where experts of the steppe nomadic peoples recognized in national and international level, participated. The paper versions of the lectures in MeN3 are under publication in the Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis: Section Philosophica. The lectures of MeN4 are going to publish in Chronica 11, the historical yearbook of the Institute of History, University of Szeged. The proceedings of MeN2 (Jászberény 2007) have been published in Chronica 7-8.(2007-2008). Our group took part in other international and national conferences, to enhance the reputation of Hungarian research in the field of the history of the steppe. In the 4 years the participants published, respectively prepared for publication 10 volumes: they published and edited a volume (2009), they published a volume of conference papers (2008-2009) two source publications appear in 2011, the proceedings of the other two conferences and a collection of sources are under publication; the manuscripts of the history of the Volga Bulghars and two PhD dissertations are ready.All in all, 58 studies and a chapter of book have been published in Hungarian and foreign languages.The studies of the participants of the project phocus on the medieval history of nomadic peoples, cultures, and relationship with other peoples and powers wide in space and time

    Bioligandumok fémkoordinációjának termodinamikai vizsgálata ESR spektroszkópiával = Thermodynamics of the metal coordination of bioligands studied by ESR spectroscopy

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    A projekt keretében nagyszámú ligandum koordinációs viselkedését vizsgáltuk meg különböző fémionokkal (réz, cink, vas, kobalt, mangán, króm), melyekben a ligandumok kiemelt fontosságúak mint gyógyszer alapanyagok (oligopeptidek, kumarin származékok, tioszemikarbazon, pirimidilmetanol, acetilszalicil sav) vagy egyéb jelentős biológiai aktivitással rendelkeznek (elágazó és hisztidinben gazdag peptidek, aminosavak, glikoproteinek). A gyógyászati hatásmechanizmus feltárása szempontjából döntő a kötési tulajdonságok és a fémionokkal alkotott koordináció részletes ismerete. Ennek érdekében alapvetően ESR spektroszkópiai vizsgálatokat végeztünk különböző hőmérsékű oldatokban és megfagyasztott mintákban, a vizsgálatokat kiegészítettünk pH-potenciometriás, UV/látható és CD spektroszkópiás mérésekkel, valamint kvantumkémiai számításokat is végeztünk. Az ESR spektrumok 2D-technikával való értékelése lehetővé tette nagyszámú kompetitív speciesz esetén is az egyértelmű azonosítást és a termodinamikai paraméterek meghatározását. Ennek keretében részben koncentráció és pH függő, részben hőmérséklet függő spektrumok integrált kiértékelésére került sor. A feltáró jellegű vizsgálatok néhány anyag esetén elősegíthetik a gyógyászati alkalmazásokat.Az eredményekről 14 publikációban (40,5 impakt) és konferencia előadásokban számoltunk be. | In this project we studied the coordination properties for a great number of ligands to various metal ions (Copper, Zink, Iron, Manganese, Chrome), in which the ligands have either significant importance in medicine (e.g. oligopeptides, kumarins, tiosemicarbazons, pyrimidylmethanol, acetylsalicyl acid) or exerting substantial biologic activity (branching and histamine rich peptides, amino acids, glycoproteins). In order to understand the activity of medicines, the knowledge of coordination and binding mechanism between ligands and metals has a primary importance. For this reason we carried out basically electron spin resonance (ESR) investigations in liquid solvents at various temperatures and in frozen solutions, which investigations were extended by pH-potentiometry, UV/Vis and CD spectroscopy, furthermore, quantum chemical computations. The 2D-evaluation of ESR spectra offered reliable information for species assignment and thermodynamic data even when simultaneously many components were present. In this method integrated evaluation was carried out for great sets of spectra recorded at various pH, concentration or temperature. For a few materials there is a chance for medical application. The results were published in 14 papers (impact 40.5) and four conference publications

    A kapszaicin-érzékeny szenzoros neuronok és a gyulladásos sejtek közötti kölcsönhatás vizsgálata normál és transzgenikus egerekben = Investigation of interactions between capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurones and inflammatory cells in normal and transgenic mice

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    A tranziens receptor potenciál vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptor szerepét vizsgáltuk oxazolonnal kiváltott kontakt dermatitisz modellen, egérfülön. Az oxazolon jelentős fülduzzadást okozott 24-72 h alatt, ami a TRPV1 receptor hiányos knockout egerekben szignifikáns mértékben fokozottabb volt. A KO egerek fülében a szövettani vizsgálatok is súlyosabb gyulladásos jeleket mutattak, valamint a TNF-alfa? mennyisége is megemelkedett. Az neurokinin 1 receptor és a calcitonin-gén rokon peptid (CGRP) genetikai hiánya viszont gátolta a gyulladás kifejlődését. Kísérleteinkkel igazoltuk a TRPV1 receptor protektiv hatását az allergiás kontakt dermatitisz kifejlődésére. A TRPV1 receptorok és a CGRP szerepét vizsgáltuk bleomycinnel indukált szkleroderma modellben. A lokális bleomycin kezelés jelentős bőrmegvastagodást és fibrózist okozott egerek hátbőrében a foszfát pufferrrel kezelt kontrollhoz képest. Az összetett szklerózis pontszám 18%-kal, a bőrvastagság 19%-kal, az alfa-SMA-pozitiv sejtek száma 47%-kal, a hydroxyprolin tartalom 57%-kal nagyobb volt a TRPV1 KO állatokban, mint a vadtípusú kontrollokban. Hasonlóan a szklerózis pontszám 47%-kal, a bőrvastagság 29%-kal, az alfa-SMA-pozitiv sejtek száma 76%-kal, a hydroxyprolin tartalom 30%-kal nagyobb volt a CGRP KO, mint a vad egerekben. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a TRPV1 receptor aktivációja olyan neuropeptidek felszabadulását okozza, melyek gátolják a fibrózist. A CGRP protektív szerepét bizonyítottuk a fibrózis kialakulásában. | The purpose of this study was to examine the involvement of the transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) in inflammatory processes observed in murine allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). Oxazolone-induced ACD evoked a significant ear swelling after 24-72h. It was augmented in TRPV1 knockout mice at all time points and supported by histological analysis and measure of TNF-?. However, tissue swelling and cytokine generation was significantly reduced in both neurokinin 1 receptor and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) knockout mice. A protective involvement of the TRPV1 receptor was identified of contact dermatitis distinct from mechanisms involving the major pro-inflammatory neuropeptides. Bleomycin treatment induced marked cutaneous thickening and fibrosis compared to the PBS-treated control group. Composite sclerosis score was 18%, dermal thickness 19%, number of ?-SMA-positive cells 47.2%, amount of hydroxyproline 57.5% higher in TRPV1-/- mice than in wild-type counterparts. Similarly, composite sclerosis score was 47%, dermal thickness 29%, number of ?-SMA-positive cells 76%, amount of hydroxyproline 30% higher in CGRP-/- mice than in the respective WT groups. These results suggest that activation of the TRPV1 receptor by inflammatory mediators induces sensory neuropeptide release, which might exert protective action against fibrosis. We confirmed the protective role of CGRP in the development of cutaneous sclerosis

    A telepek társadalma, telepi életmód: városi néprajzi jelenvizsgálat = Housing estate society and culture: a contemporary urban anthropological study

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    Városnéprajzi kutatásunkat azért fókuszáltuk a telepekre, mert a magyar néprajz a falusi közösségek vizsgálatánál megszerzett rutinját e „falu a városban” típusú közösségekben kamatoztatni tudtuk. Ugyanakkor, a telepek olyan városi közösségek, ahol az urbanizmus alapvető jelenségei (kapcsolatháló, köz- és magántér differenciálódása, életmód, mobilitás) jól kutathatóak. Az adatgyűjtés néprajzi-antropológiai jellegéből adódóan a kutatás primer forrásokon alapuló szinkron és diakron módszert részesítette előnyben, hangsúlyozva, különösen kiemelt hangsúlyt kapott az életútinterjú, mint forrás gyűjtése és elemzése (az értékrend, a mobilitás és az identitás szemszögéből), illetve a telepi térhasználat és az életmód rejtettebb dimenzióit feltáró résztvevő megfigyelő kutatói magatartás. Olyan telepeket választottunk, ahol a kutatás kapcsolathálójának kialakítása valamilyen előzményre felépíthető (valamiféle rutinnal rendelkeztek a terepen a kutatók). A kutatás kiemelt terepei és az alapvető kutatási kérdések: - Budapest, XIII. ker. OTI telep - a szomszédság; - Budapest, XIX. ker. Wekerle-telep - a téli ünnepkör; - Budapest, XIX. ker. Gazdagréti lakótelep - a lakásideál változása, negatív sztereotipizáció - Budapest környéki agglomerációs telepek (Gyömrő, Ócsa, Máriabesnyő, Piliscsaba, Üllő) - szuburbanizáció, közösségszerveződés - Borsodi munkáskolóniák - a hagyományos életforma és annak változása napjainkig | We investigated on some housing-estates in the various urban environment is Hungary, including traditional worker class estate, lower-middle class garden suburb, high-rise block of flats, and new-type apartment complex as well. The move to large-scale societies forces to a reconsideration of traditional anthropological methodology, the so-called ""participant observation"". Ethnographic work for a long time was understood as the close rapport with a small number of informants, which however is impossible in an urban context. We - as other urban anthropologists - therefore were required to extend their scope, to develop other skills and to take into account written materials, surveys, historical studies, novels and other sources. This did not necessarily imply a sacrifice to participant observation or holism. On the other hand, we made an anthropological comtemporary study (with interviews and direct observations). Our focus lying on the small-communities (like in traditional anthropology on the tribe or other social units) leads to a fragmentary picture of urban reality, and thus to an ""urban mosaic"". On the small scale end, studies were mainly focused on residential units. These housing-estates are cities in the city. Those inhabitats come from a common roots. We tried to understand the tactics and strategies of everyday life (familiar connections, consumption, communications, recreations activities, etc.)

    Decreased R:FR Ratio in Incident White Light Affects the Composition of Barley Leaf Lipidome and Freezing Tolerance in a Temperature-Dependent Manner

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    In cereals, C-repeat binding factor genes have been defined as key components of the light quality-dependent regulation of frost tolerance by integrating phytochrome-mediated light and temperature signals. This study elucidates the differences in the lipid composition of barley leaves illuminated with white light or white light supplemented with far-red light at 5 or 15 °C. According to LC-MS analysis, far-red light supplementation increased the amount of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol species 36:6, 36:5, and 36:4 after 1 day at 5 °C, and 10 days at 15 °C resulted in a perturbed content of 38:6 species. Changes were observed in the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine under white light supplemented with far-red light illumination at 15 °C, whereas robust changes were observed in the amount of several phosphatidylserine species at 5 °C. At 15 °C, the amount of some phosphatidylglycerol species increased as a result of white light supplemented with far-red light illumination after 1 day. The ceramide (42:2)-3 content increased regardless of the temperature. The double-bond index of phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine ceramide together with total double-bond index changed when the plant was grown at 15 °C as a function of white light supplemented with far-red light. white light supplemented with far-red light increased the monogalactosyldiacylglycerol/diacylglycerol ratio as well. The gene expression changes are well correlated with the alterations in the lipidome

    Lack of Small Intestinal Dysbiosis Following Long-Term Selective Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 by Rofecoxib in the Rat

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    Intestinal dysbiosis is linked to numerous gastrointestinal disorders, including inflammatory bowel diseases. It is a question of debate if coxibs, selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, cause dysbiosis. Therefore, in the present study, we aimed to determine the effect of long-term (four weeks) selective inhibition of COX-2 on the small intestinal microbiota in the rat. In order to avoid mucosal damage due to topical effects and inflammation-driven microbial alterations, rofecoxib, a nonacidic compound, was used. The direct inhibitory effect of rofecoxib on the growth of bacteria was ruled out in vitro. The mucosa-sparing effect of rofecoxib was confirmed by macroscopic and histological analysis, as well as by measuring the intestinal levels of cytokines and tight junction proteins. Deep sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA revealed that chronic rofecoxib treatment had no significant influence on the composition and diversity of jejunal microbiota. In conclusion, this is the first demonstration that long-term selective inhibition of COX-2 by rofecoxib does not cause small intestinal dysbiosis in rats. Moreover, inhibition of COX-2 activity is not likely to be responsible per se for microbial alterations caused by some coxibs, but other drug-specific properties may contribute to it

    Chronic treatment with rofecoxib but not ischemic preconditioning of the myocardium ameliorates early intestinal damage following cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats

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    There is some recent evidence that cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury induces intestinal damage within days, which contributes to adverse cardiovascular outcomes after myocardial infarction. However, it is not clear whether remote gut injury has any detectable early signs, and whether different interventions aiming to reduce cardiac damage are also effective at protecting the intestine. Previously, we found that chronic treatment with rofecoxib, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), limited myocardial infarct size to a comparable extent as cardiac ischemic preconditioning (IPC) in rats subjected to 30-min coronary artery occlusion and 120-min reperfusion. In the present study, we aimed to analyse the early intestinal alterations caused by cardiac I/R injury, with or without the above-mentioned infart size-limiting interventions. We found that cardiac I/R injury induced histological changes in the small intestine within 2 h, which were accompanied by elevated tissue level of COX-2 and showed positive correlation with the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), but not of MMP-9 in the plasma. All these changes were prevented by rofecoxib treatment. By contrast, cardiac IPC failed to reduce intestinal injury and plasma MMP-2 activity, although it prevented the transient reduction in jejunal blood flow in response to cardiac I/R. Our results demonstrate for the first time that rapid development of intestinal damage follows cardiac I/R, and that two similarly effective infarct size-limiting interventions, rofecoxib treatment and cardiac IPC, have different impacts on cardiac I/R-induced gut injury. Furthermore, intestinal damage correlates with plasma MMP-2 activity, which may be a biomarker for its early diagnosis

    Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency on Proliferation and Autophagy of Ovarian and Liver Tissues in a Rat Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    We aimed to examine the alterations of the insulin signaling pathway, autophagy, nitrative stress and the effect of vitamin D supplementation in the liver and ovaries of vitamin D deficient hyperandrogenic rats.Female Wistar rats received eight weeks of transdermal testosterone treatment and lived on a low vitamin D diet (D-T+). Vitamin D supplementation was achieved by oral administration of vitamin D3 (D+T+). Sham-treated (D+T-) and vitamin D deficient animals (D-T-) served as controls. (N = 10-12 per group).D-T+ animals showed decreased LC3 II levels in the liver and increased p-Akt/Akt and p-eNOS/eNOS ratios with decreased insulin receptor staining in the ovaries. Vitamin D supplementation prevented the increase of Akt phosphorylation in the ovaries. Vitamin D deficiency itself also led to decreased LC3 II levels in the liver and decreased insulin receptor staining in the ovaries. D-T+ group showed no increase in nitrotyrosine staining; however, the ovaries of D-T- rats and the liver of D+T+ animals showed increased staining intensity.Vitamin D deficiency itself might lead to disrupted ovarian maturation and autophagy malfunction in the liver. Preventing Akt phosphorylation may contribute to the beneficial effect of vitamin D treatment on ovarian function in hyperandrogenism

    Hidden Cardiotoxicity of Rofecoxib Can be Revealed in Experimental Models of Ischemia/Reperfusion

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    Cardiac adverse effects are among the leading causes of the discontinuation of clinical trials and the withdrawal of drugs from the market. The novel concept of 'hidden cardiotoxicity' is defined as cardiotoxicity of a drug that manifests in the diseased (e.g. ischemic/reperfused), but not in the healthy heart or as a drug-induced deterioration of cardiac stress adaptation (e.g. ischemic conditioning). Here, we aimed to test if the cardiotoxicity of a selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib that was revealed during its clinical use, i.e., increased occurrence of proarrhythmic and thrombotic events, could have been revealed in early phases of drug development by using preclinical models of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Rats that were treated with rofecoxib or vehicle for four weeks were subjected to 30 min. coronary artery occlusion and 120 min. reperfusion with or without cardioprotection that is induced by ischemic preconditioning (IPC). Rofecoxib increased overall the arrhythmias including ventricular fibrillation (VF) during I/R. The proarrhythmic effect of rofecoxib during I/R was not observed in the IPC group. Rofecoxib prolonged the action potential duration (APD) in isolated papillary muscles, which was not seen in the simulated IPC group. Interestingly, while showing hidden cardiotoxicity manifested as a proarrhythmic effect during I/R, rofecoxib decreased the infarct size and increased the survival of adult rat cardiac myocytes that were subjected to simulated I/R injury. This is the first demonstration that rofecoxib increased acute mortality due to its proarrhythmic effect via increased APD during I/R. Rofecoxib did not interfere with the cardiprotective effect of IPC; moreover, IPC was able to protect against rofecoxib-induced hidden cardiotoxicity. These results show that cardiac safety testing with simple preclinical models of I/R injury uncovers hidden cardiotoxicity of rofecoxib and might reveal the hidden cardiotoxicity of other drugs