16 research outputs found

    Minimal vertex covers on finite-connectivity random graphs - a hard-sphere lattice-gas picture

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    The minimal vertex-cover (or maximal independent-set) problem is studied on random graphs of finite connectivity. Analytical results are obtained by a mapping to a lattice gas of hard spheres of (chemical) radius one, and they are found to be in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. We give a detailed description of the replica-symmetric phase, including the size and the entropy of the minimal vertex covers, and the structure of the unfrozen component which is found to percolate at connectivity c≃1.43c\simeq 1.43. The replica-symmetric solution breaks down at c=e≃2.72c=e\simeq 2.72. We give a simple one-step replica symmetry broken solution, and discuss the problems in interpretation and generalization of this solution.Comment: 32 pages, 9 eps figures, to app. in PRE (01 May 2001

    Statistical mechanics of the vertex-cover problem

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    We review recent progress in the study of the vertex-cover problem (VC). VC belongs to the class of NP-complete graph theoretical problems, which plays a central role in theoretical computer science. On ensembles of random graphs, VC exhibits an coverable-uncoverable phase transition. Very close to this transition, depending on the solution algorithm, easy-hard transitions in the typical running time of the algorithms occur. We explain a statistical mechanics approach, which works by mapping VC to a hard-core lattice gas, and then applying techniques like the replica trick or the cavity approach. Using these methods, the phase diagram of VC could be obtained exactly for connectivities c<ec<e, where VC is replica symmetric. Recently, this result could be confirmed using traditional mathematical techniques. For c>ec>e, the solution of VC exhibits full replica symmetry breaking. The statistical mechanics approach can also be used to study analytically the typical running time of simple complete and incomplete algorithms for VC. Finally, we describe recent results for VC when studied on other ensembles of finite- and infinite-dimensional graphs.Comment: review article, 26 pages, 9 figures, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Frequency-Invariant Representation of Interaural Time Differences in Mammals

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    Interaural time differences (ITDs) are the major cue for localizing low-frequency sounds. The activity of neuronal populations in the brainstem encodes ITDs with an exquisite temporal acuity of about . The response of single neurons, however, also changes with other stimulus properties like the spectral composition of sound. The influence of stimulus frequency is very different across neurons and thus it is unclear how ITDs are encoded independently of stimulus frequency by populations of neurons. Here we fitted a statistical model to single-cell rate responses of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The model was used to evaluate the impact of single-cell response characteristics on the frequency-invariant mutual information between rate response and ITD. We found a rough correspondence between the measured cell characteristics and those predicted by computing mutual information. Furthermore, we studied two readout mechanisms, a linear classifier and a two-channel rate difference decoder. The latter turned out to be better suited to decode the population patterns obtained from the fitted model

    Dorsolateral head muscles of the catfish families Nematogenyidae and Trichomycteridae (Siluriformes: Loricarioidei): comparative anatomy and phylogenetic analysis

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    On the stochastic structure of globally supersymmetric field theories,

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    Finite nonabelian subgroups of SU(n) with analytic expressions for the irreducible representations and the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, J. Math. Phys. 21 (10) (1980) 2481