10 research outputs found

    A escola como sistema e a divisão de trabalho

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    A fim de se poder conhecer, analisar e controlar o que se passa dentro da escola e direcionar as inovações necessárias ao bom desempenho de suas funções, sem que se corra o risco de se tomar posições e medidas unilaterais e exclusivas a alguns setores, em desconsideração ou até detrimento de outros setores e do conjunto, é preciso que se a examine por meio de uma concepção sistêmica (Morphet, Johns e Reller, 1967)

    Using Accelerated Learning to Correct Student Flows: The Case of Paraná, Brazil

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    In 1995, the Brazilian Education Ministry took measures in an attempt to correct the flow of elementary education students in the Brazilian public schools. The program called ?Accelerated Learning? was designed as an alternative educational experience for those students who were two or more years behind in their schooling. It offered them an opportunity to have meaningful learning experiences and to overcome the age-grade discrepancy in their education. The Ministry of Education offered to support the States in carrying out these programs for their students, through technical assistance and financial resources for professional training schemes. Responding this call 25 out of the 27 federal units implemented such programs. This paper provides an overview of this program, at a national level, and describes an experiment conducted in the State of Paraná, where a specific case study was carried out to identify factors associated with the results of this kind of program. It is part of the study undertaken by IPEA-Institute of Research in Applied Economics, in partnership with Consed-National Council of State Secretaries and the Inter-American Development Bank - BID, which focused on these programs. The study was carried out from 2000 to 2005 and aimed at describing: the main characteristics and actions taken by such programs in the years 1998 to 2000; their results, as well as the process of their implementation and management by the State Secretariats of Education.