6 research outputs found

    Consumo de carne com gordura aparente em adultos de Cataguases-MG

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    Introdução e Objetivo: Dentre os alimentos que compõem a alimentação, a carne é um componente importante.  Apesar de serem ricas em nutrientes, deve-se evitar o consumo de carnes com gorduras visíveis. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a associação do consumo de gordura visível na carne em adultos com variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 357 adultos, na faixa etária de 20 a 35 anos. A variável dependente foi consumo excessivo de gordura aparente na carne e as variáveis exploratórias o sexo, idade, cor da pele, estado civil, renda mensal, nível de atividade física, tempo de tela, consumo de frutas, verduras ou legumes e de refrigerantes e o estado nutricional. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e a associação entre as variáveis foi realizada através da regressão de Poisson.  Resultados/Discussão: O consumo de gordura visível na carne foi relatado por 40,48% dos avaliados, estando o sexo feminino negativamente associado (RP 0,55 IC95% 0,41 – 0,75) enquanto o hábito de tomar refrigerantes 3 ou mais dias por semana esteve positivamente (RP 1,66 IC95% 1,22 – 2,26) ao consumo de gordura visível na carne. Após ajustes, o sexo feminino manteve-se negativamente associado (RP 0,58 IC95% 0,42 – 0,78) e o consumo de refrigerantes esteve positivamente associado (RP 1,60 IC95% 1,17 – 2,18) ao consumo de gordura visível na carne. Conclusão: O consumo de excesso de gordura visível na carne foi elevado, mantendo-se associado ao sexo e ao consumo de refrigerantes. Ações educativas devem ser implementadas para orientação quanto ao consumo excessivo de gorduras. ABSTRACT Consumption of meat with apparent fat in adults of Cataguases-MGIntroduction and Objective: Among the foods that make up the diet, meat is an important component. Although they are rich in nutrients, you should avoid eating meat with visible fats. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of visible fat intake in the meat in adults with sociodemographic and behavioral variables. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with 357 adults aged 20-35 years. The dependent variable was excessive consumption of apparent fat in the meat and the exploratory variables were sex, age, skin color, marital status, monthly income, level of physical activity, screen time, consumption of fruits, vegetables or soft drinks and nutritional status. Descriptive statistics were used and the association between the variables was performed through the Poisson regression. Results and Discussion: The consumption of visible fat in the meat was reported by 40.48% of the evaluated ones, being the female sex negatively associated (RP 0.55 95% CI 0.41 - 0.75) while the habit of taking 3 or more days per week was positively (RP 1.66 CI 95% 1.22 - 2.26) to the consumption of visible fat in meat. After adjustments, the female sex was negatively associated (RP 0.58 95% CI 0.42 - 0.78) and the consumption of soft drinks was positively associated (RP 1.60 CI 95% 1.17 - 2.18). consumption of visible fat in the meat. Conclusion: The consumption of excess fat visible in the meat was high, remaining associated with sex and the consumption of soft drinks. Educational actions should be implemented for guidance on excessive consumption of fats

    Issues in Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting Research: An Overview

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    This paper provides an analysis of some relevant issues in corporate social and environmentalreporting (CSER) research by way of review of relevant literature. Issues in the following twomain areas of CSER research are identified: the methodologies used to capture empirical dataon CSER; and how to theoretically interpret the trends of CSER. An overview of these issues isprovided and some clues to understand what is at stake are offered. We argue that the choice ofmethods used to collect empirical data on CSER depends upon the context in which the organisationsoperate and the purpose of the study to be made. Because of the large array of factorsaffecting companies’ decisions to engage in social responsibility activities and disclosure, theuse of multi-theoretical frameworks is proposed.  Copyright © www.iiste.or

    Avaliação sociológica de doentes com cancro do pulmão â Estudo casuístico em Internamento hospitalar** Estudo realizado no Serviço de Pneumologia (internamento) do Hospital de S. João do Porto, no âmbito dum protocolo com o ISSSP/Study carried out in the in-patient Pulmonology Department at S. João Hospital, Oporto, Portugal under an agreement with the ISSSP

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    Resumo: O cancro do pulmão era uma doença pouco conhecida até meados do século XX, altura em que se tornou numa das mais importantes causas de morbilidade e na mais importante causa de mortalidade, por cancro, do mundo actual. Hoje em dia, estimase que no mundo um milhão de pessoas morrem por ano devido ao cancro do pulmão, ou seja, perdese uma vida a cada 30 segundos.Sendo uma doença altamente incapacitante, a qualidade de vida destes doentes diminui de forma inevitável. São frequentes as readmissões no hospital devido ao aumento das incapacidades, a limitações da actividade, a restrições na participação e ao agravamento dos sintomas da doença que já não podem mais ser tratados em casa.Pretendemos com este estudo avaliar as incapacidades físicas e cognitivas e as necessidades sociais dos doentes com cancro do pulmão internados no Serviço de Pneumologia do Hospital de S. João â Porto.O nosso estudo foi efectuado com 68 doentes, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino, casados, com idade média de 63 anos, reformados, ex-fumadores. Estes encontravam-se maioritariamente dependentes, sendo a necessidade social mais frequente a atribuição do complemento por dependência.Para estes doentes, a família desempenha um papel crucial, tanto para o tratamento como para o processo de aceitação da doença, que marca uma nova etapa nas suas vidas.Compete aos assistentes sociais da Saúde desempenhar um papel de mediador entre os doentes e familiares e as várias instituições que poderão fornecer as respostas mais adequadas às necessidades sociais deste tipo de doentes.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (3): 283-305 Abstract: Lung cancer was a rare disease until the middle of the XX century, a time when it became one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in the actual world. Nowadays, it is esteemed that one million people all over the world die every year due to lung cancer, which means that a life is lost each 30 seconds.The quality of life of this patients decreases inevitably, being frequent hospital readmission due to the lack of conditions to lead a normal and painless life.The aim of this study was to evaluate physical and cognitive incapacity and the social needs of patients with lung cancer in the outpatient department of Hospital de S. João â Porto.Our study includes 68 patients, predominantly married male, with average age of 63, retired, ex-smokers. Moreover, they had high physical dependence degrees and the most frequent social need was the attribution of the âcomplemento por dependênciaâ.In this type of patients, the family has a very important role on which the treatment is concerned, as well as to the level of the personal adjustment of the patient to his disease.Itâs social workerâs job to play a mediating role between the patients and their relatives and the several institutions which can give better responses to the needs of this sort of patients.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (3): 283-305 Palavras-chave: Cancro do pulmão, incapacidades, necessidades sociais, dependência, Key words: Lung cancer, incapacity, social needs, dependenc

    Um caso de pneumotórax espontâneo recorrente

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    Resumo: O pneumotórax espontâneo é uma patologia rara na idade pediátrica estando, na maioria dos casos associado a um factor predisponente.Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma criança de 9 anos, com antecedentes de prematuridade e ventilação mecânica no período neonatal, internado por pneumotórax espontâneo. Apesar da melhoria clínica e radiológica significativa após drenagem pleural, verificou-se recorrência do pneumotórax cerca de três meses depois, identificando-se uma área de enfisema local e necessitando de tratamento cirúrgico.O caso clínico descrito distingue-se pela baixa frequência desta patologia neste grupo etário e pela eventual relação com os antecedentes neonatais da criança.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5): 693-697 Abstract: Spontaneous pneumothorax is a rare disease at paediatric age and in most cases is associated to predisposing factors.The authors present a case of spontaneous pneumothorax in a 9 year-old child with a history of prematurity and mechanical ventilation at neonatal stage.In spite of clinical and radiological improvement after pleural drainage, pneumothorax recurred three months later and emphysema was identified, leading to surgery.This case is important due to the rarity of the disease in this age group and its possible relation to prior neonatal medical history.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5): 693-697 Palavras-chave: Pneumotórax espontâneo, recidiva, criança, ventilação mecânica, Key-words: Spontaneous pneumothorax, recurrence, child, mechanical ventilatio

    Effect of mineral supplementation on live weight of nelore heifers

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    Brazilian soils generally suffer from mineral deficiency, so that pasture alone cannot supply the mineral requirements of beef cattle, mainly during the animals’ growth phase, after weaning, when there is a high need for mineral salt supplementation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two types of mineral supplements on the weight of Nellore heifers, from weaning until 22 months of age. The research project was developed at the APTA Beef Cattle Center of the Institute of Zootechnics. Eighty-four Nellore heifers from the Traditional and Selected herds belonging to the Animal Science Institute, Sertãozinho, SP, were used, with average age of eight months at the beginning of the experiment in May 2016. Half of the heifers were kept in pastures receiving a commercial mineral supplement (TEST), while another 46 heifers were kept in pastures receiving blocks of mineral supplement with molasses from Caltech-Crystalyx (CRY), an English company. Both supplements were formulated for the dry season or wet season. The mineral supplement intake of each group was recorded weekly, by weighing the total product offered and left over. The animals were weighed every 28 days and afterwards the animals switched from one pasture to the other. The intake of the supplement varied greatly during the experiment. The animals that received supplementation in the form of CRY blocks presented average consumption levels of 189; 214 and 225 g animal-1 day-1 , while the consumption levels of the TEST group were 100; 67 and 87 g animal-1, day-1, from June to November 2016; from November 2016 to April 2017 and from May to August 2017, respectively. The CRY group had significantly higher weights (P0.05) between the supplements. The weights found for CRY heifers were 249.0 ± 4.61; 264.9 ± 5.04; 298.5 ± 5.25; 358.54 ± 6.03 kg animal-1, and for TEST heifers were 233.84 ± 4.65; 251.56 ± 5.07; 282.42 ± 5.28 and 339.32 ± 5.98 kg animal-1, for the ages of 14, 15, 17 and 20 months, respectively. In conclusion, the CRY group obtained better results regarding weight gain and maintenance than the animals in the TEST group

    Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance of the nellore breed

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    Brazil is one of the biggest beef producers in the world, and several factors of the productive chain are important, among them animal nutrition because of the impact of its costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate primiparous Nellore cows’ weight loss due to delivery and body condition score (BCS) of three groups with different initial weight, receiving two different mineral supplementations. The research project was developed at the APTA Beef Cattle Center of the Institute of Zootechnics during 180 days, beginning in the dry season and ending in the wet season. The animals were divided into two treatments, one receiving mineral blocks with addition of molasses from Caltech-Crystalyx (CRY), an English company, and the other, the control, receiving mineral supplement mix (CONTROL). Both treatments had additional protein included during the dry season. Initially, the pregnant cows were classified into three groups, with initial weight between 350 and 400 kg (G1), 401 and 500 kg (G2), and 501 and 590 kg (G3). Seventeen 17 primiparous cows of the Nellore breed were in the CRY group and 19 primiparous cows in CONTROL group. During the experiment, the  were weighed twice, 30 days before and 30 days after parturition, to calculate the lost weight. The BSC was assigned at parturition and 150 days after parturition (1 = extremely slim, 9 = extremely fat). A 3x2 factorial The experimental design was used. The SAS program was used through the Mixed command, considering as fixed effects the supplement, group of cows by weight and the interaction between them. The animal was considered a random effect. The supplement intake was controlled weekly and no statistical analysis was performed. The average of CRY supplement intake varied from 0.077 to 0.821 kg/animal/day. The CONTROL supplement intake varied from 0.055 to 0.370 kg/animal/day. The loss of weight was affected by the supplement (P = 0.0384), group of cow (P = 0.009) and interaction between supplement and group(P = 0.0221). No difference was found for delivery weigh loss only for the group of lightest cows (67 ± 1.23 kg for G1 CRY x 67 ± 1.09 kg for G1 CONTROL). The heaviest cows lost more weight in the CONTROL (G3 = 113 ± 1.83 kg) compared to the CRY group (G3 = 78 ± 1.64 kg). Regarding parturition, no effect was found for BSC between CRY and CONTROL (P = 0.3120) or interaction between treatments and group (P = 0.0722), but there was an effect of the group of cows (P = 0.0272). The BSC was 4.9 ± 0.25 for G1, 5.9 ± 0.21 for G2 and 5.9 ± 0.23 for G3. A significant effect was also observed of supplementation for BSC at 150 days after delivery (P = 0.0198) and group of cows (P = 0.0021), but no effect was observed for the interaction between treatment and group (P = 0.3750). The results were 5.52 ± 0.18 and 4.90 ± 0.16 for CRY and CONTROL and 4.6 ± 0.25; 5.0 ± 0.19 and 6.0 ± 0.23 for G1, G2 and G3, respectively. The CRY supplementation minimized the loss of weight because of parturition and improved the BSC, resulting in the best performance for primiparous Nellore cows