1,400 research outputs found

    Desain Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Pemilahan Sampah Organik Dan Anorganik Berdasarkan Persepsi Ibu - Ibu Rumah Tangga

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    Saat ini, volume sampah yang tinggi di Jakarta merupakan salah satu masalah penting bagi masyarakat Jakarta Timur. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Kebersihan Pemerintah Jakarta Timur, ada sekitar 30% dari volume sampah yang tidak dikirim ke TPA per hari. Masalah ini berkaitan dengan kurangnya pendidikan tentang pentingnya pemisahan sampah oleh sebagian besar warga. Aturan pemerintah tentang pengelolaan sampah masih belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Suatu lembaga konseling terpadu yang mengelola sampah untuk semua komponen di masyarakat diperlukan untuk memberikan hasil yang optimal. Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah harus melibatkan ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan harus menerapkan Pemerintah Peraturan Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 tentang tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan jenis sampah rumah tangga yang lain. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan sistem pemisahan pengelolaan sampah terpadu, volume sampah akan dturunkan sebesar 33%. Penurunan ini disebabkan karena daur ulang sampah anorganik. Melalui cara ini, pemerintah Jakarta hanya perlu untuk mengelola sampah organik yang yang terdiri 67% dari semua limbah. Ini adalah suatu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah volume sampah di Jakart

    Strategi Employee Relations Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Dan Citra Pada PT Kereta Api (Persereo)

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    PT Kereta Api (Persero) is a state-owned company engages in the ground transportationservice. To maintain the existence and compete with other transport services is required toprovide optimum service to the community as the train service users to be satisfied with theservices provided by doing a variety of efforts to improve the quality of service for rail serviceusers through various strategies. One of them is an employee relations strategy to improve employeeperformance and company image, because the employees are the spearhead of a companythat have an important role for the progress of the company.This study aims to determine the program or employee relations activities organized bypublic relations to improve employee performance and image of the PT Kereta Api (Persero), tosee the strategy and planning of public relations and employee relations programs especially toimprove employee performance and company image, to know the media used and the constraintsin the implementation of employee relations programs.The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research, it is conducted bycollecting factual information that describes existing phenomena, and then identified in order toget a description that can be evaluated. Formulation data with interviews conducted with resourcepersons, observation and literature study.Based on the research conducted, it can be seen employee relations strategies that run onPT Kereta Api (Persero) is divided into programs that consist of various activities, includingprogram management and development of quality human resources, employee welfare programs,socialization programs corporate culture, achievement motivation programs, special events programs,and internal communications media programs. The results from studies show that employeerelations strategies in the PTKeretaApi (Persero) have been regarded as fairly successfulrun because it gives a fairly good response from the employee, be accepted by the employee andthe employee has been satisfied with the various activities organized by public relations at PTKereta Api (Persero). Public Relations of PT Kereta Api (Persero) play a role in establishing andmaintaining good relations and mutual understanding between the company and public so thatcan create a positive image of the company. For that reasons employee relations should beestablished well in order to provide satisfactory service to customers. The most important elementin employee relations is communication employees

    Analisis Pola Interferensi Celah Banyak Untuk Menentukan Panjang Gelombang Laser He-ne Dan Laser Dioda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan panjang gelombang laser He-Ne dan laser dioda merah melalui analisis pola interferensi celah banyak dan mengamati pengaruh jumlah celah terhadap pola interferensi celah banyak. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan variasi jarak layar (L) dan variasi jarak antar celah (d) untuk menentukan panjang gelombang laser He-Ne dan laser dioda merah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panjang gelombang laser He-Ne dan laser dioda merah berturut-turut sebesar (626 ± 6,79) nm dan (518 ± 19,5) nm untuk variasi jarak layar. Panjang gelombang laser He-Ne dan laser dioda merah berturut-turut sebesar (441 ± 2,71) nm dan (500 ± 1,71) nm untuk variasi jarak antar celah. Tidak terdapat perbedaan pola interferensi antara laser He-Ne dan laser dioda merah meskipun menggunakan jumlah celah berbeda

    Elderly Visit Routines to Elderly Integrated Service Post in the Working Area of Payung Sekaki Community Health Center, Pekanbaru City 2017

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      Posyandu elderly is integrated service kanggo general public wis agreed, sing dikendakan dening ngendi people they can get health services. In Indonesia based on Health Facilities Research (Rifaskes) in 2011 the national kanthi percentage of pus nenwsh health center posyandu elderly yaiku 78.8%. The number of posyandu elderly in the city of Pekanbaru yaiku 92 posyandu elder saka 20 puskesmas sing ana ing Pekanbaru city. The purpose of this research is to know the factors related to routine visit of elderly to posyandu elderly that is knowledge factor, attitude, family support, role of health worker, role of cadre, work, education and age. The type of research used is quantitative analytic observasional. The research design used was analytic cross sectional study. The population is all elderly in working area of health center of sekas kota Pekanbaru with sample of 210 people. The results showed that low knowledge had 4 times more risk to not regularly visit to posyandu elderly. The results showed that low knowledge had 4 times more risk to not regularly visit to posyandu elderly. The conclusion in this research is there is a causal relationship between knowledge with routine visit of elderly to posyandu elderly. It is recommended that the elderly improve the knowledge of posyandu elderly and the benefits of visiting elderly parachute services and suggested to Payung Sekaki Health Center Pekanbaru to provide counseling and socialization about posyandu elderly to elderly people. &nbsp
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