15 research outputs found

    Role of the bryophytes in substrate revitalization on a post-technogenic salinized territory

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    This work aims to investigate the role of the bryophyte cover in substrate revitalization on a post-technogenic salinized territory. The influence of the moss cover on the organic carbon content, actual acidity, redox potential, and the content of the main ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms in the substrate of the tailings storage of the Stebnyk Mining and Chemical Enterprise "Polymineral" was investigated. Bryophytes significantly affect the tailings storage saline substrates. They colonize areas with a very strong and strong degree of salinity, which are unsuitable for other plants. It was indicated that pioneer moss species promote the accumulation of organic matter in saline substrates of the tailings storage. Under moss turfs, the amount of organic carbon increased 2.2–5.0 times, compared with its content in the uncovered substrate. The high variability of the organic matter content is determined by the species characteristics of mosses, primarily their life form. The dense-turf species Didymodon rigidulus and Pthychostomum pseudotriquetrum var. bimum accumulated the most organic matter. The thickness of the litter under the moss turf of these species was much greater than in Barbula unguiculata and Funaria hygrometrica, which form loose turf. We assessed the specificity of the accumulation of organic carbon in the turfs of the studied mosses. It founded that most organic matter accumulated in the dead parts of the moss turf. In the green parts of the shoots of these moss species the amount of organic carbon was 3–4 times less, which indicates a relationship between litter capacity and content of carbon in the substrate under moss turfs. We investigated the influence of mosses on the actual acidity of the tailings storage substrate. Moss turfs promote the increase of acidity of the aqueous solution of the tailings substrate by 0.2–0.5 units. The tailings storage substrates are characterized by a reduction regime. The redox potential of the substrate under moss cover significantly depended on the species characteristics of mosses. Under the moss cover, the redox potential increased by 1.2–1.4 times, compared with the index for the substrate without moss cover. We studied the influence of moss cover on microbial biomass and the quantity of some ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms in the substrates of the tailings storage. The amount of microbial biomass under moss turfs increased depending on the degree of the substrate salinization and the species characteristics of the mosses. In areas with a very high degree of salinization under the moss turfs of Didymodon rigidulus and Funaria hygrometrica, the microbial biomass index increased almost two times, compared with the uncovered substrate. We found a significant increase in the quantity of the main ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms (saprophytes, cellulose-destroying bacteria, oligonitrophils and nitrogen fixers) in the substrate under the moss cover. Thus, pioneer moss species have a complex effect on the saline substrate of tailings storage. They accumulate organic matter, increase the acidity of the upper layer, improve the redox regime of the substrate and promote the development of soil microbiota

    Ecological and physiological peculiarities of bryophytes on a post-technogenic salinized territory

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    Taxonomic, biomorphological and ecological structures of bryophytes, their reproductive strategy and the main mechanisms of tolerance in the conditions of salinization were investigated. Bryophytes are the pioneers that have colonized the territory of a tailing storage that holds liquid waste from potassium-magnesium concentrate production of the Mining and Chemical Enterprise "Polymineral". Due to excess salts, the soil solution in the shore area of the tailing pond acquires high osmotic pressure. Three experimental plots which differed significantly in the level of the substrate salinity were laid at the distance of 3, 6 and 9 m from the reservoir for experimental studies. Water extracts of the substrates from the test sites showed the highest concentrations for sulfates – 10.4–64.6 mg Eq/100 g of soil and chlorides – 7.6–43.3 mg Eq/100 g of soil. It was established that the investigated areas of the tailing storage territory differed in the biochemical activity of the substrate, which was evaluated by its redox potential. On the areas of the uncovered substrate it was the lowest – 230 mV, which indicates anaerobiosis in conditions of very high salinization and moisture. Higher ROP values were determined at the sites of bryophyte cover distribution – 295–330 mV. The aim of the study was to determine the features of taxonomic, biomorphological and ecological structures of bryophytes, their reproductive strategy and to establish the main mechanisms of adaptation to the conditions of salinization on the tailing storage territory. 24 species and 3 varieties of bryophytes, belonging to 12 families and 16 genera were found on the shore of the tailing storage pond. The results of biomorphological and ecological analysis of bryophytes indicate the uneven conditions of the habitats and their considerable ecological plasticity. Among the bryophytes, mesophytes, xeromesophytes and meso-eutrophs, eutrophs with a life-form of low dense and loose turf dominated. In salinization conditions, dioicous acrocarpous mosses prevailed, the fertile turf of which, depending on the influence of abiotic factors, differed significantly in the number of sexual shoots, their ratio and productivity. Bulbils were found only on the tips of Bryum argenteum shoots. Along with Salicornia europaea L., a euhalophyte, the leading role in the initial stage of overgrowth of the tailing storage area most often belonged to Didymodon rigidulus, Bryum argenteum, Funaria hygrometrica and Barbula unguiculata. The process of formation of bryophyte cover occurred along a gradient of decrease in salt concentration at the experimental sites. Adaptation of bryophytes to substrate salinity is due to a change in metabolic processes, which is manifested in an increase of the total content of carbohydrates and an increase of the cation exchange capacity of moss cell walls, which is the primary barrier that reduces the toxic effect of ions under salt stress

    Bryophytes on the devastated territories of sulphur deposits and their role in restoration of dump substrate

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    Bryophytes possess a wide ecological diapason allowing them to populate substrates of technogenic origins which are scarcely suitable or completely unsuitable for viability of vascular plants. 49 bryophyte species, which belong to 2 divisions, 3 classes, 8 orders, 17 families, and 33 genera have been found on the dump territory of sulphur extraction of the mining-chemical enterprise “Sirka” (Yavoriv district, Lviv region). Seven transects, three on the north slope (base, slope, top), three on the south slope and one on the plateau were laid for sample selections. 20 investigated 0.5 × 0.5 m plots located 2 m apart were analyzed within each 10 × 10 m transect. Specific composition, life forms, projective cover, biomass of bryophytes, numbers of male, female and sterile plants, moisture content in the turfs, pH and physiological investigation of mosses were determined on each plot. The quantitative analysis of the biomorphological structure allowed us to establish the dependence of the spread of life forms on exposition and slope height; essential variability of the projective cover and moss biomass. Bryophyte cover plays an essential part in optimization of the moisture regime and surface layer temperature of technogenic substrates, improving the conditions of growth localities. We established that on the dump the dominant moss species are dioecious with a high level of reproductive effort (sexual and sexless), with short ontogenesis and age of first reproduction, which provides the chance to produce the maximum number of progeny in the minimum period and to form a complete moss cover. The analysis of seasonal moss photosynthesis dynamics has demonstrated the adaptability of moss photosynthetic apparatus to contrasting climatic conditions and the ability to support the intensity of photosynthetic processes on a rather stable level during the vegetative period. Our research showed that bryophytes play an important role in productivity of plant cover on the post-technogenic territories of sulphur extraction. It was found that bryophytes play a role in accumulation of organic carbon and biogenic elements in the substrate of the sulphur extraction dump . Carrying out research of specific composition dynamics and species activity is the precondition for revealing the essence of the dynamic processes taking place in the structure of the bryophyte communities on devastated territories and the influence of these processes on the formation of vegetation on dump complexes

    Optimization of Diagnostic and Treatment Tactics Regarding Impacted Lower Third Molars with the Employment of Author’s Program of Computer Modelling

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    Introduction. A significant percentage of intra- and postoperative complications requires the search for the new approaches to making a decision on the appropriateness and choice of methods for atypical removal of the lower third molars, namely, the definition of objective criteria for preoperative prognosis of the complexity and trauma of the surgical intervention. Searching for the new approaches in making decision for removal and giving preference to this or that method of atypical removal is forced by continuously great number of intra- and postoperative complications. One of the main issues to consider is the determination of objective methods to predict the difficulty and level of injury of surgical removal. Aim. Based on the analysis of the current publications on the issue of the diagnosis and treatment regarding the retained lower third molars, the re is proposed an author program using computer modeling of retention and operations in cases of the atypical removal of teeth. Material and methods. Taking into account previously published research results and own previous long experience on the operation of atypical removal of lower “wisdom teeth”, we initiated the creation and introduction into clinical practice of computer the programs «X-ray analyzer» for the diagnosis of the retention of lower third molars, planning and prognosing of the course of the operation on their removal and analysis of possible postoperative complications, etc., on which we have received a patent of Ukraine for utility model. Results. Hence, we created and implemented a computer program for the evaluation of the mandibular third molar impaction and planning of their atypical removal. Using this program surgeon improves preoperative evaluation of the impacted third molars, reduces operative complications, operative time, postoperative complications (in particular pain, swelling, and trismus), and consequently postoperative period after the atypical removal of mandibular third molars. Therefore besides the convenience in using of the above mentioned program in everyday practice of experienced dental surgeon, it is highly valuable assistant for young specialists and is a great way of the visualization for students during the educational process. Conclusions. Planning of the operation of atypical removal of the lower third molars requires the consideration of a number of general-somatic and local clinical characteristics, the ability to interpret the anatomical structure of the tooth and the adjacent structures on X-ray diffraction and computer tomography, prediction of all possible complications for the safe operation and avoiding complications in the postoperative period, possession with a variety of surgical techniques. The computer program we have created pays attention of dental surgeons to the most advanced characteristics at the stages of diagnosis, surgical intervention and rehabilitation period, which helps to reduce the time of operation, the number of intra- and postoperative complications

    Myocardial Hibernation in Patients with Arterial Hypertension and Ischemic Heart Disease as a Cause of Heart Failure

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    Introduction. Myocardial hibernation refers to “new ischemic syndromes,” which in recent years have increasingly attracted the attention of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. Hibernation includes a number of adaptive responses: inhibition of metabolic processes to more complex and lengthy pathophysiological changes that lead to myocardial contractile weakness, and their degeneration of cardiomyocytes and their apoptosis. Aim. To find out the pathophysiological mechanisms of occurrence and ultrastructural signs of cardiomyocyte hibernation in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and myocardial infarction (MI), as well as the role of hibernation in the occurrence of heart failure (HF). To determine the dependence of segmental disorders of the left ventricular myocardial contractility (hypokinesia, akinesia, dyskinesia) on the presence of hybridized cardiomyocytes and to reveal the duration of their life. Materials and methods. For 36 patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease were examined, were examined the ultrastructure of myocardial biopsy material (n = 10) obtained during coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and aneurysmectomy, as well as express neoplastic lesions (n​​= 26) in those who died of heart attack. Myocardial biopsies were obtained during the execution of the CABG for angina pectoris (n = 10) or ventriculoplasty in combination with CABG (n = 6). Ultra-structured study of 10 myocardial biopsies during CABG and ventriculoplasty, as well as 26 express-necropsies of the myocardium of those died due to the MI who were ill with hypertension were made. Results. It has been determined that hypertrophy and cardiomyocyte hybridization correlate with the severity of hypertension, MI, besides necrosis, causes stunning, hypertension, apoptosis, and necrosis of cardiomyocytes, mainly in the parainfarction and intact regions of the left venticle. The hepatized cardiomyocytes (irreversibly altered, hybridized cardiomyocytes containing α-glucogens) were first detected. The correlation between the percentage of remodulated cells (from 50.0 to > 75.0%) and the emergence of segmental lesions of the contractility of left ventricle (hypo-, aki-, dyskinesia), which leads to acute and chronic HF was found. Conclusions. Myocardial hibernation is a clinically important syndrome, which is often accompanied, under certain circumstances, by the transient left ventricle dysfunction. It is important to consider it in clinical practice, since hibernation is present in patients with almost all forms of coronary heart disease and requires both medical and surgical treatment

    Determining of Treatment Tactic and Planning of Atypical Removal of Asymptomatic and Without Any Pathological Changes Impacted Mandibular Third Molars

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    Introduction. Management of the asymptomatic and without any pathological changes impacted mandibular third molars should be based on a detailed assessment of all advantages and risks. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis based on the clinical and radiologic data and to prognose the eruption or pathological changes appearance. While the number of asymptomatic and without any pathological changes impacted mandibular third molars is approximately 80.0 %, the question of prophylactic removal is actual. Simultaneously, a considerable prevalence of mandibular third molar impaction in the clinical practice of dental surgeon causes careless attitude to the stage of atypical removal planning. This provokes unpredictable prolongation of operative time, postoperative period, intra- and postoperative complications, which arise in 30.0–40.0 % of the cases. The aim of our study was to create an algorithm for determining of the treatment strategy for patients with asymptomatic and without any pathological changes impacted mandibular third molars and create scheme of their atypical removal in accordance to the clinical case. Material and research methods. With the aim of correct management of asymptomatic and without any pathological changes impacted mandibular third molars a number of criterion were collected and classified. In order to perform a correct planning, prediction of atypical removal and analysis of potential postoperative complications we created a computer program ″Xray analyzer″. Results of the investigation and their discussion. 21 criteria written in the table (table 1) give us a possibility to find out a proper treatment tactic, namely removal of lower third molar. For planning the operation we used the computer program ″Хray analyzer″ which helped us to shorten the time of operation and avoid the intra- and postoperative complications. Conclusion. Created algorithm of clinical and radiologic examination of the patients helps in indicated clinical case to set indications for correct management of asymptomatic and without any pathological changes impacted mandibular third molar. Detailed diagnostic and operation planning with the help of computer program considerably simplify operation process and reduce the intra- and postoperative complications


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    Objective. To determine the role of occupational hazards as a risk factor for the left ventricle remodeling and left ventricle function reduction in patients following acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI).Material and methods. Prospective study included 244 STEMI patients, 119 patients were observed in outpatient clinic for 5 years. We took into account the history of occupationally harmful work. The functional state of the myocardium has been determined (according to the electrocardiographic study). The ultrastructure of cardiomiocites of peri- cicatricial regions of the left ventricle aneurism, obtained during surgical procedure – aortocoronary shunting with aneurism resection, was investigated.Results. We have established that in STEMI patients with occupational hazards ejection fraction of the left ventricle is significantly lower and its improvement on hospital stage becomes less noticeable, whilst chronic aneurisms of the left ventricle are more often formed. The ultrastructure examination of regions near the scars revealed more cells in hibernation and apoptosis, which often die by apoptosis.Conclusions. The long-term harmful effect of technogenic xenobiotics on cardiomyocytes increases their predisposition to develop hibernation, apoptosis and secondary necrosis. Myocardial revascularization improves its perfusion and improves the function of cardiomyocytes and myocardium in general.Цель работы: вияснить роль профессионально-вредного труда как фактора риска ремоделирования миокарда и ухудшения его функционального сосотояния после перенесенного острого инфаркта миокарда с элевацией сегмента ST.Материалы и методы: 244 пациента с острым инфарктом миокарда с элевацией сегмента ST наблюдали на стационарном этапе лечения, 119 из них – в течение 5 лет в амбулаторных условиях. Учитывали наличие в анамнезе профессионально-вредного труда. Выясняли функциональное состояние миокарда (согласно результатам эхокардиографического обследования). Исследовали ультраструктуру кардиомиоцитов перирубцовых участков аневризмы левого желудочка, полученных во время оперативного вмешательства - аортокоронарного шунтирования с резекцией аневризмы.Результаты. Установлено, что у пациентов с профессионально-вредным трудом при возникновении острого инфаркта миокарда достоверно ниже фракция выброса левого желудочка, менее ощутима ее положительная динамика в течение стационарного этапа лечения и в условиях амбулаторной послеинфарктной реабилитации, чаще формируется хроническая аневризма левого желудочка. При ультраструктурном исследовании кардиомиоцитов перирубцовых участков аневризмы выяснено, что в этих лиц значительно больше гибернированных и апоптично измененных клеток, которые нередко поддаются вторичному некрозу.Выводы. Длительное повреждающее влияние техногенных ксенобиотиков на кардиомиоциты повышает их склонность к гибернации, апоптозу и вторичному некрозу. Реваскуляризация миокарда с улучшением его перфузии способствует восстановлению функционального состояния кардиомиоцитов и миокарда в целом.Мета роботи - з’ясувати роль професійно-шкідливої праці як фактора ризику ремоделювання міокарда та погіршення його функціонального стану після перенесеного гострого інфаркту міокарда з елевацією сегмента ST.Матеріали і методи. У проспективне дослідження залучено 244 пацієнти з гострим інфарктом міокарда з елевацією сегмента ST, 119 з яких спостерігали впродовж 5 років в амбулаторних умовах. Враховували наявність в анамнезі професійно-шкідливої праці. З’ясовували функціональний стан міокарда (згідно результатів електрокардіографічного обстеження). Досліджували ультраструктуру кардіоміоцитів перирубцевих ділянок аневризми лівого шлуночка, отриманих під час оперативного втручання - аортокоронарного шунтування з резекцією аневризми.Результати. Встановлено, що у пацієнтів із професійно-шкідливою працею при виникненні гострого інфаркту міокарда достовірно нижча фракції викиду лівого шлуночка, менш відчутна її позитивна динаміка упродовж стаціонарного етапу лікування та в умовах амбулаторної післяінфарктної реабілітації, частіше формується хронічна аневризма лівого шлуночка. При ультраструктурному дослідженні кардіоміоцитів перирубцевих ділянок аневризми з’ясовано, що в цих осіб значно більша кількість гібернованих та апоптично змінених клітин, які нерідко гинуть шляхом вторинного некрозу.Висновки. Тривалий пошкоджуючий вплив техногенних ксенобіотиків на кардіоміоцити підвищує їх схильність до гібернації, апоптозу і вторинного некрозу. Реваскуляризація міокарда з покращенням його перфузії сприяє відновленню функціонального стану кардіоміоцитів та міокарда в цілому

    Діагностичне значення N-кінцевого фрагмента попередника мозкового натрійуретичного пептиду і стимулюючого фактора росту в пацієнтів з гострим коронарним синдромом

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    Aim. To determine levels of stimulating growth factor (ST2) and its correlation with levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (Nt-proBNP) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Materials and methods. 186 patients with admitting diagnosis of ACS were examined (81 with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and 86 with non ST-segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)). For futher investigation we choose 25 patients (mean age 61,67±1,13) with STEMI (group I) and 24 patients (mean age 61,80±1,13) with NSTEMI (group II). In serum of those patients we determined levels of NT-proBNP and ST2 on days 1 and 10 of hospitalisation using a commercial assays (Biomedica, Slovakia and Critical Diagnostics, USA respectively).Results. On the day 1 of hospitalisation patients with STEMI showed higher serum levels of NT-proBNP (779,41±57,86 pg/ml (I)) in comparison with NSTEMI group (588,96±82,47pg/ml (II)) (р>0,05). On the day 10th of hospitalisation mean levels of NT-proBNP were 369,75±55,22 pg/ml (І) and 139,95±19,57 pg/ml (ІІ) respectively (p<0,01). Level of ST2 was significantly increased in the serum of patients with STEMI on the day 1 of hospitalisation as compared with NSTEMI group (111,71±12,41 ng/ml (I) and 77,58±6,5 ng/ml (ІІ), р<0,05) respectively. On day 10th of hospitalisation in serum of patient from group I ST2 levels were 33,43±4,38 ng/ml whereas in participants from group II ST2 levels were 30,20±2,05 ng/ml (р>0,05). We have shown a strong linear correlation between serum levels of ST2 and NT-proBNP in patients with STEMI (I) on first and 10th days of hospitalisations (r=0,43 and r=0,85; p<0,05 respectively). In group II levels of those markers correlates considerably weaker (r=0,35 and r=0,01; p>0,05).Conclusions. Increased level of NT-proBNP corresponds to the size of necrotic area in myocardial infarction, whereas level of ST2 correlates with severity of heart insufficiency symptoms by ACS. Increased levels of both ST2 and NT-proBNP allows to predict disease progression and possible complicationsЦель – определить диагностическую ценность определения показателя стимулирующего фактора роста (ST2) у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом (ОКС) и его корреляционную связь с уровнем N-конечного фрагмента предшественника мозгового натрийуретического пептида (NT-proBNP).Материалы и методы. Обследовано 186 пациентов с ОКС, среди них 81 лицо с ОКС с элевацией сегмента ST (ОКСэлST) и 86 лиц – с ОКС без элевации сегмента ST (ОКСбэлST). Для более детального исследования было отобрано 25 пациентов в возрасте 61,67±1,13 лет с ОКСэлST (І группа) и 24 пациента в возрасте 61,80±1,13 лет с ОКСбэлST (ІІ группа). У них дополнительно определяли концентрацию NT-proBNP и ST2 в сыворотке крови иммуноферментным методом при поступлении в стационар и на 10-е сутки заболевания с помощью тест-систем фирм Biomedica (Словакия) и Presage ST2 assay (Critical Diagnostics, США) соответственно.Результаты. При поступлении в стационар средние уровни NT-proBNP были выше у пациентов с ОКСэлST (779,41±57,86 пг/мл (І)), в сравнении с пациентами с ОКСбэлST (588,96±82,47 пг/мл (ІІ), р>0,05). При повторном определении NT-proBNP на 10-е сутки пребывания в стационаре средние уровни показателей составляли 369,75±55,22 пг/мл (І) против 139,95±19,57 пг/ мл (ІІ) соответственно (p<0,01). Уровень ST2 в сыворотке крови пациентов с ОКСэлST при поступлении в стационар достоверно превышал соответствующие показатели у лиц с ОКСбэлST (111,71±12,41 нг/мл (І) против 77,58±6,5 нг/мл (ІІ), р<0,05). При повторном определении средний уровень ST2 у пациентов I группы составлял 33,43±4,38 нг/мл, а у лиц ІІ группы – 30,20±2,05 нг/мл (р>0,05). Установлена достоверная прямая корреляционная связь средней и высокой силы между уровнями ST2 и NT-proBNP у пациентов с ОКСэлST (І) при поступлении и на 10-е сутки пребывания в стационаре (r=0,43 и r=0,85 при p<0,05 соответственно). У лиц с ОКСбэлST (ІІ) корреляционная связь между указанными показателями была значительно слабее (r=0,35 и r=0,01 при p>0,05).Выводы. Увеличение уровня NT-proBNP пропорционально размеру участка некроза при остром инфаркте миокарда. Kонцентрация ST2 коррелирует с тяжестью симптомов сердечной недостаточности при остром коронарном синдроме. Одновременное повышение показателей ST2 и NT-proBNP позволяет прогнозировать ход заболевания и развитие сердечно-сосудистых осложнений.Мета – з’ясувати діагностичну цінність визначення показника стимулюючого фактора росту (ST2) у пацієнтів з гострим коронарним синдромом (ГКС) та його кореляційний зв’язок з рівнем N-кінцевого фрагмента попередника мозкового натрійуретичного пептиду (NT-proBNP).Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 186 пацієнтів з ГКС, з них 81 особа з ГКС з елевацією сегмента ST (ГКСелST) і 86 осіб – з ГКС без елевації сегмента ST (ГКСбелST). Для детальнішого дослідження було відібрано 25 пацієнтів у віці 61,67±1,13 років із ГКСелST (І група) і 24 пацієнти віком 61,80±1,13 років з ГКСбелST (ІІ група). У них додатково визначали концентрацію NT-proBNP та ST2 у сироватці крові імуноферментним методом при поступленні в стаціонар і на 10-ту добу захворювання за допомогою тест-систем фірм Biomedica (Словаччина) і Presage ST2 assay (Critical Diagnostics, США) відповідно.Результати. При поступленні у стаціонар середні рівні NT-proBNP були вищими у пацієнтів із ГКСелST (779,41±57,86 пг/мл (І)), порівняно з пацієнтами із ГКСбелST (588,96±82,47 пг/мл (ІІ), р>0,05). При повторному визначенні NT-proBNP на 10-ту добу перебування у стаціонарі середні рівні показників становили 369,75±55,22 пг/мл (І) проти 139,95±19,57 пг/мл (ІІ) відповідно (p<0,01). Рівень ST2 у сироватці крові пацієнтів із ГКСелST при поступленні у стаціонар достовірно перевищував відповідні показники у осіб з ГКСбелST (111,71±12,41 нг/мл (І) проти 77,58±6,5 нг/мл (ІІ), р<0,05). При повторному визначенні середній рівень ST2 у пацієнтів І групи становив 33,43±4,38 нг/мл, а у осіб ІІ групи – 30,20±2,05 нг/мл (р>0,05). Встановлено достовірні прямі кореляційні зв’язки середньої та високої сили між рівнями ST2 та NT-proBNP у пацієнтів з ГКСелST (І) при поступленні та на 10-ту добу перебування у стаціонарі (r=0,43 і r=0,85 при p<0,05 відповідно). У осіб з ГКСбелST (ІІ) кореляційні зв’язки між вказаними показниками були значно слабшими (r=0,35 і r=0,01 при p>0,05).Висновки. Збільшення рівня NT-proBNP пропорційне до розміру ділянки некрозу при гострому інфаркті міокарда. Kонцентрація ST2 корелює з тяжкістю симптомів серцевої недостатності при гострому коронарному синдромі. Одночасне підвищення показників ST2 і NT-proBNP дозволяє прогнозувати перебіг захворювання та розвитку серцево-судинних ускладнен

    Trends in plant population pattern changes under natural and man-induced ecosystem transformations of the high mountain zone in the Ukrainian Carpathians

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    A substantial increase of area, numbers and density in populations of trees, shrubs and dwarf shrubs – Picea abies, Pinus mugo, Alnus viridis, Juniperus sibirica, Vaccinium-species is marked in the high-mountain zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The flowering and fruit maturation at higher elevations of alpine belt are characteristic for the number of species of different life forms: Vaccinium myrtillus, Centaurea mollis, Homogyne alpina, Helictotrichon versicolor, Potentilla aurea. This trend is related to warming and prolongation of growing season and it is peculiar for the species with ecological and climate optima in the forest and subalpine belts, whereas the conditions of the alpine belt are extreme for them. The expanding populations of rare and endemic plant species: Loiseleuria procumbens, Senecio carpaticus, Heracleum carpaticum, Rhododendron myrtifolium, Callianthemum coriandrifolium, Galium pawlowskii have been found. However, the alpine and arctic-alpine species: Oreochloa disticha, Rhodiola rosea, Carex curvula etc. demonstrate negative dynamics.The described processes are mainly the result of successions and plant cover restoration due to grazing termination and climate warming. The impact of plant cover restoration and raising of the timberline on populations of investigated species at high mountain zone of protected areas often cannot be separated from the impact of global warming

    Gravi-Sensitivity of Mosses and Their Gravity-Dependent Ontogenetic Adaptations

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    Gravi-morphoses affect the variability of plants and are the morphogenetic adaptation to different environmental conditions. Gravity-dependent phenotypic plasticity of gametophytes as well as gravi-sensitivity of moss protonemata in microgravity and simulated microgravity conditions are discussed. The moss protonema, a filamentous multicellular system, representing a juvenile stage of moss development, develops as a result of the elongation and division of the apical cell. This apical cell of the protonema is a unique object for research on moss gravi-sensitivity, as graviperception and gravitropic growth occur within the same single cell. Attention is focused on the influence of gravity on bryophyte ontogenesis, including the gravitropic reactivity of moss protonemata, gravi-sensitivity at the stage of leafy shoot development and sporogonium formation, gravity-influenced morphogenesis of apical cell budding, and gravity-dependent spiral growth patterns. The role of gravireceptors in the growth processes of mosses at the cellular level under microgravity conditions are being discussed, as well as the involvement of auxin transport, Ca2+-induced gravitropism and the cytoskeleton in gravitropic reactions