3,857 research outputs found

    Current-induced synchronized switching of magnetization

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    We investigate current-induced magnetization switching for a multilayer structure that allows a reduced switching current while maintaining high thermal stability of the magnetization. The structure consists of a perpendicular polarizer, a perpendicular free-layer, and an additional free-layer having in-plane magnetization. When the current runs perpendicular to the structure, the in-plane free-layer undergoes a precession and supplies an internal rf field to the perpendicular free-layer, resulting in a reduced switching current for one current polarity. For the other polarity, the in-plane free-layer almost saturates perpendicular to the plane and acts as another perpendicular polarizer, which also reduces the switching current.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Korean Ikat

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    Imagine yourself without a sewing machine, broad fabric, simple paper patterns, a tape measure, or even a sharp pair of scissors. These are the beginning of folkloric clothes. The clothes for the most part are made from square and oblong pieces, put together like a jigsaw puzzle with narrow fabric lengths from hand looms. They are made of curving circles, curves and tapered seams, with no waste of materials. It all sounds very primitive, but on a closer inspection, traditional clothes are everything that most modern fashions are not. They are practical, versatile, comfortable, durable and flattering; in short, masterpieces of style. Style always begins with a simple shape, and above all, simple shapes are functional and practical. But what has function to do with fashion? Only the fact that the best known names in fashion design have established their reputations by turning their backs on functionality, concentrating on style. And where do they seek inspiration? Coco Chanel\u27s famous coats were based on the Breton fisherman\u27s blouse. Coco Chanel admits, I get many ideas from simple clothes worn by muscle workers who have nothing to do with fashion. The patterns of traditional Korean clothes are very simple and functional also. Since these patterns are already functional and change only slowly, attention is focused on the surfaces, colors, patterns and textures. The three garments designed are based on simple traditional patterns. These patterns relate beauty to simplicity in traditional design

    Development of KAISTSAT-4 Expanding the Role of Small Satellite for Scientific Research

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    The fourth Korean small satellite, KAISTSAT-4, is under development by Satellite Technology Research Center (SaTReC) of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The KAISTSAT-4 program was commenced on October 1998 with multiple mission objectives, which include exploring space science, deploying satellite-based data collection system and development of precision star sensor. Despite severe constraints on mass and size, these advanced science and engineering payloads are expected to deliver various useful results and exhibit the unique role of small satellite. We present an overview of the KAISTSAT-4 mission and describe its current status. Finally the prospect of future small satellite programs is briefly introduced

    Higgs Structures of Dyonic Instantons

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    We study Higgs field configurations of dyonic instantons in spontaneously broken (4+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. The adjoint scalar field solutions to the covariant Laplace equation in the ADHM instanton background are constructed in general noncanonical basis, and they are used to study explicitly the Higgs field configurations of dyonic instantons when the gauge fields are taken by Jackiw-Nohl-Rebbi instanton solutions. For these solutions corresponding to small instanton number we then consider in some detail the zero locus of the Higgs field, which describes the cross section of supertubes connecting parallel D4-branes in string theory. Also the information on the Higgs zeroes is used to discuss the residual gauge freedom concerning the Jackiw-Nohl-Rebbi solutions.Comment: 1+27 pages, 6 figure

    Spin Hall torque magnetometry of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls

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    Current-induced domain wall motion in the presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is experimentally and theoretically investigated in heavy-metal/ferromagnet bilayers. The angular dependence of the current-induced torque and the magnetization structure of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls are described and quantified simultaneously in the presence of in-plane fields. We show that the DMI strength depends strongly on the heavy metal, varying by a factor of 20 between Ta and Pa, and that strong DMI leads to wall distortions not seen in conventional materials. These findings provide essential insights for understanding and exploiting chiral magnetism for emerging spintronics applications
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