1,661 research outputs found

    How Design Plays Strategic Roles in Internet Service Innovation: Lessons from Korean Companies

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    In order to survive in the highly competitive internet business, companies have to provide differentiated services that can satisfy the rapidly changing users’ tastes and needs. Designers have been increasingly committed to achieving user satisfaction by generating and visualizing innovative solutions in new internet service development. The roles of internet service design have expanded from a narrow focus on aesthetics into a more strategic aspect. This paper investigates the methods of managing design in order to enhance companies’ competitiveness in internet business. The main research processes are to: (1) explore the current state of internet service design in Korea through in-depth interviews with professional designers and survey questionnaires to 30 digital design agencies and 60 clients; (2) compare how design is managed between in-house design groups and digital design agencies though the case studies of five Korean companies; and (3) develop a taxonomy characterizing four roles of designers in conjunction with the levels of their strategic contributions to internet service innovation: visualist, solution provider, concept generator, and service initiator. In addition, we demonstrate the growing contributions of the strategic use of design for innovating internet services, building robust brand equity, and increasing business performance. Keywords: Design Management; Internet Business; Internet Service Design; Digital Design; Digital Design Agency; In-House Design Group, Case Study</p

    Two New Marine Sponges of the Genus Haliclona (Haplosclerida: Chalinidae) from Korea

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    Two new marine sponges, Haliclona (Haliclona) tonggumiensis n. sp. and H. (Reniera) sinyeoensis n. sp., in the family Chalinidae were collected from Ulleungdo Island and Gageodo Island, Korea from 2007 to 2009. Haliclona (Haliclona) tonggumiensis n. sp. is similar to H. (H.) simulans (Johnston, 1842) in shape, but the former differs in its ectosomal skeleton structure and spicules’ shape and size. The ectosomal skeleton of H. (H.) tonggumiensis n. sp. is absent, but that of H. (H.) simulans is very regularly arranged, and has tangential reticulation with oxea. The spicule shape of H. (H.) tonggumiensis n. sp. is slender, but that of H. (H.) simulans is short and cigar-shape. The new species have two sizes of oxea, but H. (H.) simulans has one size of oxea. Haliclona (Reniera) sinyeoensis n. sp. resembles H. (R.) tubifera (George and Wilson, 1919) in the growth form and choanosomal skeleton structure. However, the new species has two kinds of oxea in size, but H. (R.) tubifera has only one size

    Service Negotiation Model for Response Time in Distributed Networks

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    The important thing of QoS is that response time of service is transparently suggested to resource management system and network users. This helps to schedule jobs or guarantee the service level agreement. This paper proposes to specify a negotiation policy for response time of distributed network using network latency function. To monitor and manage service response time in distributed network, we identified the relationships between network/application performance and QoS parameters. We also provided the statistical analysis on mapping user level response time to application and network level parameters. To show the validation of the network latency function, we used the NS-2 network simulator and showed the efficiency of that function. Finally we suggested the negotiation of policy for response time of requested service


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    This paper examines the current state and socio-ecological implications of the alternative agri-food movement organized by the Korean Women Peasant Association (KWPA) in South Korea. In the process of rapid industrial development, South Korean farm sector has suffered from serious environmental problems, depopulation, and poverty. Food production itself has become mostly industrialized using abundant amount of chemical input. This, along with mass consumption system relying on large supermarkets, has led to an unsustainable food system. In this situation, there has been a rise of alternative agri-food movement by the KWPA. We have focused on the influence of agroecology in the KWPA’s activities, which might bring about a more sustainable food system. Under the dominant paradigm of agro-industrialism, farm production inevitably depends on outside resources. This de-contextualizes and disconnects farming from local ecosystems and social relations. Agroecology has emerged in recent years as an alternative paradigm, which can reconnect farming, nature, and society. We have analyzed the KWPA’s programs, such as the indigenous seed preservation movement (ISPM) and Sisters’ Garden Plot (SGP). We have found that agroecology plays an important role in the KWPA’s programs, which involve sharing indigenous farm knowledge; preserving and finding indigenous seeds; and providing seasonal, local, and organic food to the public. These activities have also led to the empowerment of female peasants. These as a whole could be important social resource for a transition to a more sustainable food system

    Improving Foley Catheter Insertion Procedure by Developing Foley Introducer: A 100-Year Overdue Innovation

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    Purpose Foley catheter (FC) insertion is very basic yet one of the most widely performed procedures all across the fields of medicine. Since FC was first introduced in 19020’s, no significant improvement has been made in view of methodology, despite the inconvenience associated with cumbersome preparation, procedure, and the patients’ discomfort with having to have their genitalia exposed. We developed a new, easy-to-use FC insertion device, Quick Foley, that provides an innovative approach to introducing FC while simplifying and minimizing time spent without compromising the sterility. Methods We developed an all-in-one disposable FC introducer contains all the necessary components in a single-device-kit. Minimal plastic components are necessary to keep accuracy and consistency, but the rest are made of the paper to minimize plastic waste. The preparation is done by connecting to the drainage bag, spurring the lubricant gel through gel insert, separating the tract, and connecting with the ballooning syringe. For the insertion, after sterilizing the urethral orifice, rotate the control knob to feed FC to the end of the urethra. After ballooning, dissembling of the device is done only by opening and removing the module, then only the FC remains. Results As the device is all-in-one, there is no need to prearrange the FC tray, simplifies the FC preparation and catheterization procedure. This device not only makes it convenient for the practitioner, but ultimately, it will reduce the psychological discomfort experienced by patient by truncating perineal exposure time. Conclusions We have successfully developed a novel device that reduces the cost and burden of using FC for practitioners while maintaining an aseptic technique. Furthermore, this all-in-one device allows the entire procedure to be completed much more quickly compared to the current method, so this minimizes perineal exposure time. Both practitioners and patients can benefit by this new device
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