2 research outputs found

    Socio-economic consequences of imported frozen tilapia in the Kenyan aquaculture value chain: Strategies for optimizing local unexploited potential

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    Capture fisheries production sector, which is the main source of consumed fish in Kenya has been declining over the years, causing huge deficit in fish supply in local market. Even though aquaculture has been fronted as a step-gap measure, there are still eminent fish supply gaps, prompting importation of frozen tilapia, mainly from China. However, the imported fish has attracted numerous socio-economic debates between proponents and opponents of fish imports, almost in equal measure. This study investigated the socio-economic consequences of the imported tilapia in the local fish market and value chain linkages in Kisumu County. Primary data were collected using direct interviews with pre-set questionnaires fed into Open Data Kit (ODK) platform, and observations from 60 randomly selected fishermen and 60 fish farmers, 100 fish traders and 96 households. Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) were also conducted. About 57% of the respondents processed and traded on the imported frozen tilapia, 27% of them traded on fish from capture fisheries, while 16 % traded on fish from the local aquaculture sector. Imported tilapia was the cheapest at Ksh. 200/kg compared to the locally produced tilapia at Ksh. 320/kg. At least 62 % of the households in Kisumu consumed imported tilapia regularly due to lower prices and availability. About 46 % of the respondents have gained direct employment and experienced improved socio-economic status due to the imported fish, of which 71 % are youth and women. However, about 40% of the respondents reported multiple job losses and degraded socio-economic status due to poor market for the locally produced tilapia, whether from the capture or culture sector. The study concluded that the importation of frozen tilapia can potentially reduce socio-economic returns from the local fisheries and aquaculture value chains. A rational approach is to optimize local fish production to saturate the local market and potentially out-price the imported frozen tilapia. Appropriate government policies tackling the importation of fish into the country can also help reduce the negative impacts of these imported fish on the local fish market systems

    Status and prospects of the ornamental fish industry in Kenya

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    Abstract Kenya is a major player in the global ornamental trade, exporting substantial quantities of ornamental fish to the global market. The sector plays an important role in the country's economy through foreign exchange. However, the country's ornamental fish industry has not fully developed to generate more economic benefits. This paper sought to identify the existing opportunities for enhancing the production and trade of ornamental fish in the country. The findings reveal that there are opportunities for collection of native freshwater ornamental fish species from the vast freshwater resources in the country; for the culture of marine ornamental fish; for public aquariums as centres of recreation, conservation, research and education; and for employment and development of support industries. The findings also show that there are international legislations and national policies that create an enabling environment for the growth of the industry. To unlock the full potential of the industry, training and research, investment and infrastructure development, quality assurance, collaboration and networking, and environmental sustainability strategies need to be put in place. This will ensure Kenya's position as a key player in the global ornamental fish trade