10 research outputs found

    Aspekty ekonomiczne rynku IT w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

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    Taking into account the positive economic trends in the development of the IT-industry, the main objective of the study is to analyze the state of this industry in the Central and Eastern European countries, to identify the leaders among the analyzed countries based on determining the economic indicators which characterize the saturation level of IT-enterprises and the saturation level of the IT-employees in comparison with the working-age population as well as to examine the structure of export and import of IT-services in Poland and Ukraine.Uwzględniając pozytywne tendencje gospodarcze branży IT, głównym celem badania jest analiza stanu tej branży w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, identyfikacja liderów wśród analizowanych krajów na podstawie określonych wskaźników ekonomicznych, które charakteryzują poziom nasycenia terytorium IT-przedsiębiorstwami oraz poziom nasycenia pracowników branży IT w porównaniu z ludnością w wieku produkcyjnym; ustalenie struktury eksportu i importu usług telekomunikacyjnych, informatycznych i informacyjnych w Polsce i na Ukrainie

    Two Approaches to Obtaining the Space-Time Fractional Advection-Diffusion Equation

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    Two approaches resulting in two different generalizations of the space-time-fractional advection-diffusion equation are discussed. The Caputo time-fractional derivative and Riesz fractional Laplacian are used. The fundamental solutions to the corresponding Cauchy and source problems in the case of one spatial variable are studied using the Laplace transform with respect to time and the Fourier transform with respect to the spatial coordinate. The numerical results are illustrated graphically

    Axisymmetric Fractional Diffusion with Mass Absorption in a Circle under Time-Harmonic Impact

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    The axisymmetric time-fractional diffusion equation with mass absorption is studied in a circle under the time-harmonic Dirichlet boundary condition. The Caputo derivative of the order 0α≤2 is used. The investigated equation can be considered as the time-fractional generalization of the bioheat equation and the Klein–Gordon equation. Different formulations of the problem for integer values of the time-derivatives α=1 and α=2 are also discussed. The integral transform technique is employed. The outcomes of numerical calculations are illustrated graphically for different values of the parameters

    Time-Fractional Heat Conduction in a Plane with Two External Half-Infinite Line Slits under Heat Flux Loading

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    The time-fractional heat conduction equation follows from the law of conservation of energy and the corresponding time-nonlocal extension of the Fourier law with the “long-tail” power kernel. The time-fractional heat conduction equation with the Caputo derivative is solved for an infinite plane with two external half-infinite slits with the prescribed heat flux across their surfaces. The integral transform technique is used. The solution is obtained in the form of integrals with integrand being the Mittag−Leffler function. A graphical representation of numerical results is given

    Formation of the Sales Strategy of Small Industrial Enterprises Формирование сбытовой стратегии малых промышленных предприятий

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    The article forms characteristic definitions of marketing sales channels, analyses advantages and shortcomings of such channels of distribution of products for small production enterprises, marks out a position of the wholesale market as a direct and indirect sales channel, and marks advantages and shortcomings of its use. It forms analytical representation of marketing costs for calculation of the forecasted profit as one of the important quantitative criteria for selection of the sales channel and improves methodical provisions on its calculation with consideration of production, marketing and logistics costs. It offers a scheme of making a managerial decision on selection of the best marketing strategy on the basis of diversification of marketing channels.В статье сформированы характеристические определения маркетинговых сбытовых каналов, проанализированы преимущества и недостатки таких каналов распределения продукции для малых промышленных предприятий, выделена позиция оптового рынка как прямого и косвенного сбытового канала, обозначены преимущества и недостатки его использования. Сформировано аналитическое представление маркетинговых затрат для вычисления прогнозируемой прибыли как одного из важных количественных критериев для выбора сбытового канала, и усовершенствованы методические положения по его расчету с учетом производственных, маркетинговых и логистических расходов. Предложена схема принятия управленческого решения по выбору лучшей маркетинговой стратегии на основе диверсификации маркетинговых каналов

    Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussed

    Fractional Diffusion in a Solid with Mass Absorption

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    The space-time-fractional diffusion equation with the Caputo time-fractional derivative and Riesz fractional Laplacian is considered in the case of axial symmetry. Mass absorption (mass release) is described by a source term proportional to concentration. The integral transform technique is used. Different particular cases of the solution are studied. The numerical results are illustrated graphically

    Fractional Heat Conduction with Heat Absorption in a Solid with a Spherical Cavity under Time-Harmonic Heat Flux

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    The central-symmetric time-fractional heat conduction equation with heat absorption is investigated in a solid with a spherical hole under time-harmonic heat flux at the boundary. The problem is solved using the auxiliary function, for which the Robin-type boundary condition with a prescribed value of a linear combination of a function and its normal derivative is fulfilled. The Laplace and Fourier sine–cosine integral transformations are employed. Graphical representations of numerical simulation results are given for typical values of the parameters

    An External Circular Crack in an Infinite Solid under Axisymmetric Heat Flux Loading in the Framework of Fractional Thermoelasticity

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    In a real solid there are different types of defects. During sudden cooling, near cracks, there can appear high thermal stresses. In this paper, the time-fractional heat conduction equation is studied in an infinite space with an external circular crack with the interior radius R in the case of axial symmetry. The surfaces of a crack are exposed to the constant heat flux loading in a circular ring R<r<ρ. The stress intensity factor is calculated as a function of the order of time-derivative, time, and the size of a circular ring and is presented graphically