12 research outputs found

    Обеспечение точности гироскопических систем. Современные методы и подходы

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    В современном мире все больше требует вмешательство в производство точное приборостроение.Точное приборостроение одно из важнейших составляющих научно-технического прогресса. Приборы,входящие в состав различных систем и комплексов по управлению движением, приборы навигации иориентации, приборы морской навигации, космические, авиационные приборы и так далее. При этомкачество выполнения таких приборов, которые изготавливаются из современных материалов и сочетаютв себе элементы точной механики, оптики, высоковольтной электроники, и определяютинструментальную точность, надежность и ресурс работы комплексов. Гироскопические приборы яркиепредставители изделий точного приборостроения и используются как в системах навигации, так и вбесплатформенных системах ориентации и стабилизации космических аппаратов. Точность инадежность современных гироскопических систем во многом зависят от стабильности формы,геометрических размеров, прочности материалов и способов получения материалов деталей, входящих всостав конструкции высокоточных узлов. В данной работе будут рассмотрены методы и способыобеспечения точности гироскопических систем в зависимости от использованного материала в деталях, аименно, для сплава 40ХНЮ-ВИ.In the modern world the interference in production exact instrument making requires more and more.Precision instrument making one of the most important components of scientific and technical progress. Theinstruments which are a part of different systems and complexes on traffic control, instruments of navigation andorientation, instruments of sea navigation, space, aviation instruments and so on. At the same time quality ofexecution of such instruments which are manufactured of the modern materials and is combined by elements ofexact mechanics, optics, high-voltage electronics, and determine the instrumental accuracy, reliability and aresource of operation of complexes. Gyro instruments bright representatives of products of exact instrument makingare also used both in systems of navigation, and in the navigation systems without platform and stabilizing ofspacecrafts. Accuracy and reliability of the modern gyroscopic systems in many respects depend on stability of theform, the geometrical sizes, durability of materials and methods of receiving materials of the details which are apart of construction of high-precision nodes. In this operation methods and methods of support of accuracy ofgyroscopic systems depending on the used material in details namely for an alloy 40HNYU-VI will be considered

    Методика обучения иноязычному профессионально-ориентированному общению научно-педагогических работников неязыкового вуза

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    Настоящее исследование рассматривает проблему формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции взрослых обучающихся на основе использования аутентичных материалов. Для формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции были определены (личностно-ориентированный и компетентностный) подходы обучения. Выявлены теоретико-методологические основы обучения устному иноязычному общению научно-педагогических работников неязыкового вуза. В работе с различных позиций научно обоснованы теоретические положения, раскрывающие специфику процесса обучения устному иноязычному общению взрослых с использованием аутентичных (печатных, аудио и видео) материалов, произведен анализ различных методик и принципов обучения, учитывающих своеобразие и особенности взрослого человека.The present paper researches the problem of foreign-language communicative competence of adult learners on the basis of authentic materials. Learner-centered and competence approaches were determined to form a foreign-language communicative competence.Theoretical and methodological backgrounds of oral foreign language communication of non-linguistic academic staff were formed. Theoretical backgrounds showing oral foreign language communication teaching techniques with the help of authentic materials(printed, audio, video) were proved, different methods and teaching techniques were analyzed taking into account the peculiarities of adult learners. As a result of conducted scientific research the theoretically proved and experimentally tested methodology (set of exercises with the use of aut

    Kombinatorische PVD-Synthese und Strukturuntersuchungen der Ge-Sb-Te-Schichten

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    In this work a mapping of the structure and structural change of metastable and stable phases of the ternary Ge-Sb-Te system was realized in a wide composition range including the quasi binary line GeTe-Sb2Te3. Therefore homogeneous films and films with a compositional gradient were deposited using a combinatorial PVD technique (magnetron sputtering). The samples with a compositional gradient up to 20 at. % had the following composition in the centre: Ge1Sb4Te7, Ge1Sb2Te4, Ge2Sb2Te5, Ge3Sb2Te6, and Ge4Sb1Te5. The films' structure was analyzed using X-ray diffraction with high lateral resolution. The structural mapping of the films was conducted as a function of the composition after the films' tempering at different temperatures (200°C, 300°C, and 400°C) in order to determine the phase change with temperature. Thermally induced, the deposited amorphous Ge-Sb-Te films changed at first to the metastable cubic phase, and with increasing temperature to the stable hexagonal phase. Between the regions of cubic and hexagonal phases the formation of a transition region with both phases was observed. During the phase change the phases were separated in general by the quasi binary line, which could be explained by phase separation of hexagonal Te. Since this phase separation was found only in the stable hexagonal phase of Ge-Sb-Te, the phase separation of Te is supposed to be a nucleation source for the amorphous-to-hexagonal phase change in the films. Phase separation of Ge was found only in the Ge-rich edge after tempering at 400°C. Ge and Te in the regions outside the quasi binary line was formed and remained as an amorphous phase in the metastable cubic phase of Ge-Sb-Te. The lattice parameter mapping of the cubic and hexagonal phases showed a continuous decrease of the lattice parameters from the Sb2Te3 towards the GeTe-side and is in concordance with literature data for the single stoichiometric compounds. The microstructure mappings on the basis of full width at half maximum (FWHM) showed for the cubic phase the formation of a region with a constant microstructure beginning from Ge2Sb2Te5 up to the edge of the GeTe-side. This region was characterized at the same time by the highest phase change velocities of the as deposited amorphous phase. The results were obtained by the comparison with phase change dynamic experiments and indicate the higher nucleation or crystallites growth rate. The comparison of the mappings of the phase change and the phase change velocities showed that the region with the higher phase change velocities is not symmetric to the quasi binary line according to literature data, but is shifted to the Ge-rich-side. Furthermore, since the region of the low phase change velocities has a good overlapping with the region of the Te phase separation, this indicates the formation of a mixed phase of Te and a hexagonal Ge-Sb-Te phase during the laser induced phase change. Such a multistage phase change amorphous-cubic-hexagonal+Te may cause the reduction of the phase change velocities

    Kombinatorische PVD-Synthese und Strukturuntersuchungen der Ge-Sb-Te-Schichten

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    In this work a mapping of the structure and structural change of metastable and stable phases of the ternary Ge-Sb-Te system was realized in a wide composition range including the quasi binary line GeTe-Sb2Te3. Therefore homogeneous films and films with a compositional gradient were deposited using a combinatorial PVD technique (magnetron sputtering). The samples with a compositional gradient up to 20 at. % had the following composition in the centre: Ge1Sb4Te7, Ge1Sb2Te4, Ge2Sb2Te5, Ge3Sb2Te6, and Ge4Sb1Te5. The films' structure was analyzed using X-ray diffraction with high lateral resolution. The structural mapping of the films was conducted as a function of the composition after the films' tempering at different temperatures (200°C, 300°C, and 400°C) in order to determine the phase change with temperature. Thermally induced, the deposited amorphous Ge-Sb-Te films changed at first to the metastable cubic phase, and with increasing temperature to the stable hexagonal phase. Between the regions of cubic and hexagonal phases the formation of a transition region with both phases was observed. During the phase change the phases were separated in general by the quasi binary line, which could be explained by phase separation of hexagonal Te. Since this phase separation was found only in the stable hexagonal phase of Ge-Sb-Te, the phase separation of Te is supposed to be a nucleation source for the amorphous-to-hexagonal phase change in the films. Phase separation of Ge was found only in the Ge-rich edge after tempering at 400°C. Ge and Te in the regions outside the quasi binary line was formed and remained as an amorphous phase in the metastable cubic phase of Ge-Sb-Te. The lattice parameter mapping of the cubic and hexagonal phases showed a continuous decrease of the lattice parameters from the Sb2Te3 towards the GeTe-side and is in concordance with literature data for the single stoichiometric compounds. The microstructure mappings on the basis of full width at half maximum (FWHM) showed for the cubic phase the formation of a region with a constant microstructure beginning from Ge2Sb2Te5 up to the edge of the GeTe-side. This region was characterized at the same time by the highest phase change velocities of the as deposited amorphous phase. The results were obtained by the comparison with phase change dynamic experiments and indicate the higher nucleation or crystallites growth rate. The comparison of the mappings of the phase change and the phase change velocities showed that the region with the higher phase change velocities is not symmetric to the quasi binary line according to literature data, but is shifted to the Ge-rich-side. Furthermore, since the region of the low phase change velocities has a good overlapping with the region of the Te phase separation, this indicates the formation of a mixed phase of Te and a hexagonal Ge-Sb-Te phase during the laser induced phase change. Such a multistage phase change amorphous-cubic-hexagonal+Te may cause the reduction of the phase change velocities

    Trityl derivatives of d-fructose

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    The potential value of trityl chloride (triphenylmethyl chloride) as an organic reagent was recognised by Helferich and coworkers who succeeded in preparing crystalline trityl ethers of simple primary and secondary alcohols by carrying out the reaction in dry pyridine at room temperature