2 research outputs found


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    京都府下丹後地方のカンキツ園において開園時期を異にする園を供試し, 土壌の化学的性質および葉成分について時期的変化を調べた。その結果, 土壌の反応は新しい園(高石)が古い園(石浦)にくらべると酸性が強い傾向を示したが, マンガンについては両園とも水溶性および置換性マンガンが少なかった。葉成分については石浦でマンガン欠乏, 高石でマンガンおよび亜鉛欠乏の可能性が推定された。また, 結果枝は無結枝にくらべるとカルシウムマンガンおよび亜鉛を多く含み, 窒素および加里は逆に少ない傾向を示した。Studies were carried out on the seasonal change of chemical properties of soils and inorganic compositions of leaves at the two citrus groves (variety UNSHU)-old ones (the age of tree : 60 years) and young ones (the age of tree : 10 years)-in northern part of Kyoto Prefecture and the following results overe obtained : The soil of young grove (TAKAISHI) showed more acidic properties than the soil of old grove (ISHIURA). A small amount of water soluble and exchang-able manganese were found on the both soils. The seasonal change of inorganic compositions of leaves showed no distinct differences between the two kinds of groves. However, from the compositions of leaves, a manganese defficiency found at the old grove, and also manganese and zink defficiency at the young groves were expected. Calcium, manganese and zink contents in the leaves were higher in the bearing shoots than in the non bearing shoots, Nitrogen and potassium contents showed a reverse relation to these three elements


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    京都府下丹後地方の柑橘園土壌の一般理化学的性質および葉成分について分析し, 今後の当地方の柑橘栽培における土壌, 肥培管理の基礎資料をえた。すなわち丹後地方の柑橘園土壌は植物栄養的に母材をほぼ同じくする近畿, 中国地方の主産地土壌にくらべてせき薄な土壌地帯であり, 葉分析より診断される柑橘の栄養状態も良好とはいえず, とくに微量要素の欠乏に注意すべきことを明らかにした。The chemical and physical properties of soils and the inorganic compositions of leaves in the citrus gardens in Tango District, Kyoto Prefecture, were studied and the following results were obtained. The citrus garden soils in Tango District, which were formed on granite and palezoic shale, showed lower fertility level than the soils which were formed on the same parent materials in the citrus growing parts of Wakayama, Mie, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefecture. The nutritional status of citrus were not so good and especially the trace element status in both soils and plants were very bad, for example, the manganese and zinc defficiency had appeared