49 research outputs found

    LDL-C/HDL-C Ratio Predicts Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression Better Than HDL-C or LDL-C Alone

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    High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) are strong predictors of atherosclerosis. Statin-induced changes in the ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C (LDL-C/HDL-C) predicted atherosclerosis progression better than LDL-C or HDL-C alone. However, the best predictor of subclinical atherosclerosis remains unknown. Our objective was to investigate this issue by measuring changes in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). A total of 1,920 subjects received health examinations in 1999, and were followed up in 2007. Changes in IMT (follow-up IMT/baseline IMT × 100) were measured by ultrasonography. Our results showed that changes in IMT after eight years were significantly related to HDL-C (inversely, P < 0.05) and to LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (P < 0.05). When the LDL-C/HDL-C ratios were divided into quartiles, analysis of covariance showed that increases in the ratio were related to IMT progression (P < 0.05). This prospective study demonstrated the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio is a better predictor of IMT progression than HDL-C or LDL-C alone

    Amelioration of prevalence of threatened preterm labor during the COVID-19 pandemic: nationwide database analysis in Japan

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    We aimed to evaluate the changes in maternal and neonatal complications such as threatened preterm labor (TPL) and preterm birth before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic using large-scale real-world data in Japan. We obtained data from the Japan Medical Data Center claims database and evaluated differences in maternal and neonatal complications, such as the prevalence of TPL and preterm birth before the COVID-19 pandemic (in the year 2018 or 2019) and during the COVID-19 pandemic (in 2020). We included 5533, 6257, and 5956 deliveries in the years 2018, 2019, and 2020, respectively. TPL prevalence and preterm birth had significantly decreased in 2020 (41.3%, 2.6%, respectively) compared with those reported in 2018 (45.3%, 3.9%, respectively) and 2019 (44.5%, 3.8%, respectively). Neonatal outcomes such as low-birth-weight infants and retinopathy of prematurity were also improved during the pandemic. There were no clear trends in the prevalence of maternal complications such as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome; and preeclampsia. Oral ritodrine hydrochloride usage in all participants had significantly decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, our results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has ameliorated TPL and consequently reduced the number of preterm births

    A novel surgical treatment for labial adhesion – The combination of Z- and Y-V-plasty : A case report.

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    Labial adhesion is characterised by complete or partial fusion of the labia minora. It occurs rarely in postmenopausal women. Although various methods have been proposed, there is no established treatment for postmenopausal patients with labial adhesions due to its low prevalence in this age group. Severe cases require surgical intervention, and the postoperative recurrence rate is relatively high at 14–20%. In this study, a novel therapeutic method was designed to treat labial adhesions: a combination of Z- and Y-V-plasty. An 82-year-old woman was diagnosed with severe long labial adhesion during an episode of urinary tract infection. The labia could not be separated manually; hence, Z-plasty was performed on the ventral side and Y-V-plasty on the anal side under general anaesthesia. No recurrence was noted eight months postoperatively. This method is relatively easy and produced the desired therapeutic effect with decreased risk of recurrence. This is a novel approach for postmenopausal patients with severe labial adhesion

    Current Overview of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), or brittle bone disease, is a heterogeneous disorder characterised by bone fragility, multiple fractures, bone deformity, and short stature. OI is a heterogeneous disorder primarily caused by mutations in the genes involved in the production of type 1 collagen. Severe OI is perinatally lethal, while mild OI can sometimes not be recognised until adulthood. Severe or lethal OI can usually be diagnosed using antenatal ultrasound and confirmed by various imaging modalities and genetic testing. The combination of imaging parameters obtained by ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resource imaging (MRI) can not only detect OI accurately but also predict lethality before birth. Moreover, genetic testing, either noninvasive or invasive, can further confirm the diagnosis prenatally. Early and precise diagnoses provide parents with more time to decide on reproductive options. The currently available postnatal treatments for OI are not curative, and individuals with severe OI suffer multiple fractures and bone deformities throughout their lives. In utero mesenchymal stem cell transplantation has been drawing attention as a promising therapy for severe OI, and a clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of cell therapy is currently ongoing. In the future, early diagnosis followed by in utero stem cell transplantation should be adopted as a new therapeutic option for severe OI


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     ディスジャーミノーマの術後経過観察において、腫瘍マーカーや内診による身体診察が推奨される一方、CT検査での全身検索については一定の見解が得られていない。今回、ディスジャーミノーマIA期術後に、CTが診断契機となったディスジャーミノーマIA期の傍大動脈リンパ節への単独再発症例を経験したので報告する。 症例は17歳、未妊。下腹部痛を主訴に来院した。MRIで臍高に達する右卵巣の充実性腫瘍を認めた。血液検査にてLDH、ALP、CA125、β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-hCG)は高値を示したが、α-fetoprotein(AFP)は正常値であった。ディスジャーミノーマを疑い、右付属器切除および大網切除を施行した。術前のCTおよび腹腔内検索でリンパ節腫大や播種性病変を認めなかったため、リンパ節生検は省略した。術後病理でディスジャーミノーマIA期と診断され、術後化学療法は行わず、1ヵ月間隔で経過観察した。術後いずれの腫瘍マーカーも陰性化し、身体診察でも異常を認めず経過したが、術後6ヵ月で虫垂炎を発症。その際に撮影されたCTで、偶発的に傍大動脈リンパ節腫大を認めた。腹腔鏡下傍大動脈リンパ節摘出および虫垂切除術を施行し、ディスジャーミノーマの傍大動脈リンパ節への遠隔再発と診断された。術後BEP療法を3コース行い、現在再発なく経過している。 リンパ節郭清および術後補助化学療法が省略されたディスジャーミノーマIA期は再発のリスクが高いことを認識し、CT検査を含む厳重な経過観察が必要であることが示唆された。(著者抄録