3 research outputs found

    Особливості формування вартості будівельно-монтажних робіт при реконструкції промислових підприємств

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    The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of the cost of construction and installation works in the reconstruction of industrial enterprises. Formation of the cost of work determines one of the leading roles in the implementation of economic work in construction. The conclusions are aimed at the fact that the estimates do not fully reflect the cost of construction and installation work, which leads to the destruction of construction and installation organizations and the barking industry market.У статті розглядаються особливості формування вартості будівельно-монтажних робіт при реконструкції промислових підприємств. Формування вартості робіт визначає одну з ведучих ролей в здійсненні економічної роботи в будівництві. Висновки націлені на те, що кошториси не в повній мірі відображають вартість будівельно-монтажних робіт, що веде до знищення будівельно-монтажних організацій та оголенню ринка галузі

    The financial and GHG cost of avoiding ILUC in biomass sourcing - a comparison between switchgrass produced with and without ILUC in Ukraine

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    Avoiding ILUC is becoming important. An important option is the use of land that would otherwise not be used for food or feed production. This generally means that lower quality or marginal land will be used. Switchgrass is one of the main perennial biomass crops that can produce high biomass yields under low input conditions and which can be established at low cost by seeds. In Ukraine this crop has in recent years been tested, yielding information that can be used to assess the cost and GHG balance of growing the crop, pelletizing, transport to the Netherlands and conversion into electricity. Results show that GHG emissions on low quality soil without ILUC are higher than for good quality soil grown switchgrass with ILUC. Analysis of the costs of growing switchgrass on low productive soils are 22% higher compared to high quality soils. It is concluded that ILUC avoidance needs to be quantified and rewarded