28 research outputs found

    Decreased varicella and increased herpes zoster incidence at a sentinel medical deputising service in a setting of increasing varicella vaccine coverage in Victoria, Australia, 1998 to 2012

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    We performed an ecological study using sentinel consultation data from a medical deputising service to assess the impact of increasing coverage with childhood varicella vaccine on the incidence risk of varicella and zoster in the population served by th

    Internationally Distributed Frozen Oyster Meat Causing Multiple Outbreaks of Norovirus Infection in Australia.

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    Background. Between November 2003 and January 2004, outbreaks of norovirus in 3 Australian jurisdictions involving 83 cases of illness were associated with imported oyster meat. Methods. Cohort studies were conducted in 2 jurisdictions to identify relative risks of illness for the consumption of oysters. A case series was conducted in the third jurisdiction. Results. The cohort studies conducted in the first 2 jurisdictions identified relative risks of illness of 17 (95% confidence interval, 5-51) and 35 (95% confidence interval, 5-243), respectively, for the consumption of oysters. Multiple strains of norovirus were detected in fecal specimens from 8 of 14 patients and in 1 of the 3 batches of implicated oyster meat using seminested reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction methods. Traceback investigations revealed that all oyster meat was harvested from the same estuary system in Japan within the same month. Conclusions. These outbreaks demonstrate the potential of foodborne disease to spread internationally and the need for national and international collaboration to investigate such outbreaks. Foodborne illness related to norovirus is underestimated because of underreporting of human cases and challenges in laboratory detection of viruses in foods, both of which can delay public health action

    Estimation of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness from Routine Surveillance Data

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccines are reviewed each year, and often changed, in an effort to maintain their effectiveness against drifted influenza viruses. There is however no regular review of influenza vaccine effectiveness during, or at the end of, Australian influenza seasons. It is possible to use a case control method to estimate vaccine effectiveness from surveillance data when all patients in a surveillance system are tested for influenza and their vaccination status is known. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance is conducted during the influenza season in sentinel general practices scattered throughout Victoria, Australia. Over five seasons 2003-7, data on age, sex and vaccination status were collected and nose and throat swabs were offered to patients presenting within three days of the onset of their symptoms. Swabs were tested using a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. Those positive for influenza were sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza where influenza virus culture and strain identification was attempted. We used a retrospective case control design in five consecutive influenza seasons, and estimated influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) for patients of all ages to be 53% (95% CI 38-64), but 41% (95% CI 19-57) adjusted for age group and year. The adjusted VE for all adults aged at least 20 years, the age groups for whom a benefit of vaccination could be shown, was 51% (95% CI 34-63). Comparison of VE estimates with vaccine and circulating strain matches across the years did not reveal any significant differences. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These estimates support other field studies of influenza vaccine effectiveness, given that theoretical considerations suggest that these values may underestimate true effectiveness, depending on test specificity and the ratio of the influenza ILI attack rate to the non-influenza ILI attack rate. Incomplete recording of vaccination status and under-representation of children in patients from whom a swab was collected limit the data. Improvements have been implemented for prospective studies

    A Regional Initiative to Reduce Skin Infections amongst Aboriginal Children Living in Remote Communities of the Northern Territory, Australia

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    Skin infections are endemic in many in remote Australian Aboriginal communities and have been linked to very high rates of chronic heart and kidney disease in this population. We report the results of a regional collaboration that aimed to reduce skin infections amongst children aged less than 15 years in five remote communities. The program included annual mass scabies treatment days offered to all residents and routine screening/follow-up of children. Trained community workers helped conduct over 6000 skin assessments on 2329 children over a three year period. Of every 100 children seen at the commencement of the study, 47 were found to have skin sores and many had multiple sores. We demonstrate a reduction both in the number of children with skin sores and in the severity of those sores. On average, of every 100 children seen per month, there were 14 fewer children with skin sores and seven fewer children with multiple sores. Overall improvement in treatment uptake was a critical factor. We found no discernible impact against scabies. While the burden of skin infections remains unacceptably high, we believe the results presented here are a good news story for local action to address a serious public health problem

    Influenza A (H1N1) in Victoria, Australia: A Community Case Series and Analysis of Household Transmission

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    We characterise the clinical features and household transmission of pandemic influenza A (pH1N1) in community cases from Victoria, Australia in 2009.Questionnaires were used to collect information on epidemiological characteristics, illness features and co-morbidities of cases identified in the 2009 Victorian Influenza Sentinel Surveillance program.The median age of 132 index cases was 21 years, of whom 54 (41%) were under 18 years old and 28 (21%) had medical co-morbidities. The median symptom duration was significantly shorter for children who received antivirals than in those who did not (p = 0.03). Assumed influenza transmission was observed in 63 (51%) households. Influenza-like illness (ILI) developed in 115 of 351 household contacts, a crude secondary attack rate of 33%. Increased ILI rates were seen in households with larger numbers of children but not larger numbers of adults. Multivariate analysis indicated contacts of cases with cough and diarrhoea, and contacts in quarantined households were significantly more likely to develop influenza-like symptoms.Most cases of pH1N1 in our study were mild with similar clinical characteristics to seasonal influenza. Illness and case features relating to virus excretion, age and household quarantine may have influenced secondary ILI rates within households

    Consecutive influenza infections in both adults and children

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    Möst and Weiss recently described 13 cases of consecutive influenza infection among immunocompetent children during the 2014–2015 influenza season in Austria. All 13 children had presented to a medical practitioner with clinically compatible symptoms, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to diagnose an influenza A virus infection followed by an influenza B virus infection. With a mean interval of 50 days between diagnoses, the authors found that timing of the consecutive influenza A and B virus infections correlated with the peak prevalence of each virus subtype cocirculating within the Austrian population. They concluded that infection with influenza A may not confer protection against influenza B virus infection in children; however, prior infections and vaccination may confer protection against consecutive influenza infection in adultsThe WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health

    Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates: Development of a parsimonious case test negative model using a causal approach

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    Background: Influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) is increasingly estimated using the case-test negative study design. Cases have a symptom complex consistent with influenza and test positive for influenza, while non-cases have the same symptom complex but test negative. We aimed to determine a parsimonious logistic regression model for this study design when applied to patients in the community. Methods: To determine the minimum covariate set required, we used a previously published systematic review to find covariates and restriction criteria commonly included in case-test negative logistic regression models. Covariates were assessed for inclusion using a directed acyclic graph. We used data from the Victorian Influenza Sentinel Practice Network from 2007 to 2013, excluding the pandemic year of 2009, to test the model. VE was estimated as (1 − adjusted OR) * 100%. Changes in model fit from addition of specified covariates were examined. Restriction criteria were examined using change in VE estimate. VE was estimated for each year, all years aggregated, and for influenza type and sub-type. Results: Using publicly available software, the directed acyclic graph indicated that covariates specifying age, time within the influenza season, immunocompromising comorbid conditions and year or study site, where applicable, were required for closure. The inclusion of sex was not required. Inclusions and exclusions were validated when testing the variables (when collected) with our data. Restriction by time between onset and swab was supported by the data. VE for all years aggregated was estimated as 53% (95%CI 38, 64). VE was estimated as 42% (95%CI 19, 59) for H3N2, 75% (95%CI 51, 88) for H1N1pdm09 and 63% (95%CI 38, 79) for influenza B. Conclusion: Theoretical covariates specified by the directed acyclic graph were validated when tested against surveillance data. A parsimonious model using the case test negative design allows regular estimates of VE and aggregated estimates by year

    Mapping progress in chronic hepatitis B: geographic variation in prevalence, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment, 2013–15

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    Abstract Objective: To measure progress towards Australia's National Hepatitis B Strategy 2014–17 targets, and assess geographic variation in disease burden and access to care for those living with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Methods: Data were generated from routinely collected sources, including risk‐group prevalence and population data, infectious diseases notifications, Medicare records, and immunisation registry data, and assessed nationally and according to geographic area for 2013–15. Results: CHB prevalence in 2015 was 239,167 (1.0%), with 62% of those affected having been diagnosed (target 80%). Treatment uptake was 6.1% (target 15%), and only 15.3% of people with CHB received guideline‐based care. CHB prevalence ranged within Australia's 31 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) from 1.77% (NT) to 0.56% (Grampians & Barwon South West VIC). No PHN reached the 15% treatment target, with uptake highest in South Western Sydney (13.7%). Immunisation coverage reached the 95% target in three PHNs. Conclusions: The CHB burden in Australia is significant and highly geographically focused, with notable disparities in access to care across Australia. Implications for public health: Efforts to improve progress toward National Strategy targets should focus on priority areas where the prevalence of CHB is substantial but access to treatment and care remains low

    Comparison between Nasal Swabs and Nasopharyngeal Aspirates for, and Effect of Time in Transit on, Isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis

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    We assessed the impact of the use of nasal swabs or nasopharyngeal aspirates and the time from specimen collection to storage at −70°C on bacterial isolation. Haemophilus influenzae was isolated significantly less often from swabs than from nasopharyngeal aspirates. Samples in transit for >3 days were half as likely to grow Streptococcus pneumoniae and H. influenzae as those in transit for ≤3 days. There was no statistically significant difference for either Moraxella catarrhalis or Staphylococcus aureus