1 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Workplace Bullying Practice and its Effect to Teachers Performance in Tanzania. A Case Study of Selected Secondary School at Temeke Municipality

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    Workplace bullying has become a problem that is too costly to ignore. Many studies indicate that workplace bullying leads to pain, mental distress, physical illness, emotional harm, and career damage. The focus of this study on workplace bullying provides an opportunity to understand workplace bullying practice and its effect to Teacher’s performance in Tanzania. A case study of selected secondary School at Temeke Municipality. The study sample comprised of 80 respondents. Closed questionnaire data which were collected through questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive analysis. Data which were collected through interview method were analysed by content analysis. The respondents were sampled using simple random and purposive sampling technique. The findings indicate that bullying practice is very common in education system. The findings indicate that teachers are bullied in the form of delaying their payment, promotion, delay of release to study and inappropriate special duty among teachers. The study recommends to reviewing the Human Resources structure and leadership especially at regional and district level. There should be regular training, workshops and seminars to train education officials on the effect of workplace bullying to the development of education. The framework for an external expert panel to investigate serious allegations of bullying and harassment among teachers should be developed. Teachers should be awarded according to their acknowledge and contribution in education development. Teachers should be promoted and paid their arrears on time