5 research outputs found

    Real-world experience of metformin 1000 mg/day in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbidities from Myanmar

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    Background: The study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of 1000 (mg/day) metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) with comorbidities and special reference to elderly people in Myanmar.Methods: This was a retrospective, post surveillance study conducted in patients diagnosed with T2DM receiving treatment of metformin (1000 mg/day). Baseline characteristics, comorbidities, random blood sugar level (RBS) and RBS changes pre- and post-therapy were retrieved from patient’s medical records. A paired sample t-test was used for comparing the pre- and post-treatment RBS levels.Results: A total of 303 patients with T2DM were included. A total of 88, 115 and 100 patients belonged to age groups ≤50, >50-≤60 and >61 years, respectively. Duration of T2DM was significantly higher in elderly patients (>61 years) compared to ≤50 and >50-≤60 age group. Hypertension was the most common comorbid condition observed in all age groups followed by cardiovascular disease. However, both hypertension and cardiovascular disease were significantly higher among elderly patients (>61 years) compared to ≤50 and >50-≤60 age group (p50-≤60 years, 86.2 mg/dL and >61 years, 97.2 mg/dL). Metformin was well tolerated with minimal gastrointestinal adverse events (n=27).Conclusions: In this post marketing surveillance study, metformin (1000 mg/day) was found to be effective in reducing RBS in T2DM patients with comorbidities especially older adults and well tolerated with no risk of hypoglycemia

    Cross-modal Sentiment Information Expression of Voice Source Characteristics using Image Texture Features

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    Following the successful findings of highcorrelations between speech and color such as F0 andValue, Loudness and Saturation and Spectrum andHue, we analyzed the correlations between voicesource characteristics and the image parametersshowing textural differences in this paper for betterscientific understanding of their correlations andeffective use in visualization of speech information.Through sentiment association experiments, we couldhave observed high positive correlations between H1*-H2* (amplitude difference between first and secondharmonics corrected for vocal tract effects), H1-A1(amplitude difference between first harmonic and firstformant) and Contrast, high negative correlationsbetween H1*-H2*, H1-A1, H1-A2, H1-A3, Harmonicto-Noise Ratio (HNR) in 0 to 3500Hz frequency bandand Variance, Prominence and negative correlationsbetween H1*-A3*, HNR in 0 to 500 Hz andProminence. These results show the possibility ofdirect visualization of speech characteristics whichcannot be effectively carried out by conventionalmapping using discrete language expressions

    Template-Driven Automatic Myanmar Text Summarization using Conditional Random Fields

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    By providing information as the summary, thereader can save time and can easily absorb themain concepts of the articles which aredescribed in digital form. Therefore, automatictext summarization, the process of compressingthe documents into the compact style by means ofa computer, plays an important role. In thispaper, Template-Driven Automatic MyanmarText Summarization using Conditional RandomFields (CRFs) is introduced for Myanmar newsarticles in natural disaster domain collectedfrom official Myanmar Newspaper. CRFs areundirected graphical models which can be usedto segment and label natural language text. CRFmodel is mainly used for information extractionin this work

    Automatic Myanmar Text Summarization System

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    Automatic text summarization is used as atool to help people in reducing the time spentmanually extracting the main ideas from textdocuments. If the natural disaster news isprovided as the summary form includingimportant and relevant information, people inmanagement level can make comparisons andintelligent decisions quickly without exhaustingenergy by manually extracting the salient points.Moreover, for a normal user, automaticsummary report of the disaster news makes themclear perception and fully awareness of theeffects of the natural disaster by inspecting deathtoll and damage of the natural hazards.Therefore, this paper proposes AutomaticMyanmar Text Summarization framework that isbased on Information Extraction and practicalimplementation of this framework insummarizing natural disaster news which are inseven types: Earthquake, Flood, Landslide,Forest Fire, Tornado, Storm and VolcanicEruption described in Myanmar Language. Thetwo main components of the proposedframework, Myanmar Word Segmentation modelbased on Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)and Information Extraction Model using CRFs approach are also introduced

    Modern and historical tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits at the coast of Myanmar: Implications for their identification and preservation in the geological record

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    The catastrophic storm surge of tropical cyclone Nargis in May 2008 demonstrated Myanmar's exposure to coastal flooding. The investigation of sediments left by tropical cyclone Nargis and its predecessors is an important contribution to prepare for the impact of future tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the region, because they may extend the database for long-term hazard assessment beyond the relatively short instrumental and historical record. This study, for the first time, presents deposits of modern and historical tropical cyclones and tsunamis from the coast of Myanmar. The aim is to establish regional sedimentary characteristics that may help to identify and discriminate cyclones and tsunamis in the geological record, and to document post-depositional changes due to tropical weathering in the first years after deposition. These findings if used to interpret older deposits will extend the existing instrumental record of flooding events in Myanmar. Evaluating deposits that can be related to specific events, such as the 2006 tropical cyclone Mala and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, indicates similar sedimentary characteristics for both types of sediments. Landward thinning and fining trends, littoral sediment sources and sharp lower contacts allow for the differentiation from underlying deposits, while discrimination between tropical cyclone and tsunami origin is challenging based on the applied methods. The modern analogues also demonstrate a rather low preservation potential of the sand sheets due to carbonate dissolution, formation of organic top soils, and coastal erosion. However, in coastal depressions sand sheets of sufficient thickness (>10 cm) may be preserved where the shoreline is prograding or stable. In the most seaward swale of a beach-ridge plain at the Rakhine coast, two sand sheets have been identified in addition to the deposits of 2006 tropical cyclone Mala. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and Cs-137 dating, the younger sand layer is related to 1982 tropical cyclone Gwa, while the older sand layer is most probably the result of an event that took place prior to 1950. Comparison with historical records indicates that the archive is only sensitive to tropical cyclones of category 4 (or higher) with landfall directly in or a few tens of kilometres north of the study area. While the presented tropical cyclone records are restricted to the last 100 years, optically stimulated luminescence ages of the beach ridges indicate that the swales landward of the one investigated in this study might provide tropical cyclone information for at least the past 700 years