7 research outputs found

    Extraction of artefactual MRS patterns from a large database using non-negative matrix factorization

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    Despite the success of automated pattern recognition methods in problems of human brain tumor diagnostic classification, limited attention has been paid to the issue of automated data quality assessment in the field of MRS for neuro-oncology. Beyond some early attempts to address this issue, the current standard in practice is MRS quality control through human (expert-based) assessment. One aspect of automatic quality control is the problem of detecting artefacts in MRS data. Artefacts, whose variety has already been reviewed in some detail and some of which may even escape human quality control, have a negative influence in pattern recognition methods attempting to assist tumor characterization. The automatic detection of MRS artefacts should be beneficial for radiology as it guarantees more reliable tumor characterizations, as well as the development of more robust pattern recognition-based tumor classifiers and more trustable MRS data processing and analysis pipelines. Feature extraction methods have previously been used to help distinguishing between good and bad quality spectra to apply subsequent supervised pattern recognition techniques. In this study, we apply feature extraction differently and use a variant of a method for blind source separation, namely Convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, to unveil MRS signal sources in a completely unsupervised way. We hypothesize that, while most sources will correspond to the different tumor patterns, some of them will reflect signal artefacts. The experimental work reported in this paper, analyzing a combined short and long echo time 1H-MRS database of more than 2000 spectra acquired at 1.5T and corresponding to different tumor types and other anomalous masses, provides a first proof of concept that points to the possible validity of this approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Characterisation of tissue-type metabolic content in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging study

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    Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy yields metabolic information and has proved to be a useful addition to structural imaging in neurological diseases. We applied short-echo time Spectroscopic Imaging in a cohort of 42 patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). Linear modelling with respect to brain tissue type yielded metabolite levels that were significantly different in white matter lesions compared with normal-appearing white matter, suggestive of higher myelin turnover (higher choline), higher metabolic rate (higher creatine) and increased glial activity (higher myo-inositol) within the lesions. These findings suggest that the lesions have ongoing cellular activity that is not consistent with the usual assumption of ‘chronic’ lesions in SPMS, and may represent a target for repair therapies

    Simultaneous voxel‐wise analysis of brain and spinal cord morphometry and microstructure within the SPM framework

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    To validate a simultaneous analysis tool for the brain and cervical cord embedded in the statistical parametric mapping (SPM) framework, we compared trauma‐induced macro‐ and microstructural changes in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients to controls. The findings were compared with results obtained from existing processing tools that assess the brain and spinal cord separately. A probabilistic brain‐spinal cord template (BSC) was generated using a generative semi‐supervised modelling approach. The template was incorporated into the pre‐processing pipeline of voxel‐based morphometry and voxel‐based quantification analyses in SPM. This approach was validated on T1‐weighted scans and multiparameter maps, by assessing trauma‐induced changes in SCI patients relative to controls and comparing the findings with the outcome from existing analytical tools. Consistency of the MRI measures was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). The SPM approach using the BSC template revealed trauma‐induced changes across the sensorimotor system in the cord and brain in SCI patients. These changes were confirmed with established approaches covering brain or cord, separately. The ICC in the brain was high within regions of interest, such as the sensorimotor cortices, corticospinal tracts and thalamus. The simultaneous voxel‐wise analysis of brain and cervical spinal cord was performed in a unique SPM‐based framework incorporating pre‐processing and statistical analysis in the same environment. Validation based on a SCI cohort demonstrated that the new processing approach based on the brain and cord is comparable to available processing tools, while offering the advantage of performing the analysis simultaneously across the neuraxis

    Conditional generative adversarial network for 3D rigid-body motion correction in MRI

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    © 2019 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Purpose: Subject motion in MRI remains an unsolved problem; motion during image acquisition may cause blurring and artifacts that severely degrade image quality. In this work, we approach motion correction as an image-to-image translation problem, which refers to the approach of training a deep neural network to predict an image in 1 domain from an image in another domain. Specifically, the purpose of this work was to develop and train a conditional generative adversarial network to predict artifact-free brain images from motion-corrupted data. Methods: An open source MRI data set comprising T2*-weighted, FLASH magnitude, and phase brain images for 53 patients was used to generate complex image data for motion simulation. To simulate rigid motion, rotations and translations were applied to the image data based on randomly generated motion profiles. A conditional generative adversarial network, comprising a generator and discriminator networks, was trained using the motion-corrupted and corresponding ground truth (original) images as training pairs. Results: The images predicted by the conditional generative adversarial network have improved image quality compared to the motion-corrupted images. The mean absolute error between the motion-corrupted and ground-truth images of the test set was 16.4% of the image mean value, whereas the mean absolute error between the conditional generative adversarial network-predicted and ground-truth images was 10.8% The network output also demonstrated improved peak SNR and structural similarity index for all test-set images. Conclusion: The images predicted by the conditional generative adversarial network have quantitatively and qualitatively improved image quality compared to the motion-corrupted images