106 research outputs found

    Prevalence and heritability of handedness in a Hong Kong Chinese twin and singleton sample

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    Funding: Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (CUHK8/CRF/13G & C4054-17WF), by an internal grant entitled “Reading Development in Chinese and in English: Genetics and Neuroscience Correlates”(4930703) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CM is the PI on both grants), by a Hong Kong: Scotland Collaborative Research Partnership award from the Hong Kong Grants Council (CMis the PI for the Hong Kong side) and the Scottish Funding Council (SP is the PI for the Scotland side). It was additionally funded by an International Exchange Kan Tongo Po Visiting Fellowship to SP. SP is a Royal Society University Research Fellow.Background Left-handedness prevalence has been consistently reported at around 10% with heritability estimates at around 25%. Higher left-handedness prevalence has been reported in males and in twins. Lower prevalence has been reported in Asia, but it remains unclear whether this is due to biological or cultural factors. Most studies are based on samples with European ethnicities and using the preferred hand for writing as key assessment. Here, we investigated handedness in a sample of Chinese school children in Hong Kong, including 426 singletons and 205 pairs of twins, using both the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory and Pegboard Task. Results Based on a binary definition of writing hand, we found a higher prevalence of left-handedness (8%) than what was previously reported in Asian datasets. We found no evidence of increased left-handedness in twins, but our results were in line with previous findings showing that males have a higher tendency to be left-handed than females. Heritability was similar for both hand preference (21%) and laterality indexes (22%). However, these two handedness measures present only a moderate correlation (.42) and appear to be underpinned by different genetic factors. Conclusion In summary, we report new reference data for an ethnic group usually underrepresented in the literature. Our heritability analysis supports the idea that different measures will capture different components of handedness and, as a consequence, datasets assessed with heterogeneous criteria are not easily combined or compared.PreprintPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Immunopanning purification and long-term culture of human retinal ganglion cells

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    Purpose: To establish a robust method to isolate primary retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) from human fetal retina for long-term culture while maintaining neuronal morphology and marker protein expression. Methods: A total of six human retinas were obtained from aborted fetuses at 10 to 12 weeks of gestation with informed consent from mothers. RGCs were isolated and purified by a modified two-step immunopanning procedure. The cells were maintained in a serum-free defined medium supplemented with brain-derived neurotrophic factor, ciliary neutrophic factor, and forskolin. The viable RGCs and the extent of neurite outgrowth were examined by calcein-acetoxymethylester assay. Expression of RGC markers was studied by immunocytochemistry. Results: Primary RGCs from human fetal retinas were isolated and maintained in vitro for one month with substantial neurite elongation. In cell culture, almost 70% of the isolated cells attached, spread, and displayed numerous dendrites. They were immunoreactive to RGC-specific markers (Thy-1, TUJ-1, and Brn3a) and negative for glial fibrillary acidic protein and amacrine cells marker HPC-1. Conclusions: Human RGCs were successfully isolated and maintained in long-term culture. This can serve as an ideal model for biologic, toxicological, and genomic assays of human RGCs in vitr

    Dyslexia-related loci are significantly associated with language and literacy in Chinese–English bilingual Hong Kong Chinese twins

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    This study was partially funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (C4054-17WF) and the Theme-based Research Scheme from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Research Grants Council (T44-410/21-N).A recent genome-wide association study on dyslexia in 51,800 affected European adults and 1,087,070 controls detected 42 genome-wide significant single nucleotide variants (SNPs). The association between rs2624839 in SEMA3F and reading fluency was replicated in a Chinese cohort. This study explores the genetic overlap between Chinese and English word reading, vocabulary knowledge and spelling, and aims at replicating the association in a unique cohort of bilingual (Chinese–English) Hong Kong Chinese twins. Our result showed an almost complete genetic overlap in vocabulary knowledge (r2 = 0.995), and some genetic overlaps in word reading and spelling (r2 = 0.846, 0.687) across the languages. To investigate the region near rs2624839, we tested proxy SNPs (rs1005678, rs12632110 and rs12494414) at the population level (n = 305–308) and the within-twin level (n = 342–344 [171–172 twin pairs]). All the three SNPs showed significant associations with quantitative Chinese and English vocabulary knowledge (p PostprintPeer reviewe

    An Epstein-Barr virus–encoded microRNA targets PUMA to promote host cell survival

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a herpesvirus associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), gastric carcinoma (GC), and other malignancies. EBV is the first human virus found to express microRNAs (miRNAs), the functions of which remain largely unknown. We report on the regulation of a cellular protein named p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) by an EBV miRNA known as miR-BART5, which is abundantly expressed in NPC and EBV-GC cells. Modulation of PUMA expression by miR-BART5 and anti–miR-BART5 oligonucleotide was demonstrated in EBV-positive cells. In addition, PUMA was found to be significantly underexpressed in ∼60% of human NPC tissues. Although expression of miR-BART5 rendered NPC and EBV-GC cells less sensitive to proapoptotic agents, apoptosis can be triggered by depleting miR-BART5 or inducing the expression of PUMA. Collectively, our findings suggest that EBV encodes an miRNA to facilitate the establishment of latent infection by promoting host cell survival

    Prevalence and heritability of handedness in a Chinese twin and singleton sample

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    Left-Handedness prevalence has been consistently reported at around 10% with heritability estimates at around 25%. Lower prevalence has been reported in Asia, but it remains unclear whether this is due to biological or cultural factors. Higher left-handedness prevalence has been reported in males and in twins. Most studies are based on samples with European ethnicities and using the preferred hand for writing as the key assessment. Here, we investigated Chinese singletons (N=425) and twins (N = 205 pairs) using both the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory and Pegboard Task, the latter leading to a continuous measure of handedness (PegQ). We found a higher prevalence of non-right handedness (8%) than what was previously reported in Asian datasets and no evidence of increased left-handedness in twins. We also found some evidence that males have a higher tendency to be left-handed than females. Heritability was similar for both hand preference (21%) and PegQ (22%). However, these two handedness measures present only a moderate correlation (.42) and appear to be underpinned by different genetic factors. In summary, we report new reference data for an ethnic group usually underrepresented in the literature. Our heritability analysis supports the idea that different measures will capture different components of handedness and, as a consequence, comparisons of datasets assessed with heterogeneous criteria are not easily combined or compared.PreprintNon peer reviewe

    A genome-wide association study of Chinese and English language phenotypes in Hong Kong Chinese children

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    Funding: This study was partially supported by a Theme-based Research Scheme (T44-410/21-N) and a Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) (C4054-17W) from the Research Grants Council. HCS was partially supported by the KIZ-CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research of Common Diseases, and the Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics, as well as the Lo Kwee Seong Biomedical Research Fund.Dyslexia and developmental language disorders are important learning difficulties. However, their genetic basis remains poorly understood, and most genetic studies were performed on Europeans. There is a lack of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on literacy phenotypes of Chinese as a native language and English as a second language (ESL) in a Chinese population. In this study, we conducted GWAS on 34 reading/language-related phenotypes in Hong Kong Chinese bilingual children (including both twins and singletons; total N = 1046). We performed association tests at the single-variant, gene, and pathway levels. In addition, we tested genetic overlap of these phenotypes with other neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as cognitive performance (CP) and educational attainment (EA) using polygenic risk score (PRS) analysis. Totally 5 independent loci (LD-clumped at r2 = 0.01; MAF > 0.05) reached genome-wide significance (p 0.3 and having at least 2 correlated SNPs (r2 > 0.5) with p < 1e-3). The loci were associated with a range of language/literacy traits such as Chinese vocabulary, character and word reading, and rapid digit naming, as well as English lexical decision. Several SNPs from these loci mapped to genes that were reported to be associated with EA and other neuropsychiatric phenotypes, such as MANEA and PLXNC1. In PRS analysis, EA and CP showed the most consistent and significant polygenic overlap with a variety of language traits, especially English literacy skills. To summarize, this study revealed the genetic basis of Chinese and English abilities in a group of Chinese bilingual children. Further studies are warranted to replicate the findings.Peer reviewe