237 research outputs found

    Między uczniem a metodą, czyli o edukacyjnych konsekwencjach kulturowej aktywności gimnazjalistów

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    The author presents conclusions from the study on “The Polish literature and language instruction in secondary school in view of the new curriculum”, in which participated 6000 pupils, their parents, teachers, librarians, and school directors. Correlations are presented between the pupils’ achievements and the schools’ educational requirements, library resources, or family status. Attention is focused on the students’ cultural preferences, the school selection of culture texts, and the ways of teaching their reception. The author comments also on the appearing contradiction as the majority of interviewed teenagers evaluate positively their Polish teachers, both personally and factually. Yet almost 60 per cent of them demonstrate reluctance to talk about literature. The results of statistical analyses are compared with the solutions indicated in the works on the Polish literature and language instruction.Autorka przedstawia wnioski z projektu badawczego „Dydaktyka literatury i języka polskiego w gimnazjum w świetle nowej podstawy programowej” przeprowadzonego wśród ponad 6000 uczniów, ich rodziców, nauczycieli, bibliotekarzy oraz dyrektorów szkół. Referuje zależności między osiągnięciami uczniów a realizowanymi w szkołach wymaganiami edukacyjnymi, wyposażeniem bibliotek czy statusem rodziny. Skupia uwagę na preferencjach kulturowych gimnazjalistów, szkolnym doborze tekstów kultury i stosowanych przez nauczycieli mechanizmach nauki ich odbioru. Komentuje sprzeczność wynikającą z faktu, że większość badanych nastolatków dobrze ocenia swoich polonistów zarówno na płaszczyźnie interpersonalnej, jak i merytorycznej, a mimo to blisko 60% spośród nich demonstruje niechęć do rozmowy o literaturze. Rezultaty analiz statystycznych zestawia z sugestiami rozwiązań zawartych w pracach z zakresu dydaktyki polonistycznej

    Pożegnanie Wiesi

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    "Kulturowe DNA” – permanentna zmiana i polonistyczne praktyki inicjacyjne

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    The author draws conclusions from permanent civilization changes resulting in a renaissance of interest in identity issues. The attention is focused on young people’s self-analysis. The analysis reconstructs individual cultural codes of high school students. The documentary materials are pupils’ work devoted to their own reflection on the value of culture and the search for a place in family, neighborhood, local, national and global traditions.Autorka wyprowadza wnioski z permanentnych zmian cywilizacyjnych skutkujących renesansem zainteresowań kwestiami tożsamości. Skupia uwagę na autoanalizie młodzieży. Rekonstruuje indywidualne kody kulturowe licealistów. Materiałami dokumentacyjnymi są prace uczniów poświęcone ich własnej refleksji dotyczącej wartości kultury i poszukiwaniom miejsca w tradycji rodzinnej, sąsiedzkiej, lokalnej, narodowej, globalnej

    Nowe pismo, dawna linia redakcyjna

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    Między kongresami

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    Humanistyczna dydaktyka uniwersytecka i szkolna – przemiany i kontynuacja

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    The Risk of Infection in Dry Eye Syndrome Accompanying Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease, which dominates the symptoms resulting from inflammatory infiltrates in exocrine glands. Frequently, patients complain of a feeling of sand under the eyelids, eye irritation, and red eye caused by a decrease in tear secretion. The ophthalmic examination beyond lowering the secretion of tears in Schirmer’s test evaluation in cases with a significant intensification of dry eye disease (DED) can be visualized by measuring ocular staining score (OSS) using lissamine green and fluorescein staining. OSS can demonstrate the degree of damage to the corneal surface. It is known that keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in pSS is not only limited to the complaints of unpleasant feeling of sand under the eyelids but also can lead to serious corneal damage and decreased vision even to blindness. And between the others, complications of KCS in pSS must be replaced with an increased susceptibility to infection. We should also pay attention to possible co-infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) virus and bacterial co-infections, e.g., Chlamydia pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, or latent conjunctival infections Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum in group of patients with DED, not only in pSS group. Another issue is simultaneous with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection coexistance of clinical and laboratory features of Sjogrens syndrome and accompanying this situation clinical signs of KCS. To sum up symptoms of KCS in primary Sjögren’s syndrome and in all patients with DED should be evaluated individually and should take into account the increased risk of infection among these patients

    Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome and Autoantibodies

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    The presence of certain autoantibodies in the serum of patients facilitates the diagnosis of particular autoimmune diseases. Some antibodies may also be significant for the prognosis of the disease development and internal organs involvement. In the case of Sjögren’s syndrome, it is known that overactivity of B-lymphocytes leads to the production of a number of autoantibodies—both markers for pSS (such as antibodies to ribonucleoproteins) and nonspecific antibodies (such as rheumatoid factor). The range of autoantibodies found in pSS is constantly expanding, but their significance is not fully established. At present, only anti-SS-A antibodies are introduced to the criteria for the pSS diagnosis. However, this does not stop an interest in other autoantibodies and the significance of their presence for the course of this disease. This chapter outlines the autoantibodies found in pSS and discusses their importance in clinical practice

    Eye Infection Complications in Rheumatic Diseases

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