1,113 research outputs found

    Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning

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    Apprenticeship learning (AL) is a kind of Learning from Demonstration techniques where the reward function of a Markov Decision Process (MDP) is unknown to the learning agent and the agent has to derive a good policy by observing an expert's demonstrations. In this paper, we study the problem of how to make AL algorithms inherently safe while still meeting its learning objective. We consider a setting where the unknown reward function is assumed to be a linear combination of a set of state features, and the safety property is specified in Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL). By embedding probabilistic model checking inside AL, we propose a novel counterexample-guided approach that can ensure safety while retaining performance of the learnt policy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on several challenging AL scenarios where safety is essential.Comment: Accepted by International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) 201

    A mass action model of a fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway and its simplification

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    We consider a kinetic law of mass action model for Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling, focusing on the induction of the RAS-MAP kinase pathway via GRB2 binding. Our biologically simple model suffers a combinatorial explosion in the number of differential equations required to simulate the system. In addition to numerically solving the full model, we show that it can be accurately simplified. This requires combining matched asymptotics, the quasi-steady state hypothesis, and the fact subsets of the equations decouple asymptotically. Both the full and simplified models reproduce the qualitative dynamics observed experimentally and in previous stochastic models. The simplified model also elucidates both the qualitative features of GRB2 binding and the complex relationship between SHP2 levels, the rate SHP2 induces dephosphorylation and levels of bound GRB2. In addition to providing insight into the important and redundant features of FGF signaling, such work further highlights the usefulness of numerous simplification techniques in the study of mass action models of signal transduction, as also illustrated recently by Borisov and co-workers (Borisov et al. in Biophys. J. 89, 951–66, 2005, Biosystems 83, 152–66, 2006; Kiyatkin et al. in J. Biol. Chem. 281, 19925–9938, 2006). These developments will facilitate the construction of tractable models of FGF signaling, incorporating further biological realism, such as spatial effects or realistic binding stoichiometries, despite a more severe combinatorial explosion associated with the latter

    Tableaux for Policy Synthesis for MDPs with PCTL* Constraints

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) are the standard formalism for modelling sequential decision making in stochastic environments. Policy synthesis addresses the problem of how to control or limit the decisions an agent makes so that a given specification is met. In this paper we consider PCTL*, the probabilistic counterpart of CTL*, as the specification language. Because in general the policy synthesis problem for PCTL* is undecidable, we restrict to policies whose execution history memory is finitely bounded a priori. Surprisingly, no algorithm for policy synthesis for this natural and expressive framework has been developed so far. We close this gap and describe a tableau-based algorithm that, given an MDP and a PCTL* specification, derives in a non-deterministic way a system of (possibly nonlinear) equalities and inequalities. The solutions of this system, if any, describe the desired (stochastic) policies. Our main result in this paper is the correctness of our method, i.e., soundness, completeness and termination.Comment: This is a long version of a conference paper published at TABLEAUX 2017. It contains proofs of the main results and fixes a bug. See the footnote on page 1 for detail

    Explicit Model Checking of Very Large MDP using Partitioning and Secondary Storage

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    The applicability of model checking is hindered by the state space explosion problem in combination with limited amounts of main memory. To extend its reach, the large available capacities of secondary storage such as hard disks can be exploited. Due to the specific performance characteristics of secondary storage technologies, specialised algorithms are required. In this paper, we present a technique to use secondary storage for probabilistic model checking of Markov decision processes. It combines state space exploration based on partitioning with a block-iterative variant of value iteration over the same partitions for the analysis of probabilistic reachability and expected-reward properties. A sparse matrix-like representation is used to store partitions on secondary storage in a compact format. All file accesses are sequential, and compression can be used without affecting runtime. The technique has been implemented within the Modest Toolset. We evaluate its performance on several benchmark models of up to 3.5 billion states. In the analysis of time-bounded properties on real-time models, our method neutralises the state space explosion induced by the time bound in its entirety.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24953-7_1

    Fermi surface of an important nano-sized metastable phase: Al3_3Li

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    Nanoscale particles embedded in a metallic matrix are of considerable interest as a route towards identifying and tailoring material properties. We present a detailed investigation of the electronic structure, and in particular the Fermi surface, of a nanoscale phase (L12L1_2 Al3_3Li) that has so far been inaccessible with conventional techniques, despite playing a key role in determining the favorable material properties of the alloy (Al\nobreakdash-9 at. %\nobreakdash-Li). The ordered precipitates only form within the stabilizing Al matrix and do not exist in the bulk; here, we take advantage of the strong positron affinity of Li to directly probe the Fermi surface of Al3_3Li. Through comparison with band structure calculations, we demonstrate that the positron uniquely probes these precipitates, and present a 'tuned' Fermi surface for this elusive phase

    Equilibria-based Probabilistic Model Checking for Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    Probabilistic model checking for stochastic games enables formal verification of systems that comprise competing or collaborating entities operating in a stochastic environment. Despite good progress in the area, existing approaches focus on zero-sum goals and cannot reason about scenarios where entities are endowed with different objectives. In this paper, we propose probabilistic model checking techniques for concurrent stochastic games based on Nash equilibria. We extend the temporal logic rPATL (probabilistic alternating-time temporal logic with rewards) to allow reasoning about players with distinct quantitative goals, which capture either the probability of an event occurring or a reward measure. We present algorithms to synthesise strategies that are subgame perfect social welfare optimal Nash equilibria, i.e., where there is no incentive for any players to unilaterally change their strategy in any state of the game, whilst the combined probabilities or rewards are maximised. We implement our techniques in the PRISM-games tool and apply them to several case studies, including network protocols and robot navigation, showing the benefits compared to existing approaches

    Testing, Verification and Improvements of Timeliness in ROS Processes

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    This paper addresses the problem improving response times of robots implemented in the Robotic Operating System (ROS) using formal verification of computational-time feasibility. In order to verify the real time behaviour of a robot under uncertain signal processing times, methods of formal verification of timeliness properties are proposed for data flows in a ROS-based control system using Probabilistic Timed Programs (PTPs). To calculate the probability of success under certain time limits, and to demonstrate the strength of our approach, a case study is implemented for a robotic agent in terms of operational times verification using the PRISM model checker, which points to possible enhancements to the operation of the robotic agent

    Quantitative Analysis of DoS Attacks and Client Puzzles in IoT Systems

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    Denial of Service (DoS) attacks constitute a major security threat to today's Internet. This challenge is especially pertinent to the Internet of Things (IoT) as devices have less computing power, memory and security mechanisms to mitigate DoS attacks. This paper presents a model that mimics the unique characteristics of a network of IoT devices, including components of the system implementing `Crypto Puzzles' - a DoS mitigation technique. We created an imitation of a DoS attack on the system, and conducted a quantitative analysis to simulate the impact such an attack may potentially exert upon the system, assessing the trade off between security and throughput in the IoT system. We model this through stochastic model checking in PRISM and provide evidence that supports this as a valuable method to compare the efficiency of different implementations of IoT systems, exemplified by a case study

    Modelling DNA Origami Self-Assembly at the Domain Level

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    We present a modelling framework, and basic model parameterization, for the study of DNA origami folding at the level of DNA domains. Our approach is explicitly kinetic and does not assume a specific folding pathway. The binding of each staple is associated with a free-energy change that depends on staple sequence, the possibility of coaxial stacking with neighbouring domains, and the entropic cost of constraining the scaffold by inserting staple crossovers. A rigorous thermodynamic model is difficult to implement as a result of the complex, multiply connected geometry of the scaffold: we present a solution to this problem for planar origami. Coaxial stacking and entropic terms, particularly when loop closure exponents are taken to be larger than those for ideal chains, introduce interactions between staples. These cooperative interactions lead to the prediction of sharp assembly transitions with notable hysteresis that are consistent with experimental observations. We show that the model reproduces the experimentally observed consequences of reducing staple concentration, accelerated cooling and absent staples. We also present a simpler methodology that gives consistent results and can be used to study a wider range of systems including non-planar origami
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