5 research outputs found

    Dynamics of co-behaviour of climate processes over Southern Africa

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    Large-scale climate processes such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), and many others, play varying roles in regional climate variability across the world. While the role of singular processes have been explored in many studies, the combined influence of multiple large-scale processes has received far less attention. Key to this is the challenge of developing methodologies to support the analysis of multiple processes interacting in potentially non-linear ways (co-behaviour) in a particular region. This study details the development of such a methodology and demonstrates its utility in the analysis of the co-behaviour of largescale process interactions on regional precipitation and temperature variability over southern Africa. The study defines co-behaviour as the interaction of large-scale processes that may influence regional circulation leading to climate variability. A novel methodology which involves a combination of analysis techniques such as Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is developed to identify and quantify such co-behaviour which accommodates potentially non-linear interactions. This methodology is evaluated in the context of southern African regional climate using three key processes, namely ENSO, AAO and Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and characterizations of regional circulation, and temperature and rainfall variability. Analysis of co-behaviour under observed conditions identifies results that concur with prior studies, in particular the dominant regional response to ENSO, but also establishes key examples of co-behaviour such as the role of the AAO in moderating and altering the regional response to ENSO which is important for understanding regional climate variability. Application of the approach to Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations of past climate reveals that while many GCMs are able to capture individual processes, in particular ENSO, they fail to adequately represent regional circulation variability and key observed co-behaviour. The study therefore clearly demonstrates the importance of co-behaviour in understanding regional climate variability as well as showing the usefulness of the new methodology in investigating co-behaviour. Finally, the new insights into evaluating model performance through the lens of core climate processes and their interaction provides a significant step forward in both model development and application for decision making

    West African Summer Monsoon Precipitation Variability as Represented by Reanalysis Datasets

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    Focusing on West Africa, a region riddled with in situ data scarcity, we evaluate the summer monsoon monthly rainfall characteristics of five global reanalysis datasets: ERA5, ERA-Interim, JRA-55, MERRA2, and NCEP-R2. Their performance in reproducing the West African monsoon (WAM) climatology, interannual variability, and long-term trends for the main monsoon months are compared to gauge-only and satellite products. We further examine their ability to reproduce teleconnections between sea surface temperatures and monsoon rainfall. All reanalyses are able to represent the average rainfall patterns and seasonal cycle; however, regional biases can be marked. ERA5, ERA-Interim, and NCEP-R2 underestimate rainfall over areas of peak rainfall, with ERA5 showing the strongest underestimation, particularly over the Guinea Highlands. The meridional northward extent of the monsoon rainband is well captured by JRA-55 and MERRA2 but is too narrow in ERA-Interim, for which rainfall stays close to the Guinea Coast. Differences in rainband displacement become particularly evident when comparing strong El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) years, where all reanalyses except ERA-Interim reproduce wetter Sahelian conditions for La Niña, while overestimating dry conditions at the coast except for NCEP-R2. Precipitation trends are not coherent across reanalyses and magnitudes are generally overestimated compared to observations, with only JRA-55 and NCEP-R2 displaying the expected positive trend in the Sahel. ERA5 generally outperforms ERA-Interim, highlighting clear improvements over its predecessor. Ultimately, we find the strengths of reanalyses to strongly vary across the region

    Classification of large-scale environments that drive the formation of mesoscale convective systems over southern West Africa

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    Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are frequently observed over southern West Africa (SWA) throughout most of the year. These MCS events are the dominant rain-bearing systems, contributing over 50 % of annual rainfall over SWA. However, it has not yet been identified what variations in typical large-scale environments of the seasonal cycle of the West African monsoon may favour MCS occurrence in this region. Here, nine distinct synoptic states are identified and are further associated with being a synoptic-circulation type of either a dry, transition, or monsoon season using self-organizing maps (SOMs) with inputs from reanalysis data. We identified a pronounced annual cycle of MCS numbers with frequency peaks in April and October that can be associated with the start of rainfall during the major rainy season and the maximum rainfall for the minor rainy season across SWA, respectively. Comparing daily MCS frequencies, MCSs are most likely to develop during transition conditions featuring a northward-displaced moisture anomaly (2.8 MCSs per day), which can be linked to strengthened low-level westerlies. Considering that these transition conditions occur predominantly during the pre- and post-monsoon period, these patterns may in some cases be representative of monsoon onset conditions or a delayed monsoon retreat. On the other hand, under monsoon conditions, we observe weakened low-level south-westerlies during MCS days, which reduce moisture content over the Sahel but introduce more moisture over the coast. Finally, we find a majority of MCS-day synoptic states exhibiting positive zonal wind shear anomalies. Seasons with the strongest zonal wind shear anomalies are associated with the strongest low-level temperature anomalies to the north of SWA, highlighting that a warmer Sahel can promote MCS-favourable conditions in SWA. Overall, the SOM-identified synoptic states converge towards high-moisture and high-shear conditions on MCS days in SWA, where the frequency at which these conditions occur depends on the synoptic state

    Intertropical Convergence Zone as the Possible Source Mechanism for Southward Propagating Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances over South American Low-Latitude and Equatorial Region

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    This paper presents the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) as the possible source mechanism of the medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) propagating to the southeast direction over the South American region. Using the data collected by the GNSS dual-frequency receivers network from January 2014 to December 2019, detrended TEC maps were generated to identify and characterize 144 MSTIDs propagating southeastward over the South American low-latitude and equatorial region. We also used images from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 13 and 16 in the infrared (IR) and water vapor (WV) channel, and reanalisys data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to study the daily features and seasonal migration of ITCZ. In the winter, when ITCZ migrates to the northern hemisphere around 10–15° N, 20 MSTIDs propagated southeastward. During summer, when the ITCZ lies within the continent, around 0–5° S 80 MSTIDs were observed to propagate southeastward; in the equinoxes (spring and fall), 44 MSTIDs were observed. Again, the MSTIDs propagating southeastward showed a clear seasonality of their local time dependence; in summer, the MSTIDs occurred frequently in the evening hours, whereas those in winter occurred during the daytime. We also found for the first time that the day-to-day observation of ITCZ position and MSTIDs propagation directions were consistent. With regard to these new findings, we report that the MSTIDs propagating southeastward over the South American region are possibly induced by the atmospheric gravity waves, which are proposed as being generated by the ITCZ in the troposphere. The mean distribution of the horizontal wavelength, period, and phase velocity are 698 ± 124 km, 38 ± 8 min, and 299 ± 89 m s−1, respectively. For the first time, we were able to use MSTID propagation directions as a proxy to study the source region