4,398 research outputs found

    LED wireless

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    High-brightness light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are getting more popular and are opening up a number of new applications. In this paper, the novel idea based on the fast switching of LEDs and the modulation of visible light is developed into a new kind of information system. A visible-LED audio system that makes use of visual-light rays to transmit audio messages to a remotely located receiver is described. Such a system made up of high-brightness visible LEDs can provide the function of open space, wireless broadcasting of audio signals. It can be used as an information beacon for short-distance communication.published_or_final_versio

    Large-scale Bias and Efficient Generation of Initial Conditions for Non-Local Primordial Non-Gaussianity

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    We study the scale-dependence of halo bias in generic (non-local) primordial non-Gaussian (PNG) initial conditions of the type motivated by inflation, parametrized by an arbitrary quadratic kernel. We first show how to generate non-local PNG initial conditions with minimal overhead compared to local PNG models for a general class of primordial bispectra that can be written as linear combinations of separable templates. We run cosmological simulations for the local, and non-local equilateral and orthogonal models and present results on the scale-dependence of halo bias. We also derive a general formula for the Fourier-space bias using the peak-background split (PBS) in the context of the excursion set approach to halos and discuss the difference and similarities with the known corresponding result from local bias models. Our PBS bias formula generalizes previous results in the literature to include non-Markovian effects and non-universality of the mass function and are in better agreement with measurements in numerical simulations than previous results for a variety of halo masses, redshifts and halo definitions. We also derive for the first time quadratic bias results for arbitrary non-local PNG, and show that non-linear bias loops give small corrections at large-scales. The resulting well-behaved perturbation theory paves the way to constrain non-local PNG from measurements of the power spectrum and bispectrum in galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures. v2: references added. 2LPT parallel code for generating non-local PNG initial conditions available at http://cosmo.nyu.edu/roman/2LP

    Photooxidation of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) as a potential source of secondary organic aerosol

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    2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) is an important biogenic hydrocarbon emitted in large quantities by pine forests. Atmospheric photooxidation of MBO is known to lead to oxygenated compounds, such as glycolaldehyde, which is the precursor to glyoxal. Recent studies have shown that the reactive uptake of glyoxal onto aqueous particles can lead to formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this work, MBO photooxidation under high- and low-NO_x conditions was performed in dual laboratory chambers to quantify the yield of glyoxal and investigate the potential for SOA formation. The yields of glycolaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanal (HMPR), fragmentation products of MBO photooxidation, were observed to be lower at lower NO_x concentrations. Overall, the glyoxal yield from MBO photooxidation was 25% under high-NO_x and 4% under low-NO_x conditions. In the presence of wet ammonium sulfate seed and under high-NO_x conditions, glyoxal uptake and SOA formation were not observed conclusively, due to relatively low (<30 ppb) glyoxal concentrations. Slight aerosol formation was observed under low-NO_x and dry conditions, with aerosol mass yields on the order of 0.1%. The small amount of SOA was not related to glyoxal uptake, but is likely a result of reactions similar to those that generate isoprene SOA under low-NO_x conditions. The difference in aerosol yields between MBO and isoprene photooxidation under low-NO_x conditions is consistent with the difference in vapor pressures between triols (from MBO) and tetrols (from isoprene). Despite its structural similarity to isoprene, photooxidation of MBO is not expected to make a significant contribution to SOA formation

    Large-Scale Structure in Brane-Induced Gravity II. Numerical Simulations

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    We use N-body simulations to study the nonlinear structure formation in brane-induced gravity, developing a new method that requires alternate use of Fast Fourier Transforms and relaxation. This enables us to compute the nonlinear matter power spectrum and bispectrum, the halo mass function, and the halo bias. From the simulation results, we confirm the expectations based on analytic arguments that the Vainshtein mechanism does operate as anticipated, with the density power spectrum approaching that of standard gravity within a modified background evolution in the nonlinear regime. The transition is very broad and there is no well defined Vainshtein scale, but roughly this corresponds to k_*~ 2 at redshift z=1 and k_*~ 1 at z=0. We checked that while extrinsic curvature fluctuations go nonlinear, and the dynamics of the brane-bending mode C receives important nonlinear corrections, this mode does get suppressed compared to density perturbations, effectively decoupling from the standard gravity sector. At the same time, there is no violation of the weak field limit for metric perturbations associated with C. We find good agreement between our measurements and the predictions for the nonlinear power spectrum presented in paper I, that rely on a renormalization of the linear spectrum due to nonlinearities in the modified gravity sector. A similar prediction for the mass function shows the right trends. Our simulations also confirm the induced change in the bispectrum configuration dependence predicted in paper I.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. v2: corrected typos, added more simulations, better test of predictions in large mass regime. v3: minor changes, published versio

    Halo Sampling, Local Bias and Loop Corrections

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    We develop a new test of local bias, by constructing a locally biased halo density field from sampling the dark matter-halo distribution. Our test differs from conventional tests in that it preserves the full scatter in the bias relation and it does not rely on perturbation theory. We put forward that bias parameters obtained using a smoothing scale R can only be applied to computing the halo power spectrum at scales k ~ 1/R. Our calculations can automatically include the running of bias parameters and give vanishingly small loop corrections at low-k. Our proposal results in much better agreement of the sampling and perturbation theory results with simulations. In particular, unlike the standard interpretation of local bias in the literature, our treatment of local bias does not generate a constant power in the low-k limit. We search for extra noise in the Poisson corrected halo power spectrum at wavenumbers below its turn-over and find no evidence of significant positive noise (as predicted by the standard interpretation) while we find evidence of negative noise coming from halo exclusion for very massive halos. Using perturbation theory and our non-perturbative sampling technique we also demonstrate that nonlocal bias effects discovered recently in simulations impact the power spectrum only at the few percent level in the weakly nonlinear regime.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures; V2: significant revision including more details about halo exclusion and low-k noise. Conclusions unchange

    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from reaction of isoprene with nitrate radicals (NO_3)

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the reaction of isoprene with nitrate radicals (NO3) is investigated in the Caltech indoor chambers. Experiments are performed in the dark and under dry conditions (RH<10%) using N2O5 as a source of NO3 radicals. For an initial isoprene concentration of 18.4 to 101.6 ppb, the SOA yield (defined as the ratio of the mass of organic aerosol formed to the mass of parent hydrocarbon reacted) ranges from 4.3% to 23.8%. By examining the time evolutions of gas-phase intermediate products and aerosol volume in real time, we are able to constrain the chemistry that leads to the formation of low-volatility products. Although the formation of ROOR from the reaction of two peroxy radicals (RO2) has generally been considered as a minor channel, based on the gas-phase and aerosol-phase data it appears that RO2+RO2 reaction (self reaction or cross-reaction) in the gas phase yielding ROOR products is a dominant SOA formation pathway. A wide array of organic nitrates and peroxides are identified in the aerosol formed and mechanisms for SOA formation are proposed. Using a uniform SOA yield of 10% (corresponding to Mo≅10 μg m−3), it is estimated that ~2 to 3 Tg yr−1 of SOA results from isoprene + NO3. The extent to which the results from this study can be applied to conditions in the atmosphere depends on the fate of peroxy radicals (i.e. the relative importance of RO2+RO2 versus RO2+NO3 reactions) in the nighttime troposphere

    Peroxy radical chemistry and OH radical production during the NO_3-initiated oxidation of isoprene

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    Peroxy radical reactions (RO_2 + RO_2) from the NO3-initiated oxidation of isoprene are studied with both gas chromatography and a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique that allows for more specific speciation of products than in previous studies of this system. We find high nitrate yields (~ 80%), consistent with other studies. We further see evidence of significant hydroxyl radical (OH) formation in this system, which we propose comes from RO_2 + HO_2 reactions with a yield of ~38–58%. An additional OH source is the second generation oxidation of the nitrooxyhydroperoxide, which produces OH and a dinitrooxyepoxide with a yield of ~35%. The branching ratio of the radical propagating, carbonyl- and alcohol-forming, and organic peroxide-forming channels of the RO_2 + RO_2 reaction are found to be ~18–38%, ~59–77%, and ~3–4%, respectively. HO_2 formation in this system is lower than has been previously assumed. Addition of RO_2 to isoprene is suggested as a possible route to the formation of several isoprene C_(10)-organic peroxide compounds (ROOR). The nitrooxy, allylic, and C_5 peroxy radicals present in this system exhibit different behavior than the limited suite of peroxy radicals that have been studied to date

    Reactive intermediates revealed in secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene

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    Isoprene is a significant source of atmospheric organic aerosol; however, the oxidation pathways that lead to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) have remained elusive. Here, we identify the role of two key reactive intermediates, epoxydiols of isoprene (IEPOX = β-IEPOX + δ-IEPOX) and methacryloylperoxynitrate (MPAN), which are formed during isoprene oxidation under low- and high-NO_x conditions, respectively. Isoprene low-NO_x SOA is enhanced in the presence of acidified sulfate seed aerosol (mass yield 28.6%) over that in the presence of neutral aerosol (mass yield 1.3%). Increased uptake of IEPOX by acid-catalyzed particle-phase reactions is shown to explain this enhancement. Under high-NO_x conditions, isoprene SOA formation occurs through oxidation of its second-generation product, MPAN. The similarity of the composition of SOA formed from the photooxidation of MPAN to that formed from isoprene and methacrolein demonstrates the role of MPAN in the formation of isoprene high-NO_x SOA. Reactions of IEPOX and MPAN in the presence of anthropogenic pollutants (i.e., acidic aerosol produced from the oxidation of SO_2 and NO_2, respectively) could be a substantial source of “missing urban SOA” not included in current atmospheric models

    Gravity and Large-Scale Non-local Bias

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    The relationship between galaxy and matter overdensities, bias, is most often assumed to be local. This is however unstable under time evolution, we provide proofs under several sets of assumptions. In the simplest model galaxies are created locally and linearly biased at a single time, and subsequently move with the matter (no velocity bias) conserving their comoving number density (no merging). We show that, after this formation time, the bias becomes unavoidably non-local and non-linear at large scales. We identify the non-local gravitationally induced fields in which the galaxy overdensity can be expanded, showing that they can be constructed out of the invariants of the deformation tensor (Galileons). In addition, we show that this result persists if we include an arbitrary evolution of the comoving number density of tracers. We then include velocity bias, and show that new contributions appear, a dipole field being the signature at second order. We test these predictions by studying the dependence of halo overdensities in cells of fixed matter density: measurements in simulations show that departures from the mean bias relation are strongly correlated with the non-local gravitationally induced fields identified by our formalism. The effects on non-local bias seen in the simulations are most important for the most biased halos, as expected from our predictions. The non-locality seen in the simulations is not fully captured by assuming local bias in Lagrangian space. Accounting for these effects when modeling galaxy bias is essential for correctly describing the dependence on triangle shape of the galaxy bispectrum, and hence constraining cosmological parameters and primordial non-Gaussianity. We show that using our formalism we remove an important systematic in the determination of bias parameters from the galaxy bispectrum, particularly for luminous galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. v2: improved appendix

    Effect of NOx level on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the photooxidation of terpenes

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the photooxidation of one monoterpene (α-pinene) and two sesquiterpenes (longifolene and aromadendrene) is investigated in the Caltech environmental chambers. The effect of NOx on SOA formation for these biogenic hydrocarbons is evaluated by performing photooxidation experiments under varying NOx conditions. The NOx dependence of α-pinene SOA formation follows the same trend as that observed previously for a number of SOA precursors, including isoprene, in which SOA yield (defined as the ratio of the mass of organic aerosol formed to the mass of parent hydrocarbon reacted) decreases as NOx level increases. The NOx dependence of SOA yield for the sesquiterpenes, longifolene and aromadendrene, however, differs from that determined for isoprene and α-pinene; the aerosol yield under high-NOx conditions substantially exceeds that under low-NOx conditions. The reversal of the NOx dependence of SOA formation for the sesquiterpenes is consistent with formation of relatively low-volatility organic nitrates, and/or the isomerization of large alkoxy radicals leading to less volatile products. Analysis of the aerosol chemical composition for longifolene confirms the presence of organic nitrates under high-NOx conditions. Consequently the formation of SOA from certain biogenic hydrocarbons such as sesquiterpenes (and possibly large anthropogenic hydrocarbons as well) may be more efficient in polluted air