19 research outputs found

    Aktywność fizyczna w wodzie z muzyką

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    Music motivates, relaxes and stimulates action and is one factor which enhances the pleasure that people feel from a given movement. Thus, from a psychophysical point of view, listening to music is an important aspect in sport and recreation. With this in mind, the aim of the study was to determine any changes in the participants’ psychophysical sphere which resulted from listening to music while swimming. The psychophysical sphere was expressed in relation to the Borg RPE scale (Rating of Perceived Exertion) as well as the Rejeski and Gauvin Exercise-Induced Feeling Inventory (EFI) scale of emotional states. Material and methods: The participants in the study were not professional swimmers (n = 10). The experiment consisted of two trials in which participants performed the Swimming Cooper test. During the first trial there was no music transmitted while in the second trial specifically selected music was played as the participants swam. Results: An ANOVA variance analysis (α = 0.05) showed statistically significant differences in the RPE scale (p = 0.04) and across all sensations on the EFI scale (p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Listening to music while swimming has a significant impact on the human psychophysical sphere and is expressed by a perceived exertion scale and the scale of emotional states. Respondents paid less attention to the discomfort of physical exertion associated with exercise while listening to music. The rating of their emotional states, including positive engagement, revitalization and tranquility considerably increased though the physical exhaustion measures were significantly lower.Muzyka motywuje, relaksuje, pobudza do działania. Sprawia, iż człowiek odczuwa większą przyjemność z ruchu. Zatem z punktu widzenia psychofizycznego słuchanie muzyki jest ważnym elementem w sporcie i rekreacji. Dlatego celem badań było określenie zmian w sferze psychofizycznej człowieka wynikających ze słuchania muzyki podczas pływania. Sfera psychofizyczna wyrażona była skalą postrzegania wysiłku Borg’a (RPE) oraz skalą stanów uczuciowych Gauvin’a i Rejeskie’go (EFI). Materiał i Metody: W badaniach wzięły udział nie uprawiające zawodowo pływania osoby (n=10). Eksperyment złożony był z dwóch prób, w których uczestnicy wykonywali pływacki test Coopera. W pierwszej próbie nie przekazywano muzyki podczas wykonywania testu. W drugiej próbie indywidualnie dobrana muzyka była przekazywana w trakcie płynięcia. Wyniki: Analiza wariacji ANOVA (α=0.05) wykazała istotnie statystycznie różnice w skali RPE (p=0.04) oraz we wszystkich odczuciach skali EFI (p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.01, p = 0.001). Wnioski: Słuchanie muzyki podczas pływania istotnie wpływa na sferę psychofizyczną człowieka, wyrażoną skalą odczuwania wysiłku oraz skalą stanów uczuciowych. Badani zwracali mniejszą uwagę na wykonywany wysiłek i towarzyszący temu dyskomfort. Ocena stanów uczuciowych, w tym pozytywnego zaangażowania, rewitalizacji i spokoju istotnie zwiększyła się, a wyczerpania fizycznego istotnie zmniejszyła

    Perceived versus real swimming skills of adolescents under standard and challenging conditions: Exploring water competencies as an approach to drowning prevention

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    In this study, we compared adolescents’ actual (expert assessed) front crawl swimming skills to their self-assessment in two conditions: in standard swimming (wearing a swimsuit and goggles) and in a simulated risk scenario (swimming in plain clothes without goggles). We postulated that education focused on water competencies is fundamental in preventing drownings. Experts evaluated the skills of 21 female and 21 male adolescents in both standard and challenging conditions. All were low-skilled swimmers aged 14–15 years. Participants were asked to self-assess their skills before and after each trial. Boys and girls covered the same distance in both trials. Their self-assessment did not change regardless of the difficulty of the conditions. Girls assessed themselves more accurately than boys. However, boys who underestimated their skills showed greater ability to utilise the experience gained from performing the task for a more accurate self-assessment. In conclusion, adolescents should be educated in total water competencies, and not merely in swimming skills. For girls, “water readiness” is thought to broaden their ability to adapt their swimming skills to nonstandard conditions. Aquatic education for boys should focus on developing self-reflection in order to create a long-lasting responsibility using their own swimming skills

    Bioelectrical activity of the pelvic floor muscles after 6-week biofeedback training in nulliparous continent women

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of a 6-week sEMG-biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training program on pelvic floor muscle activity in young continent women. Methods: Pelvic floor muscle activity was recorded using a vaginal probe during five experimental trials. Biofeedback training was continued for 6 weeks, 3 times a week. Muscle strenghtening and endurance exercises were performed alternately. SEMG (surface electromyography) measurements were recorded on four different occasions: before training started, after the third week of training, after the sixth week of training, and one month after training ended. Results: A 6-week sEMG-biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training program significantly decreased the resting activity of the pelvic floor muscles in supine lying and standing. The ability to relax the pelvic floor muscles after a sustained 60-second contraction improved significantly after the 6-week training in both positions. SEMG-biofeedback training program did not seem to affect the activity of the pelvic floor muscles or muscle fatigue during voluntary pelvic floor muscle contractions. Conclusions: SEMG-biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training might be recommended for physiotherapists to improve the effectiveness of their relaxation techniques