8 research outputs found

    Comparison of ultrasound diagnostics and laparoscopic findings in case of acute abdominal pain in girls

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    Department of Surgery №2 with the course of Pediatric surgery, Odessa National Medical University, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: One of the most common reason for a visit to an emergency department of the girls of all ages is abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can develop due to many etiologic factors – both acute and chronic. However, several conditions need to be evaluated and treated in pressing manner, as they Associate with high morbidity and mortality. Aims: To compare ultrasound and laparoscopic findings, and to evaluate the role of early laparoscopy management of abdominal pain in girls in a prospective, randomized, single-institution trial. Materials and methods: The analysis of ultrasound diagnostics effectiveness of acute abdominal diseases Associated with abdominal pain inpatient girl age from 3 to 17 years in Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital has been performed. 171 patients were enrolled in the analysis held from 2010 to 2015yr. Inclusion criteria were – presence of sharp abdominal pain lasting more than 6 hours and less than 5 days, without fever, leucocytosis, or obvious peritoneal signs and uncertain diagnosis after physical examination and baseline investigations. For all girls ultrasound (US) examination of abdominal cavity was performed. Condition of girls were observed in clinic for 3 to 6 hours, if diagnosis still was unclear with routine tests (US data were not taken into account), the laparoscopy was performed. The US data were compared with laparoscopy findings.Conclusions. Sonography of the abdomen is an effective screening method for diagnosing acute surgical diseases in girls with abdominal pain. High operator dependence can be considered as a disadvantage of this method. In addition, due to diagnostic and treatment advantages, laparoscopic surgery is useful for majority of conditions underling unclear abdominal pain in girls. So the comparison of US and laparoscopic findings, and early usage of laparoscopic intrusions gives opportunity to avoid unnecessary surgical aggression in 27.5%. Moreover, 68.0% of patients, surgical problem was revealed and treated in early period. Early laparoscopy reduces the rate of surgical complications. Evaluation of symptoms severity should lead to laparoscopic intrusion if routine diagnostic methods have failed to yield results. A necessity to review some principles of specialists’ training for diversified general surgical hospitals has been appeared. It is expedient for surgeons to complete basic professional retraining with mastering of related specialties, particular ultrasound diagnostics and endoscopy

    Results of the study of intestine biocenosis in children

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    Department of Surgery № 2 with the course of pediatric surgery, Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction. Changes in intestinal microbiocenosis play an important role in the development of functional disorders of the digestive tract in children. The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic value of bacteriological studies of intestinal dysbiosis. Patients and methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of 127 results of fecal survey on dysbiosis in children aged 1 to 17 years with impaired bowel function, that turned to the Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in 2014-2015. Results. According to our research, more of the analysis on dysbiosis was conducted in patients of younger age group of 1 to 3 years ─ 68,8% of all cases. In the same age group, 81.4% examinationed children were bacteriological signs of dysbiosis of transient nature. There was a seasonal correlation of the research, since 44.8% of analyzes were carried out in the period from February to April, due to an increase in functional disorders of the digestive tract in children during this period. For the majority ofpatients (78.6%) fecal dysbiosis has been performed in occasion of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common conditional pathogens St. Aureus were detected in the youngest age groups: from 1 year up to 3 years ─ at 44.2%; 4 to 7 years old children ─ 42,3%. On the second place were sown fungi of the genus Candida and other yeast in 38.6% of patients, as well mainly in young children. On the third place - E.cloaceae (11,02%) and lactosonegative (10,8%) Escherichia, then Kl. Pneumoniae 9,4%, P.aeruginosa in 2.36% of patients, respectively. The remaining microorganisms disembarked in single cases. Results of analyzes, unfortunately, were ready on day 10, when was advanced clinical remission in patients and there was no need for a correction of infringements. Conclusions. Violation of intestinal microbiocenosis is most characteristic for young children, is rarely correlated with clinical data and is transient. Are most commonly defined conditional Pathogens St.Aureus and fungi of the genus Candida. However, the diagnostic value of the study is reduced due to the timing of the tests

    Determination of the real structure of artificial and natural opals on the basis of three-dimensional reconstructions of reciprocal space

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    The distribution of the scattering intensity in the reciprocal space for natural and artificial opals has been reconstructed from a set of small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns. The resulting three-dimensional intensity maps are used to analyze the defect structure of opals. The structure of artificial opals can be satisfactorily described in the Wilson probability model with the prevalence of layers in the fcc environment. The diffraction patterns observed for a natural opal confirm the presence of sufficiently long unequally occupied fcc domains

    Long-range ordering in anodic alumina films: A microradian X-ray diffraction study

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    A quantitative analysis of long-range order in the self-organized porous structure of anodic alumina films has been performed on the basis of a microradian X-ray diffraction study. The structure is shown to possess orientational order over macroscopic distances larger than 1 mm. At the same time, the interpore positional order is only short-range and does not extend over more than 10 interpore distances. These positional correlations are mostly lost gradually rather than at the domain boundaries, as suggested by the divergence of the peak width for the higher-order reflections. In the direction of the film growth the pores have a very long longitudinal self-correlation length of the order of tens of micrometres

    Fabrication of artificial opals by electric-field-assisted vertical deposition

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    We present a new technique for large-scale fabrication of colloidal crystals with controllable quality and thickness. The method is based on vertical deposition in the presence of aDC electric field normal to the conducting substrate. The crystal structure and quality are quantitatively characterized by microradian X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and optical reflectometry. Attraction between the charged colloidal spheres and the substrate promotes growth of thicker crystalline films, while the best-quality crystals are formed in the presence of repulsion. Highly ordered thick crystalline layers with a small amount of stacking faults and a low mosaic spread can be obtained by optimizing the growth conditions

    Double stacking faults in convective assembly of colloidal spheres

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    Using microradian X-ray diffraction, we investigated the crystal structure of convectively assembled colloidal photonic crystals over macroscopic (0.5 mm) distances. Through adaptation of Wilson’s theory for X-ray diffraction, we show that certain types of line defects that are often observed in scanning electron microscopy images of the surface of these crystals are actually planar defects at 70.5 angles with the substrate. The defects consist of two parallel hexagonal close-packed planes in otherwise face-centered cubic crystals. Our measurements indicate that these stacking faults cause at least 10% of stacking disorder, which has to be reduced to fabricate high-quality colloidal photonic crystals

    Double stacking faults in convective assembly of colloidal spheres

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    Using microradian X-ray diffraction, we investigated the crystal structure of convectively assembled colloidal photonic crystals over macroscopic (0.5 mm) distances. Through adaptation of Wilson’s theory for X-ray diffraction, we show that certain types of line defects that are often observed in scanning electron microscopy images of the surface of these crystals are actually planar defects at 70.5 angles with the substrate. The defects consist of two parallel hexagonal close-packed planes in otherwise face-centered cubic crystals. Our measurements indicate that these stacking faults cause at least 10% of stacking disorder, which has to be reduced to fabricate high-quality colloidal photonic crystals