20 research outputs found

    Parking Pricing and Fees - Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes

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    TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 95: Chapter 13 -- Parking Pricing and Fees examines traveler response to both the introduction of parking pricing and fees and to changes in the level, structure, or method of application of parking fees. Included are actions that can change the costs to users of parking even without fee changes, notably through elimination of employer parking subsidies and by fee structures that differentiate by modes of parking (short/long term) or travel (drive-alone/ridesharing). This report is part of TCRP’s Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook series. The overarching objective of the Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook is to equip members of the transportation profession with a comprehensive, readily accessible, interpretive documentation of results and experience obtained across the United States and elsewhere from (1) different types of transportation system changes and policy actions and (2) alternative land use and site development design approaches

    Characteristics of Urban Travel Demand

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    This report presents a comprehensive set of data on urban travel demand and constitutes an update of previous editions of the Characteristics of Urban Travel Demand published in 1978 and 1988. This is a companion report to two other volumes: the Characteristics of Urban Transportation Systems (CUTS), last updated in 1992, and Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes, Interim Handbook, updated in 2000. These three references taken together are intended to provide a ready resource for information about urban transportation system characteristics. The tables included in this report are organized into chapters for various topics. The chapters subsequent to the introduction include the following: Survey characteristics; Demographic information; Overall trip rates; Modal trip rates; Trip purpose; Time; Truck trip information; Utilization; and Other information. This report will be of interest to transit and transportation planning practitioners, educators, and researchers across a broad spectrum of transit operating agencies; metropolitan planning organizations; local, state, and federal government agencies; and educational institutions