39 research outputs found

    Processing and interpretation of research results of stem horizontal wells differential telemetry method with gravitational navigation

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    Presented the visual facts of negative impact on the quality of Geophysical Research loss measuring probe centering in the stem well, its geometry and spatial orientation. It shows a sketch of the differential transmitter with gravitational navigation in the borehole to borehole telemetry system. The methods of pre–treatment and the general principle of interpretation of geophysical studies by differential telemetry directional, horizontal wells and complex geometry and spatial orientation of the stem

    Environmental education of students

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    The article considers the problem of the ecology of language. Its relevance lies in the fact that it has great practical and theoretical interest in preserving the native language. In addition, the work analyzes an ecological approach to speech etiquette issues. The authors came to the conclusion that the ecology of language in the context of speech etiquette implies a responsible attitude to national language traditions. The problem of speech etiquette is relevant in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language Caring about the ecology of a language is both caring about the upbringing of a person who speaks this language, and therefore caring about the renewal of society

    Characteristics of changes and clinical and instrumental predictors of the severity of structural remodelling of carotid arteries in hypertensive patients

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    Background. Mechanisms of activation of the process of vascular wall remodelling in patients affected by arterial hypertension have not been studied in depth and require clarification. Materials and methods. The study included 381 patients with hypertension — 212 men and 169 women of the average age 53.0 (47; 60) years. The structural-functional vessel status was determined by the method of duplex scanning and colour duplex mapping of blood flow with the Logiq 500 MO apparatus (GE, USA). Statistical analyses were made using Microsoft Excel software kit, Statistica for Windows 6.0. Results. The patients with hypertension presented some left-right asymmetry of remodelling extracranial carotid arteries. Unlike the impact of remodelling of the right carotid artery, the most essential effect on the left carotid artery was the impact of daytime pulse arterial pressure and variability of the nocturnal systolic arterial pressure (the strength of impact 25.0 and 13.9%, respectively. The processes of remodelling of the right carotid artery are more sensible to the impact of high values of nocturnal diastolic arterial pressure (the strength of impact 16.4%). The beginning of some brain complication is associated with the significant increase in atherosclerotic affection not only of the left, but also of the right carotid artery. Conclusions. Remarkable remodelling of the right carotid artery is often associated with the severity of the disease and to some extent reflects the severity of the flow of the disease and can be regarded as an additional unfavourable feature

    Inhibition of reverse transcription in rat liver intracisternal A-particles by thymidine derivatives

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    AbstractThe thymidine derivatives araAzT, dTTP(3′N3), TTP(3′NH2), and araTTP(3′N3), were studied as inhibitors of the reverse transcription taking place within endogenous retroviral A-type particles, where retroviral RNAs served as templates and primers. dTTP(3′N3) was shown to be the most efficient inhibitor of retroviral particle reverse transcription. Termination of DNA chain elongation is the basic mechanism of the inhibitory action of dTTP(3′N3). The compound has a very low inhibitory effect on mammalian DNA-dependent DNA polymerases α, β and γ

    Investigation of new modification strategies for PVA membranes to improve their dehydration properties by pervaporation

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    International audienceNovel supported membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were developed using two strategies: first, by the modification of the PVA network, via so-called bulk modification, with the formation of the selective layer accomplished through the introduction of fullerenol and/or poly(allylamine hydrochloride), and second, by the functionalization of the surface with successive depositions of multilayered films of polyelectrolytes, such as poly(allylamine hydrochloride) and poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) on the PVA surface. The membrane surface modifications were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and contact angle measurements. The modified PVA membranes were examined for their dehydration transport properties by the perva-poration of isopropyl alcohol-water (80/20% w/w), which was chosen as a model mixture. Compared with the pristine PVA membrane, the main improvement was a marked increase in permeance. It was found that the surface modifications mainly gave rise to a higher global flux but with a strong reduction in selectivity. Only the combination of both bulk and surface modifications with PEL could significantly increase the flux with a high water content in the permeate (over 98%). Lastly, it should be noted that this study developed a green procedure to prepare innovative membrane layers for dehydration, making use of only water as a working medium

    Charakterystyka zmian oraz klinicznych i instrumentalnych czynników prognostycznych ciężkości przebudowy strukturalnej tętnic szyjnych u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem

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    Wstęp. Mechanizmy aktywacji procesu przebudowy ścian naczyń u pacjentów chorujących na nadciśnienie tętnicze nie były dogłębnie zbadane i wymagają wyjaśnienia. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 381 pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym — 212 mężczyzn i 169 kobiet w średnim wieku 53,0 (47; 60) lat. Stan strukturalno- funkcjonalny naczyń określono, stosując metodę badania za pomocą skanowania dupleksowego oraz kolorowego mapowania dupleksowego przepływu krwi za pomocą urządzenia Logiq 500 MO (GE, USA). Wykonano analizy statystyczne za pomocą zestawu oprogramowania Microsoft Excel, Statistica dla Windows 6.0. Wyniki. Pacjenci z nadciśnieniem tętniczym wykazywali pewną asymetrię lewo- i prawostronną przebudowy tętnic szyjnych zewnątrzczaszkowych. Inaczej niż w przypadku przebudowy prawej tętnicy szyjnej, na lewą tętnicę szyjną wpływały wartość ciśnienia tętniczego pulsu dziennego oraz zmienność nocnego skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (siła oddziaływania odpowiednio 25,0 i 13,9%). Procesy przebudowy prawej tętnicy szyjnej są bardziej wrażliwe na wpływ wysokich wartości nocnego rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (siła oddziaływania 16,4%). Początek pewnych komplikacji związanych z mózgiem wiąże się ze znacznym wzrostem choroby miażdżycowej nie tylko lewej, ale także prawej tętnicy szyjnej. Wnioski. Znaczna przebudowa prawej tętnicy szyjnej jest często związana z ciężkością choroby i do pewnego stopnia odzwierciedla ciężkość przebiegu choroby i może być postrzegana jako dodatkowa niekorzystna cecha

    Hormonal characteristics of androgen status and their relationship with the anthropometric and metabolic parameter in men depending on the severity of hypertension

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    Background. According to the literature data, long-term and poorly controlled hypertension (HTN) leads to target organs damage, and in some cases, to the development of associated diseases, the severity of which in men may be partly due to the characteristics of the androgenic status.The aim: to reveal the features of hormonal indicators of androgen status and their relationship with the anthropometric and metabolic characteristics of the therapeutic clinic male patients, depending on the severity of HTN.Materials and methods. 296 men aged 59,0 [54,0; 65,0] years with confirmed HTN were examined. All study participants in the morning on an empty stomach underwent anthropometry, determination of metabolic and androgenic status, and assessment of comorbid burden. Depending on the severity of hypertension, all patients were divided into two groups (G): G1 (n = 134) – patients with hypertension without a history of coronary artery disease or stroke; G2 (n = 162) – patients with hypertension with a history of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and/or stroke.Results. In male patients of G2 with severe HTN, a decrease in the levels of free testosterone (FT) and, to a greater extent, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), as well as total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins, was revealed. The correlation analysis performed revealed statistically significant negative correlations between the levels of total testosterone (TT) and FT with body mass index, the value of the ratio of waist circumference to hips, only the level of FT – with the presence of IHD, chronic heart failure (CHF), disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and abdominal type of fat distribution, and the level of DHEA-S – with the presence of IHD and CHF.Conclusion. A decrease in FT and DHEA-S is associated with early progression of atherosclerosis and the risk of developing HTN-associated cardiovascular events, which can aggravate the course of HTN


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    The emergence of resistance among the most important bacterial pathogens is generally recognized as one of the major public health problems. The most important of these organisms are penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, vancomycin-resistant enterococci and methicillin- and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. These antibiotic resistance in common pathogens have made antimicrobial therapy of many infections. Scientists need to look for new ways of treating bacterial infections in the work, using the developed algorithm from the methods of search software in the genomic structure of Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ST228, the CRISPR/Cas locus and the division structures of its CRISPR cassette. The results of the bacteriophage search through the decoded spacer sequences of CRISPR-cassettes of this strain were also obtained using the developed algorithm of the software methods of bioinformatics. It was determined that the CRISPR/Cas system of strain of ST228 of S. aureus was of type IIIA. It is shown that cas-genes are in the immediate vicinity of CRISPR cassettes. The spacer structures in the detected CRISPR cassette are the Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium, Streptococcus, Bacillus, Gordonia, Arthrobacter, Streptomyces. The implementation of the algorithm of program methods for locating CRISPR/Cas-loci can be applied to many other decoded bacterial genomes to return bacteriophage therapy


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    Background. CRISPR/Cas systems loci are one of the functionally important patterns in bacterial genome which perform the role of “adaptive immune defense” from foreign nucleic acids. The study of CRISPR/Cas systems structure in genomes of plasmids and phages provide new information about the evolution of this systems in bacterial hosts.Aims. A search of CRISPR/Cas systems structures in pCT281 plasmid from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. chinensis strain CT-43 using bioinformatic methods.Materials and methods. Search studies using bioinformatics methods were performed with the genome of pCT281 plasmid of B. thuringiensis subsp. chinensis strain CT-43 from the RefSeq database. To search for the CRISPR/Cas system structure MacSyFinder (ver. 1.0.5) and three combined algorithms were used: CRISPRFinder; PILER-CR; CRISPR Recognition Tool (CRT). The consensus repeat sequence was generated in WebLogo 3.Results and discussion. In pCT281 plasmid we detected one locus of CRISPR/Cas system of the type I-C which contains 2 CRISPR-cassettes and 4 cas-genes located between them. The CRISPR-cassette 1 includes 10 spacers from 32 to 35 bp and 11 repeats 32bp in length. 5 spacers (33–35 bp) separated by 6 repeats 32 bp in length were detected in the CRISPR-cassette 2.Conclusions. The bioinformatic methods used in this study enable to conduct a search of CRISPR/Cas systems structures in plasmid genomes. The presence of the CRISPR-Cas locus in pCT281 plasmid confirms a possible transfer of this system from the nucleoid to this plasmid. The detected spacers provide information about phages this bacteria was encountered