359 research outputs found

    Development of support of export of agriculture companies

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    У статті досліджено розвиток системи підтримки експортної діяльності сільськогосподарських компаній. Проаналізовано динаміку індексів обсягу виробництва та експорту сільськогосподарської продукції та продуктивності праці на сільськогосподарських підприємствах в Україні. Розглянуто систему підтримки експортної діяльності сільськогосподарських компаній, яка включає такі підсистеми: суб’єктів управління — органи державної влади всіх рівнів; об’єктів управління — сільськогосподарські компанії різних організаційно-правових форм та власності, яка забезпечить взаємозв’язки між всіма підсистемами та уникнення конфлікту інтересів суб’єктів управління при прийнятті рішень та визначення заходів з їх реалізації.This article explores the development system to support exports of agricultural companies. The work highlights the dynamics of the indices of production and export of agricultural production and productivity in agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The system of support of exports of agricultural companies, which includes the following subsystems: business administration — public authorities at all levels; facilities management — agricultural companies of different legal forms and ownership that will ensure all interactions between subsystems and avoid conflict of interests of management in making decisions and determining measures for their implementation. Improvement of support exports of agricultural companies is a way out of the crisis Ukraine's economy, increased productivity of agricultural companies of different legal forms that will promote food security and international competitiveness of products; improve Ukraine's balance of payments; structural changes and modernization of domestic agricultural production, production safety and product quality in the agricultural sector, increasing income of agricultural companies of different legal forms. System support exports of agricultural companies should consider appropriate structural changes in the domestic production; creating demand in EU trade partners; compliance with Ukrainian agricultural products of sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of the EU

    Methodology of structural stability management for industrial enterprises

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    The article looks into the formation of a new methodology to provide company stability under growing influence of the external factors which raise the level of management uncertainty. Modern approach to management based on intellectualization which increases requirements to tools for assessment and forecasting all systems of the industrial enterprise, containing the methodological drawbacks statistic and mathematical nature which cause the information loss. Equilibrium state of the enterprise as a system is proposed to be used as a target objective and it means application of cenology theory tools Cenological approach to assessment and to management of equilibrium of systems of an industrial enterprise which allows solving problems of complexity and stochasticity of systems using relevant mathematical research apparatus and system of constraints is grounded in the article. The significant part of the enterprise systems belongs to cenotic type because they are a complex structure of its elements where classical statistic assessment to describe the system “as a whole” is not applicable. The results of economic and technical structures of a number of industrial enterprises which demonstrate the high results of coenoses theory application in company stability management are given in the conclusion.peer-reviewe