18 research outputs found

    Регулювання інтересів стейкхолдерів у корпоративному управлінні шляхом проведення корпоративних переговорів

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    Purpose. Regulation of stakeholders’ interests is still a major goal for corporate governance worldwide. The regulative process gives an opportunity to develop competitiveness and investment attractiveness of corporations. By analysing the place of stakeholders in the Mendelow matrix, we offer to use a dialogue between stakeholders to assert their interests in the corporation. Methods. The authors used the following methods to conduct the present research: logical and semantic analysis, methods of systematisation and generalisation to identify external factors and interests of stakeholders. Methods of statistical analysis and expert assessment were used to determine the impact of stakeholders’ interests on corporate governance. Graphical methods were used to visualize the stakeholder’s benefit in the Mendelow matrix. The article is based on the study of the corporate governance and statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The database of the UN, OECD, IMF, World Bank Group, WTO, Eurostat, reports of automobile building companies and own research materials of the 2014-2016 period were used in the article. Results. The authors have analysed the impact of external factors, such as investment climate, development of stock market, development of commodity market, legal regulation of corporate relations and studied interests of corporate members. The place of stakeholders in the company was assessed by experts. This method was tested at the automobile building Corporation JSC «Bogdan Motors». The authors have used negotiations between stakeholders as a tool «to make the company better», which unlike the debate allows stakeholders to come to a mutual decision on the strategic development of the corporation. Discussion. The effectiveness of the corporate governance will be higher when different groups of stakeholders understand each other. Corporate dialogues will improve corporate reputation and productivity. The corporation where corporate dialogues are conducted will be more socially responsible, innovative than those corporations where only corporate debates take place. Метою статті є обґрунтування проведення корпоративних перегорів як методу залучення стейкхолдерів до діяльності організації. Це сприятиме підвищенню конкурентоспроможності, інвестиційної привабливості та забезпечить стабільне економічне зростання корпорації. Методи. У статті використовувались такі методи наукового дослідження: логіко-семантичний аналіз, систематизація та узагальнення – для ідентифікації чинників зовнішнього середовища та інтересів зацікавлених осіб; методи статистичного аналізу, анкетування, експертних оцінок для визначення впливу інтересів зацікавлених сторін на систему корпоративного управління; графічні методи – для наочного відображення інтересів зацікавлених сторін на матриці Менделоу. Інформаційною основою дослідження є роботи науковців у сфері корпоративного управління, статистичні матеріали Державної служби статистики України, бази даних організацій у складі ООН, ОЕСР, МВФ, Групи Світового Банку, СОТ, Євростату, нормативно-правові акти, звітність машинобудівних підприємств і матеріали власних досліджень у 2014–2016 роках. Результати. У статті розкрито вплив факторів зовнішнього середовища, таких як інвестиційний клімат, розвиток фондового ринку, розвиток товарного ринку, нормативно-правове регулювання корпоративних відносин на функціонування корпорації. Досліджено інтереси основних учасників корпоративного управління. На основі методу експертних оцінок розроблено методику оцінки, що визначає місце стейкхолдерів у діяльності корпорації. Таку методику апробовано на машинобудівному підприємстві. На основі аналізу практичного досвіду машинобудівного підприємства запропоновано використовувати корпоративні переговори як інструмент регулювання інтересів зацікавлених сторін, який, на відміну від дебатів стейкхолдерів, дозволяє прийти до спільного рішення щодо стратегічного розвитку корпорації. Подальший розвиток. Результативність завдань корпоративного управління через проведення переговорів буде вищою за рахунок підвищення розуміння учасниками взаємних інтересів та проблем корпорації. Крім цього в результаті підвищення корпоративної репутації підприємства, корпоративні переговори сприятимуть підвищенню розуміння їх позитивного впливу на діяльність корпорації. Корпорації, де проводяться ефективні корпоративні переговори, будуть більш соціально відповідальними, інноваційними, ніж ті, де відбуваються корпоративні дебати

    On the Issue of Identification of Urgent Instruments of Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises

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    The article examines the urgent anti-crisis management instruments that characterize immediate (urgent) actions aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the enterprise. For the purpose of their identification, carrying out a comparative analysis is recommended, on the basis of the indicators that provide for assessment according to the following criteria: implementation time (time of accomplishing of operations for implementation of the anti-crisis control instrument, time of one operation for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, the level of time for operations for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument); riskiness (coefficient of possible loss of profitability, Altman’s Z-criterion, indicator of financial sustainability of the enterprise); level of competitiveness (product competitiveness index, assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise in statistics, multi-factory model of competitiveness); profitability of the enterprise (net profit per 1 UAH of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, profitability of products, the level of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument). In the process of identification of the anti-crisis management instruments, the aggregate of the obtained indicators was carried out according to the results of compliance with the established criterion value using Boolean variables. A scale of values is formed; it is determined that the enterprise’s considering the anti-crisis management instrument as the urgent one should take place on the basis of satisfaction of more than 65% of the signs of compliance with the standards for the indicators expressed in the value of the boolean variable. In the process of practical approbation of the recommended method, the urgent instruments for the anti-crisis management of PJSC «Kontsern Khlibprom» are identified

    The Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Building a System of Customs Services for Enterprises in the Context of European Integration

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    The article is concerned with substantiating the theoretical and practical foundations for building a system of customs services for enterprises. The proposed concept for building a system of customs services for enterprises considers it to be a poly-entitative process that can be implemented not only by customs officials but also by individuals, legal entities, non-profit organizations, foreign economic actors. It has been proved that, in the context of European Integration, in order to activate the foreign economic activities of national enterprises and to create a positive image of Ukraine as stable business partner in the international business community, building an efficient customs services system becomes topical. It is found that this system should typically include structural interrelated and interacting elements, such as: resource support, customs entities, goals and objectives, principles and technology of customs services, customs regimes and customs regulations, customs tools, objects and results of customs service

    The Formation and Use of the System of Scientific Activity in the Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine

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    The article is aimed at studying the scientific activity of a higher educational institution as a complex system. The backbone components are the following: carrying out scientific researches, providing of creative activity of participants to educational process, preparation of scientific personnel of the highest qualification, use of the received results in educational process. The main criteria (parameters) of assessment of system and subsystems have been formulated; it has been shown that the optimal quantitative values of subsystems of scientific activity are individual characteristics of a certain higher educational institution. The quantitative values of the subsystem parameters determine the need to regulate processes in the system of scientific activity, reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of each subsystem, determine its contribution to the formation and functioning of the system of scientific activity and to achieving the main objectives. The synergistic effect of the system depends on many factors and is achieved by combining individual capabilities of individual elements of the system, wherein the result of the process of system is better than the simple sum of the results of an individual item from outside the system

    The State of Applying Socio-Economic Levers for Ensuring the Polyvector Development of Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine

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    The aim of the article is to obtain by means of using instruments of primary research the information on the state of applying socio-economic levers for ensuring polyvector development of industrial enterprises in Ukraine as an information base for making management decisions on improving the process. There have been laid out and justified main parameters of the conducted survey to identify the state of applying socio-economic levers for ensuring polyvector development of industrial enterprises in Ukraine (choosing the method of raw information collection, forming the volume of selection totality, determining its spatial characteristic, identifying the target audience of the objects in the sample, choosing the instrument of the study, etc.) On the basis of the results of the conducted study there has been diagnosed a number of parameters characterizing the state of applying socio-economic levers for ensuring polyvector development of industrial enterprises in Ukraine, namely: clarity of the system of levers in whole for employees, relation of the system to the enterprise profitability, complexity of using the existing socio-economic levers ensuring polyvector development at domestic industrial enterprises, overall evaluation of the system of such levers, changes in their effectiveness under the influence of the recent financial and economic crisis. Besides, there has been performed identification of the subjects responsible at domestic enterprises for creating socio-economic levers ensuring polyvector development of business as well as factors most contributing to these processes and threats complicatingthem in a certain way. The results obtained should become an important information base for making management decisions helping to ensure polyvector development of industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this direction should be the specifying of separate problems aimed at more efficient management of polyvector enterprise development taking into account available information on its current state

    The National Model of State Regulation of Human Capital Development under Conditions of Global Competition

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    The aim of the article is to study the role of the state in and its influence on the processes of formation, reproduction and development of human capital in the context of globalization. Attention is focused on the fact that human capital is a key factor that will allow the country to accelerate the pace of integration into the world economic space. It is determined that currently in Ukraine, with the economy of innovative development, built on the knowledge economy, being the country’s priority and strategic course, unfavorable conditions for the preservation and reproduction of competitive human capital have developed. The authors present the definition of the category “human capital in the context of globalization”. It is substantiated that state regulation of human capital development should be considered in terms of the impact of globalization processes and taking into account national strategies. The instruments of influence and principles of building the system of state regulation of human capital development are determined. The volume of financing and share of the State budget expenditures on education, health care, and spiritual and physical development are analyzed. It is indicated that there is a gradual decrease in the state spending on the development of human capital, which is a negative trend. It is noted that the decline in the standard of living of human capital leads to intensification of migration processes and intellectual capital outflow abroad. A national model of state regulation of human capital development under conditions of global competition is developed and proposed. To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy and minimize losses related to intellectual capital outflow, there proposed a set of measures on the part of the state to improve the regulation of human capital development in the country. Prospects for further research are to determine the impact of innovative components of state regulation mechanisms in the areas of activity that in the future could substantially improve the quality of human capital and increase the country’s human capital index

    Decomposition of Factors and Criteria for Evaluating the Process of Intellectualization of Enterprise Management Systems

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    The article presents the author’s vision of solving the scientific problem of determining factors of influence and forming criteria for evaluating the process of intellectualization of enterprise management systems. It is found that diagnostic evaluation of the process of intellectualization of enterprise management systems depends on the influence of factors of the internal environment of the management systems, personal motivation factors, and the external environment. There carried out decomposition of the process of intellectualization of management systems into separate constituents and group criteria for diagnosing and their detailed indicators are selected. The basic group criteria for evaluating the process of intellectualization of management systems include: knowledge potential of carriers of intelligence; human capital; intellectual competence level of the management personnel; motivation of carriers of intelligence; state of the management development; scientific and research potential; development of information and communication technologies; intellectual and economic activity; formation of intellectual capital; institutional development of the management system, formation of knowledge and innovation prospects; complexity of the intellectualization process

    Stresses as an Object of Management: Essence, Classification, and Factors of Formation

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    The article explores the etymology and semantics of the concept of «stress» and suggests its multiaspectual consideration: as a phenomenon that occurs under the influence of extreme factors of internal and external functioning environment; as a system of reactions of either the subject or the object on specific factors of environment; as a state which does not belong to the category of organic and is characterized by significant deviations from such. A generalized comprehensive classification of varieties of stresses by substantive and independent attributes has been compiled, that provides more versatile characterizing stresses and helps to prepare informational ground for identifying their parameters. It has been proved, that the diversity of stresses occurs under the influence of stressors (stress factors), i.e. there are factors that predispose their evolving and progress. A classification of impact of stressors on individual by the semantic attribute has been proposed, allowing to allocate personal, family, institutional, and extaorganizational stressors. In the context of impact on enterprise, it has been suggested to consider stressors from the standpoint of internal and external position environment

    The Formation of the Model of Diagnosing the Results Implementation of of Consulting Projects for Enterprises

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    In the article the graphic-analytical model of diagnostics of results of implementation of consulting projects is formed, which allows to: take into consideration interests of participants to the project on choice of methods and methodologies of diagnosing; allocate alternative sets of business indicators for each object of impact in terms of consulting project; establish economic and non-economic criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of consulting, as well as monitoring of indicators and automated processing of diagnostic results to control deviations from the optimal values of the diagnosed project results. A structural-logical model of formation of alternative sets of indicators and choice of indicators for diagnostics of results of consulting projects has been developed. The elements of the enterprise management system have been codified to harmonize the corresponding indicators with their subsequent combination within the proposed sets. The control system objects and their elements have been allocated. The groups of indicators according to the technology of Balanced Score Card (BSC) have been presented. The prospect of further research is the economic assessment of implementation of the diagnosed consulting projects, which will reveal the links between the parameters of production-economic activity and the assessment of projects, and allows choose the most significant ones

    A Cost Typology for the Logistics and Supplying Activities of Enterprises

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    The article is aimed at systematization and development of a cost typology for the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises, as well as providing the substantive characteristics of each type of such costs. It has been substantiated that understanding varieties of costs of the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises provides the possibility of more efficient control of these costs, careful calculation of self-cost of production, formation of various key indicators of efficiency of management of such costs, identification of alternatives in the sphere of logistics and supplying operations, etc. The cost typology for the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises, provided in the article, differs from others in that the typology attributes are allocated from the position of the possibility for clear allocation and consideration of each kind of such costs (by means of the bookkeeping and managerial accounting). The provided generalized typology of kinds of costs of enterprises in terms of their logistics and supplying activities is stipulated not only by the need for more accurate management of these, but also by the possibility of their detailed analyzing as well as diagnosing with purpose of an optimization. Prospects for further research in this direction will be improving the instrumentarium of both the bookkeeping and managerial cost accounting of the logistics and supplying activities