507 research outputs found

    Deklinacija brojeva dva, oba, tri i četiri u kajkavskim pravnim tekstovima od 16. do 18. Stoljeća

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    Autori se u članku bave deklinacijom brojeva dva, oba, tri i četiri u kajkavskim tekstovima pravne regulative od 16. do 18. stoljeća. Kao korpus za jezičnu analizu uzimaju 23 teksta iz 16. st., 40 tekstova iz 17. st. i 19 tekstova iz 18. st. U jezičnoj se analizi posebna pažnja posvećuje usporedbi između oblika dvojine i množine u deklinaciji brojeva dva i oba, kao i razvoju množinskih oblika u deklinaciji brojeva tri i četiri. Autori navode sve zabilježene oblike brojeva dva, oba, tri i četiri, uspoređuju njihovu pojavnost u različitom vremenskom presjeku i na temelju rezultata jezične analize nude deklinacijski tip navedenih brojeva. Deklinacija brojeva u kosim padežima promatra se s obzirom na to jesu li navedeni brojevi dijelom prijedložnih ili neprijedložnih izraza, a posebno je pitanje učestalosti indeklinabilnih oblika.In this paper the authors discuss some interesting facts about the declension of the numerals two, both, three and four in Kajkavian legal texts from the 16th to 18th century. The language analysis is based on eighty two Kajkavian legal texts (23 from the 16th, 40 from the 17th, and 19 from the 18th century). Special attention has been paid to the question of the relation between plural and dual in the declension of the numerals two and both, as well as to the development of the plural in the declension of the numerals three and four. All recorded forms of the numerals two, both, three and four are given for all cases and their appearance is compared between different time periods. Number declension also is examined in prepositional phrases. At the end of the paper the frequency of the nondeclinable forms of the numerals two, both, three and four is given


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    SUMMARY The language of the Kajkavian language poetry collection entitled “Oblečena vu šlarinu duše” (2003) by Željka Cvetković (1965) is analysed in the paper. The analysis will show to what extent the author\u27s contemporary Kajkavian literary language includes diachrony (knowledge of the old Kajkavian literature language) and to what extent there is synchrony (contemporary speeches of Turopolje, especially the one from Mala Mlaka, the settlement where of the author\u27s mother tongue is spoken).U radu se analizira jezik kajkavske pjesničke zbirke "Oblečena vu šlarinu duše" (2003.) autorice Željke Cvetković (1965. g.). Analiza će pokazati u kojoj mjeri autoričin suvremeni kajkavski književni jezik uključuje dijakroniju (poznavanje jezika stare kajkavske književnosti) i sinkroniju (suvremene turopoljske govore, pogotovo malomlački govor, čija je autorica izvorna govornica)

    Idejno rješenje uređaja za ispitivanje kompozitnih vratila

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    Primjena polimernih kompozita razvojem materijala i unapređivanjem tehnologija prerade otvorila je nove mogućnosti u izradi strojnih elemenata za prijenos snage i gibanja. Među najvažnijim elementima za prijenos snage i okretnog momenta su vratila. U ovom radu dan je opis i podjela kompozitnih materijala. Navedene su karakteristike kompozitnih vratila, njihova primjena i postojeća rješenja spojeva kompozit – metal. Nadalje, ovim radom dan je pregled u pojedinosti konstruiranja kompozitnog vratila kao što su odabir vrste materijala vratila, odabir smole, tehnologija namatanja, odabir vrste spoja kompozit – metal s obzirom na vrstu opterećenja vratila, odnosno primjenu, pregled postojećih konstrukcijskih rješenja kompozitnih vratila obzirom na primjenu te problemi koji se mogu očekivati kod pojedine primjene takvih vratila. U ovom radu dan je prikaz konstrukcijskih značajki važnih kod ispitivanja vratila, opis i kinematska struktura ispitnih postolja te sigurnosni aspekti koje je potrebno ostvariti kod uređaja za ispitivanje kompozitnih vratila. Na temelju prikaza konstrukcijskih značajki važnih kod ispitivanja vratila određeni su elementi mjernog lanca uređaja za ispitivanje vratila. Nadalje, daljnjim proučavanjem postojećih ispitnih uređaja uočeno je da ne postoje rješenja ispitnih uređaja koja bi mogla potkrijepiti sve varijante opterećenja te su ispitni uređaji rađeni prema namjeni i ispitnom području

    New data on the geology of the archaeological site at Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    Landslides threaten Vinča, a world famous archaeological site of Neolithic culture. For this reason, a field investigation and geologic-geotechnical research of the cores of seven exploration boreholes were carried out. Avery interesting structural setting was identified. The oldest stratigraphic unit consists of Middle Miocene Sarmatian sediments, which were discovered along the right bank of Danube River and within its riverbed about 300 m upstream from the archaeological site. These Sarmatian strata give evidence that the Danube River eroded the right bank. In addition, within its recent valley, there is a fault zone along which a block on the right bank was uplifted while a block on the left bank of the river that was subsided. All the boreholes passed through sediments of a previously unknown geological formation. It lies unconformably over Sarmatian strip marls and makes the base for Pleistocene loessoid sediments (approx. 10 m under the surface). These sediments were formed in a marsh-lake environment with a strong river influence. According to its superposition, the supposed age of this formation is the Plio-Pleistocene. Above the right bank of the Danube River, there are steep sections where Pleistocene swamp loessoid sediments were found. True loess deposits are not present here, but are in the hinterland of the right bank of the Danube River. The loess delluvium was deposited over the Pleistocene sediments. On the right bank of the Danube River, below the archaeological site, there are the anthropogenic water compacted sands that were previously incorrectly shown on geological maps as alluvial fans. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176015

    Suglasnički sustav južnomoslavačkih kajkavskih govora

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    U radu se na temelju vlastitih terenskih istraživanja i literature prikazuje suglasnički sustav južnomoslavačkih kajkavskih govora, njegov inventar, distribucija i podrijetlo, na primjeru triju govora – Kutinskoga Sela, Osekova i Okešinca. Prikazuju se zajedničke i razlikovne značajke triju navedenih govora. Južnomoslavački kajkavski govori pripadaju južnomoslavačkomu ili donjolonjskomu dijalektu.The article describes the consonant system of South Moslavina Kajkavian vernaculars. Three vernaculars have been chosen to study the consonant system of the South Moslavina region: Kutinsko Selo, Osekovo and Okešinec vernaculars. The analysis has resulted in common and distinctive features of the three vernaculars on the phonological level. Consonants have been especially studied in terms of their inventory, distribution and origin. The South Moslavina Kajkavian vernaculars belong to the South Moslavina or Donja Lonja Kajkavian dialect

    Numerical simulation of the Adriatic Sea principal tidal constituents

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    The primary goal of this study was to incorporate data-derived harmonic constants into a complex dynamic model using a form of variational data assimilation, with a view to improve the prediction of 7 dominant tidal constituents in the Adriatic Sea. Firstly, harmonic-constant data for 6 Adriatic stations were fed into a steady-state, 3-D, forward/inverse model to furnish optimal boundary conditions (OBCs). Calculated OBCs were then used to derive individual constituent responses, as well as to synthesise seven-constituent boundary conditions for the time stepping, 3-D model. A separate set of 25 stations provided control harmonic constant data. In validating the model output particular attention has been given to the often-ignored tidal currents. To that end 14 current meter data records were processed into tidal current ellipse parameters and used to examine the comparable model output. Comparison to gauge data has shown that the present solution is better than our own previous one, and shows an improvement over recent solutions by other authors. The model accurately reproduces available data with individual station amplitude differences rarely exceeding 1cm, and with the phase error commonly staying well below 10°. For all tidal constituents individual station differences result in RMSE in the 0.33-0.71-cm range for amplitude, and the 5.6°-19.2° range for phase. Semidiurnal currents appear to be modelled better than the diurnal ones (generally over-predicted). High eccentricity of both data and model-derived ellipses often impaired calculating the proper sense of rotation; inclination of the ellipses proved to be the most robust parameter, successfully predicted for most constituents at all depths

    Numerical solution of the Adriatic Sea principal tidal constituents

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    Primary goal of the present paper has been to incorporate data-derived harmonic constants into a complex dynamic model using a variant of variational data assimilation, with a view to improve prediction of 7 dominant tidal harmonics in the Adriatic Sea. Firstly, harmonic-constant data for 6 Adriatic stations were fed into a steady state 3D forward/inverse model to furnish optimal boundary conditions (OBCs). Calculated OBCs were then used to derive individual harmonic responses, as well as to synthesise seven-harmonic boundary condition for the time stepping 3D model. A separate set of 25 stations provided control harmonic constant data. In validating the model output particular attention has been given to often-ignored tidal currents. To that end 14 current meter data records (not used in the assimilation procedure) were processed into tidal current ellipse parameters and used to examine the comparable model output. Comparison to gauge data has shown that the present solution is better than our own previous one (Janeković et al., 2003 - M2 and K1), as well as that of a recent contender (Cushman-Roisin and Naimie, 2002 - M2, S2, K1, O1). Semi-diurnal currents appear to be modelled better that the diurnal ones (generally over-predicted). High eccentricity of both data- and model-derived ellipses often impaired calculating the proper sense of rotation ; inclination of the ellipses proved to be the most robust parameter, successfully predicted for most harmonics at all depths