3 research outputs found

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In recent years representatives of various sciences began to pay attention to the problems of legitimacy of power, making them the subject of scientific and political discussions by considering the supply chain strategy. At the same time, geopolitical changes in the world put on the agenda the search for effective ways of transition to democracy, which was the impetus to the development of the concept of "transit society" and its separate direction - "transit justice". Instability, as a characteristic feature of this stage of social development, bring significant attention to the legitimacy of power and its institutions. Indeed, this question largely determines the perspectives for stabilizing society. It becomes relevant in relation to justice and court system that represents it. The legitimization of court acts as a prerequisite for the legitimization of other authorities and democratic processes in the state. In the most widespread definition of institutional confidence is an integral element of legitimacy and supply chain provides the process for its better transparency. In regard to court it implies faith in the fairness of its actions and decisions as well as public recognition of its authority. In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society.У цій статті ми розглянули ключові питання про роль довіри в легітимації правосуддя в країнах транзитного періоду. Ми аргументували тезу про те, що рівень довіри до правосуддя в суспільстві прямо пропорційний рівню його громадянської свідомості. Інформаційна природа обох зумовлює необхідність використання інформаційних методів формування довіри до суду, як необхідної умови легітимації правосуддя в транзитному суспільстві.В этой статье мы рассмотрели ключевые вопросы о роли доверия в легитимации правосудия в странах транзитного периода. Мы аргументировали тезис о том, что уровень доверия к правосудию в обществе прямо пропорциональный уровню его гражданского сознания. Информационная природа обоих предопределяет необходимость использования информационных методов формирования доверия к суду, как необходимого условия легитимации правосудия в транзитном обществе

    Social Contract-2030 – a Modern Institution in Implementing the Interaction Between the State, Society and Business

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    The article is devoted to analysis of formation processes of interaction between the state, civil society and business in Russia. As an empirical basis the authors use the results of sociological research conducted by Public Opinion Fund in 2015, scientists of the South-Russian Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in 2012 and 2016. 44 % of respondents in the regions expressed a preference for the social partnership of government, business and civil society. The authors believe that the implementation of the mission of the Social Contract-2030 is possible through the mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP), which is the most promising and effective institution in modern economicpolitical condition of Russia. The strategic goals of the state consist in providing transfer of the country to the path of innovative development, aimed at reducing the export-resource dependence of the country in the context of the mission of Social Contract-2030 and the national security strategy of the country is impossible without formation of a partnership between the state, companies and commercial structures. Each of the members of the partnership provides a contribution to the implementation of the project. The business structure for its part contributes investment funds, human resources, effective business technologies, flexibility and responsiveness in decision-making, innovation and other private initiatives and available resources. The state in turn provides a partnership through their powers with necessary legal and institutional resources that ensure protective measures for the formation of a competitive and low-risk business. The main task of civil society is to help citizens in solving social problems and the implementation of control over the power structures in the fulfillment of social obligations of the state. The question of increasing the efficiency of mechanisms of Social contract-2030 implementation between the state, society, and business implies transparency of activities of public authorities and effective management of results