33 research outputs found

    Operational and technological properties of ploughing block-modular machine-and-tractor aggregate

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    One of the topical directions in the development of agricultural tractor construction can be the formation of machine-and-tractor units according to a modular principle, using technological modules with the driving wheels. The aim of this work is to study the possibilities how to increase the operational and technological indicators of the operation of an agricultural aggregate in a modular aggregation system due to the selection of rational parameters of an elastic-dissipative connection of the energy and the technological modules. The obtained data were processed by statistical methods on a PC, using correlation and dispersion analyses. It has been established by experimental investigation that the operation of a ploughing block-modular aggregate, while ensuring rational rigidity of the connection of its energy and technological modules, is achieved by throttling the hydraulic system of its rear suspension at the level of 75%, characterised by an increase in its performance by 6% and a decrease in the specific fuel consumption by 12.4%. In addition, the level of vertical vibration load of the operator corresponds to the allowed fatigue rate for 8 h of work

    Теоретичне обґрунтування повороту ширококолійних тракторів (транспортних засобів) для колійної системи землеробства

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    EN: A new scheme of the turn of a wide span tractor (vehicle) is presented for controlled traffic farming on the turning strip. The turn of the tractor, according to the presented scheme, allows moving the tractor to the next working position with better kinematic parameters. In addition to it, the improvement of the turnability characteristics is achieved at such a design embodiment of a wide span tractor when the ratio of its wheelbase to the width of the wheel track is as small as possible. The obtained equations about the movement of the wide span tractor for the offered new scheme of the turn allow estimating the impact of its design, performance, kinematic and power parameters upon the criteria of static and dynamic turnability. UK: Запропонована нова схема розвороту ширококолійного трактора для колійної системи землеробства на поворотній смузі, за якою переміщення трактора на наступну робочу позицію здійснюється з кращими кінематичними параметрами. При цьому покращення характеристик повороткості досягається при такому конструктивному виконанні ширококолійного трактора, коли відношення його колісної бази до ширини колії є якомога меншим. Отримані рівняння руху для запропонованої нової схеми повороту дозволяють оцінити вплив його конструктивних, експлуатаційних, кінематичних і силових параметрів на критерії статичної та динамічної повороткості

    Study of effectiveness of controlled traffic farming system and wide span self-propelled gantry-type machine

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    Trends in the global agricultural sector tend to efficient use of resources and improving the quality in agriculture. A significant effect in this regard can be achieved when using controlled traffic farming and wide span self-propelled gantry-type machine. The aim of this study is theoretical justification of the cost-effectiveness of introduction of the controlled traffic farming system and using of wide span self-propelled gantry-type machine, by selecting some optimal parameters of land use. Provided studies have shown that the most significant economic effect of introduction of the controlled traffic farming system is evident on the fields with high anthropogenic degradation of soils, where the results of crop yields increasing due to natural processes of soil decompression will be essential. The economic effect obtained by the implementation of the controlled traffic farming system by saving energy costs and seed. and due to increased crop yields is a minimum at the level of 150 € per ha

    Новый подход к выбору способа механической обработки грунта в условиях юга Украины

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    At a choice of an optimum way of machining of soil each land owner pursues one main aim - creation an optimum arable layer for cultivation of crops. Cultivation of soil finds the display in three systems: moldboard tillage, moldboardless tillage and no-till. The ad-vantages and shortcomings are inherent in each system. The right choice will provide preservation and improvement of physical and chemical properties and increase of fertility of soil, and it is one of the most important problems in the production of agricultural crops. The purpose of researches is improvement of quality of mechanical cultivation of soil, decrease in power expenses as a result of use of the boardless-subsoiler implement which can carry out at the same time two operations: loosening of surface layer of soil and decompaction of its lower layer. Scientists of university developed and patented soil-cultivating working body which carries out the moldboardless tillage of upper layer with a simultaneous decompaction of the lower layer by means of subsoiler. The offered boardless-subsoiler implement by loosening the top layer of soil and decompaction of the lower horizon, allows to keep crop residues on a surface of a tilled field and to loosen the lower layers of soil, providing the necessary water-air regime. Mechanical cultivation of the soil this boardless-subsoiler implement respond to criteria of quality of soil cultivation. Extent of crushing of the soil is lie in limits of necessary value, the sizes of structural units of the soil is 8-10mm. Forming of a necessary equilibrium condition of the soil on a depth of cultivation supports good germination of a root system and to increase in productivity of the grown-up cultures. Such processing most meets the agrotechnical requirements at growing crops such as sunflower, corn, sugar beet. The offered way of soil cultivation provides fuel savings of up to 10 kg per hectare due to reduction of number of operations. The energy intensity of technology process decreases to 50% due to reduction of number of technology operations for the preparation of the soil

    Theoretical investigation of a rear-mounted linkage for wide-span tractors

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    The work is devoted to the investigation of the peculiarities of aggregation of wide-span tractors (vehicles) with agricultural machines and implements. As a result of the conducted studies, it has been established that, from the point of view of the control impact (the turning angle of the driven wheels) and the disturbing impact (the turning angle of the mounted implement in a horizontal plane) exerted by the wide-span tractor, the most desirable is such a variant of configuration of the mounted device in which the instantaneous centre of rotation, formed by the convergence rays of its lower links, is in the centre of the mass of the tractor. When using wide-span tractors(vehicles) with mounted implements of the high 4N and 4 categories in accordance with the ISO 730: 2009, one should consider a possibility to configure them both for a three-point and a two-point scheme

    Исследование особенностей агрегатирования мостовых тракторов

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    The paper presents the research into the specific aspects of hitching agricultural machines and implements to wide span tractors (vehicles). According to the results of the performed investigations, the redistribution of the normal reaction forces on the tractor’s front and rear wheels depends to a significant extent not only on the inclination of the hitch links of the wide span tractor (vehicle), but also on such design parameters as the distance from the linkage to the centre of resistance and the carrier wheel of the agricultural machine or implement. In order to exclude in practical terms completely the effect of the machines’ running gear compacting the soil in the yielding (agronomic) zones of the field, it is recommended to implement on the wide span tractors (vehicles) the controlling devices that allow adjusting the normal vertical load on the agricultural machine or implement’s carrying wheels. Such controlling devices can operate on the principle of the known weight transfer traction boosters used in conventional tractors

    Theoretical study on linkage unit of wide span tractor

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    In order to ensure the stable motion of the wide span tractor, the design of its linkage has to provide for its independent turning on the horizontal plane. That implies the high priority of the issue of substantiating the parameters of the wide nspan tractor linkage unit. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of operation and application of wide span tractors through the substantiation of the parameters of their linkage units. The study uses as its basis the fundamental principles of the theoretical mechanics, the theory of tractor, the statistical dynamics and the theory of automatic control of linear dynamic systems responding to statistically random controlling and perturbing input actions. Following the results of the undertaken investigations, it has been established that the most desirable setup of the wide span tractor’s linkage unit in terms of the tractor’s response to the controlling action (angular displacement of steering wheels) and perturbing action (angular displacement of linkage unit on the horizontal plane) is when the instantaneous centre of turn situated at the point of convergence of the centrelines of the lower draught links coincides with the tractor’s centre of mass

    Theoretical study of transverse offsets of wide span tractor working implements and their influence on damage to row crops

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    Wide span tractors have a wide transversal bar, on which different implements can be mounted, while the supporting wheels follow the set traffic-lanes. The stability of wide span tractor movement is influenced by unbroken small angular deviations and transversal displacements of the machine due to several factors. These deflections from the set trajectories affect the working implements, especially the peripheral ones, which can cut the plants if wide span tractors are used to manage row crops. In this context, it needs to consider a safeguard zone that allows to reduce the probability of contact between working implements and plants. The aim of this paper was to determine the quantitative effect of transverse displacements of the working implements and the suitable size of the aforesaid safeguard zone. The magnitude of the inner and outer displacements of the working implements depends significantly on their location in relation to the center of the wide span tractor. For working implements located outside the center of the tractor, the outer safeguard zone should be larger than the inner zone. The probability of crop damage by working implements can be reduced by automated control of wide span tractor movemen

    Experimental investigation of the work of a ploughing aggregate, operating according to the system "push-pull"

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    The use of ploughing machine-and-tractor aggregates, operating according to the principle of - , finds increasing application in the world since it allows ensuring the stability of the movement and the depth of ploughing, reduction of the energy indicators. The aim of this experimental study is to determine under field conditions the dynamic and operational technological parameters of the ploughing machine-and-tractor aggregate, operating according to the - system. This aggregate was an integral ploughing-tillage wheeled HTZ 16131 tractor, in front of which there was mounted a two-bottom plough, and at the rear four-bottom ploughs. This aggregate has satisfactory path parameters of the movement during the execution of the technological process of ploughing. The oscillations of the furrow path for this aggregate are of a low-frequency nature and are concentrated in a rather narrow frequency range (0 50 m-1). At the operating speed of 2.0 m s-1 it is 0 0.16 Hz. The maximum value of the mutual correlation function between the input impact (the turning angle of the driven wheels of the aggregating tractor) and the output value its relative bearing is positive and reaches a value of 0.88. Stability of the ploughing depth for the aggregate according to the + scheme is 1.65 cm2, which is 1.98 cm2

    Pēc «push-pull» shēmas komplektēta aršanas agregāta kustības stabilitātes eksperimentāls pētījums

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    EN: The conducted researches on a ploughing aggregate, composed according to the "push-pull" scheme as part of the HTZ-16131 tractor with a frontal two-bottom plough and a rear-mounted four-bottom plough, show that there is a positive correlation between the input impact – the turning angle of the driven wheels of the tractor, and the output parameter – its relative bearing. The maximum value of the mutual correlation function between these parameters is quite high, reaching mark 0.88. The researched ploughing aggregate, operating according to the "push-pull" scheme, has satisfactory path indicators. The path variations of the furrow laid by this aggregate are of a low-frequency nature. Arrangement of the supporting wheel of the frontal plough outside the furrow and its movement across an undeveloped agrophone does not lead to the deterioration in the steering ability of the explored ploughing aggregate. LV: Pēc «push-pull» shēmas komplektētu aršanas agregātu: traktora HTZ-16131 ar pakaļējās uzkares četru korpusu un ar frontālo divu korpusu arklu pētījumi liecina, ka starp ieejas parametru – traktora vadriteņu pagrieziena leņķi un izejas parametru – agregāta kursa leņķi pastāv pozitīva korelācijas sakarība. Savstarpējās korelācijas funkcijas maksimālā vērtība starp šiem parametriem ir pietiekami augsta un sasniedz atzīmi 0.88. Pētāmajam, pēc «push-pull» shēmas komplektētajam aršanas agregātam ir apmierinoši trajektorijas parametri. Ar šo agregātu veidotās vagas trajektorijas svārstībām ir zema frekvence. Frontālā arkla atbalsta riteņa novietojums vagā vai uz neapstrādāta agrofona nesamazina pētāmā aršanas agregāta vadāmību