2 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Investment Support for Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the Global Economy

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    The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of investments in agriculture and the impact of investment processes on implementing multifunctionality of the industry under globalization. An assessment of the effectiveness of investments through the prism of the results of implementing multifunctionality of agriculture in the context of globalization processes is carried out. It is established that investment processes in agriculture of Ukraine demonstrate positive development trends and, unlike other sectors of the economy, are more resistant to macroeconomic fluctuations, the impact of which is partially offset by global trends in the world agricultural market development. It is proved that investment activity in agriculture is characterized by an increase in the level of economic efficiency, in particular, as concerns the industry performing a globalization function. This is manifested in an increase in the international trade of enterprises and the value of agricultural exports. The social and environmental efficiency of investment processes in agriculture is low and does not meet the needs of rural population and the significance of agricultural production on a global and national scale. It is argued that a growth in the overall efficiency of investment processes in agriculture requires consolidating efforts of government institutions and industrial entities in the direction of increasing the social and environmental responsibility of the latter. The results of the scientific research constitute the methodological basis for developing proposals to improve the efficiency of investments in agricultural production as a tool for the industry to implement its multifunctional public purpose

    Szanse na zr贸wnowa偶ony rozw贸j 艣wiata poprzez wprowadzenie biogospodarki: perspektywa globalna

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    At the time of the study, the world economy is attempting to form a resource-efficient policy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the evolution of the development of strategies and tactics of bioeconomic policy in the international space. The study substantiated the specific features of the implementation of special state and regional programmes of the advanced countries of the world, which differ in socio-economic ideas and prospects for their implementation. The comparative review of strategies identified similarities and differences between them, which allowed to differentiate strategic documents for the implementation of bioeconomic policy in certain areas. The study provides graphic visualisation of distribution of the countries according to the established orientation. The authors of the study proved the convergent difference of bioeconomic policy within each of the above areas by development goals, key objectives, and means of achieving them in a certain spatial dimension.W czasie przeprowadzania niniejszego badania gospodarka 艣wiatowa pr贸buje opracowa膰 polityk臋 efektywnego gospodarowania zasobami. Celem pracy jest zbadanie ewolucji rozwoju strategii i taktyk polityki bioekonomicznej w przestrzeni mi臋dzynarodowej. W badaniu przedstawiona jest specyfika realizacji specjalnych program贸w pa艅stwowych i regionalnych rozwini臋tych kraj贸w 艣wiata, r贸偶ni膮cych si臋 ideami spo艂eczno-gospodarczymi i perspektywami ich realizacji. Por贸wnawczy przegl膮d strategii wskaza艂 podobie艅stwa i r贸偶nice mi臋dzy nimi, co pozwoli艂o na wyodr臋bnienie dokument贸w strategicznych do realizacji polityki biogospodarczej w okre艣lonych obszarach. Autorzy pracy wypracowali graficzn膮 wizualizacj臋 rozmieszczenia kraj贸w zgodnie z ustalon膮 orientacj膮. W wyniku badania uda艂o si臋 ujawni膰 zbie偶n膮 r贸偶nic臋 polityki biogospodarczej w ka偶dym z powy偶szych obszar贸w ze wzgl臋du na cele rozwojowe, cele kluczowe i sposoby ich osi膮gni臋cia w okre艣lonym wymiarze przestrzennym