67 research outputs found

    Climate change in game theory

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    The study provides an overview of the application possibilities of game theory to climate change. The characteristics of games are adapted to the topics of climate and carbon. The importance of uncertainty, probability, marginal value of adaptation, common pool resources, etc. are tailored to the context of international relations and the challenge of global warming

    Monetary efficacy in the community level

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    Hypothesis of the paper is that the monetary room for manoeuvre in the European Community is determined by the institutional and strategic characteristics of the ECB, moreover the financial market environment composed by multi-state community. The methodology of the paper is built on the evaluation of the decision making and strategy of ECB as institutional aspect, and the monetary transmission in national financial markets. In policy evaluation, the monetary targeting is surveyed through HICP, monetary base, central bank rates, exchange rates and treatment of price impacts. The transmission is examined through analysis of structure of the member state’s financial markets

    Modeling the fiscal impacts caused by climate change

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    Aim of the paper: The purpose is to gather the practices and to model the impacts of climate change on fiscal spending and revenues, responsibilities and opportunities, balance and debt related to climate change (CC). Methodology of the paper: The methodology will distinguish fiscal cost of mitigation and adaptation, besides direct and indirect costs. It will also introduce cost benefit analyses to evaluate the propensity of policy makers for action or passivity. Several scenarios will be drafted to see the different outcomes. The scenarios shall contain the possible losses in the natural and artificial environment and resources. Impacts on public budget are based on damage of income opportunities and capital/wealth/natural assets. There will be a list of actions when the fiscal correction of market failures will be necessary. Findings: There will be a summary and synthesis of estimation models on CC impacts on public finances, and morals of existing/existed budgeting practices on mitigation. The model will be based on damages (and maybe benefits) from CC, adjusted with probabilities of scenarios and policy making propensity for action. Findings will cover the way of funding of fiscal costs. Practical use, value added: From the synthesis of model, the fiscal cost of mitigation and adaptation can be estimated for any developed, emerging and developing countries. The paper will try to reply, also, for the challenge how to harmonize fiscal and developmental sustainability

    The Reverse Balassa–Samuelson Effect in the Euro Zone

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    The debt crisis of the eurozone revealed a structural problem of the single market. The single currency created a pegged foreign exchange system among the euro member states. Thus, the less competitive countries can not improve their wage competitiveness through devaluation, but are motivated to extend the current consumption as the single central bank rate and the zone stability created cheap debt financing. The paper overviews the process of Reverse Balassa-Samuelson effect to explain the importance of external imbalance in the debt crisis

    Climate change in game theory context

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    The aim of this paper is to survey the game theory modelling of the behaviour of global players in mitigation and adaptation related to climate change. Three main fields are applied for the specific aspects of temperature rise: behaviour games, CPR problem and negotiation games. The game theory instruments are useful in analyzing strategies in uncertain circumstances, such as the occurrence and impacts of climate change. To analyze the international players’ relations, actions, attitude toward carbon emission, negotiation power and motives, several games are applied for the climate change in this paper. The solution is surveyed, too, for externality problem

    Nemzetgazdasågi versenyképesség: elmélet, mérés, esettanulmånyok = Competitiveness of National Economies: Theory, Measurement, Case Studies

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    MƱhelytanulmĂĄnyunk a nemzeti versenykĂ©pessĂ©g vĂĄllaltokon tĂșli dimenziĂłjĂĄval kĂ­vĂĄn foglalkozni. A felgyorsult globalizĂĄciĂł korĂĄnak vilĂĄggazdasĂĄgi környezetĂ©ben, ahol a nemzetköziesedett nagyvĂĄllalatok rendelkeznek az erƑforrĂĄsok Ă©s a közvetlen beruhĂĄzĂĄsok jelentƑs rĂ©sze felett Ă©s az egyes regionĂĄlis piacok folyamatai gyorsan ĂĄttevƑdnek mĂĄs rĂ©giĂłkra, a gazdasĂĄgpolitika Ă©s tĂĄgabb Ă©rtelemben az ĂĄllam mozgĂĄstere Ă©s feladata megvĂĄltozott. Ez az orszĂĄgokra nĂ©zve azt jelenti, hogy a stabil ĂŒzleti környezet megteremtĂ©sĂ©vel Ă©s az emberi erƑforrĂĄs illetve a technolĂłgiai infrastruktĂșra, mint hĂĄttĂ©rerƑforrĂĄsok fejlesztĂ©sĂ©vel kĂ©pesek hosszĂștĂĄvon megalapozni a gazdasĂĄgi növekedĂ©st Ă©s felzĂĄrkĂłzĂĄst, fĂŒggetlenĂŒl attĂłl, hogy az eurĂłpai gazdasĂĄgi integrĂĄciĂłs környezetben valĂłsĂ­tjĂĄk-e meg mindezt. _____ The working paper examines the dimensions of competitiveness over the corporate level. The regional positions are changing quickly and the room for manoeuvre of the economic policy in national level is narrowed for attraction of business activities in the era of quickened globalisation. The countries compete for direct investments with the level of stability in business environment, the quality of human resource, the development of technological infrastructure. The development of background factors determines the economic growth

    Az ipari parkok szerepe a kĂ­nai - magyar gazdasĂĄgi kapcsolatok fejlesztĂ©sĂ©ben (Industrial parks in the development of Hungarian – Chinese economic relations)

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    A kĂ­nai-magyar gazdasĂĄgi kapcsolatoktĂłl mindenki sokat vĂĄrt eddig, de viszonylag kevĂ©s növekedĂ©si hatĂĄst sikerĂŒlt elĂ©rnie MagyarorszĂĄgnak a dinamikusan felemelkedƑ kĂ­nai gazdasĂĄgbĂłl. A tanulmĂĄny azt vizsgĂĄlja, hogy az ipari parkok, logisztikai bĂĄzisok terĂ©n mi teheti vonzĂłvĂĄ MagyarorszĂĄgot az EU piacĂĄt megcĂ©lzĂł kĂ­nai vĂĄllalatok szĂĄmĂĄra, illetve milyen gazdasĂĄgi lehetƑsĂ©gek rejlenek az ipari parkok hĂĄlĂłzatĂĄban ahhoz, hogy a kĂ­nai növekedĂ©si dinamika valamennyire Ă©rvĂ©nyesĂŒljön a magyar gazdasĂĄgban is. / === / Most of the economic and political actors in Hungary have expected high benefits from the Chinese – Hungarian economic relations, but only moderated growth impact has been imported from the dynamic emerging Chinese economy. The study surveys the potentials of industrial parks and logistic bases whether how much they can add to the attractiveness of Hungary toward the Chinese companies targeting the single market of the EU, and what range of economic opportunities is exploitable in the network of industrial parks for having the Chinese growth dynamics to prevail particularly in the Hungarian economy

    A Transzatlanti kereskedelmi és beruhåzåsi tårsulås és a növekedés. Gyakorlati és módszertani kérdések

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    A Transzatlanti kereskedelmi Ă©s beruhĂĄzĂĄsi tĂĄrsulĂĄssal (TTIP) kapcsolatosan szĂĄmos vita, kampĂĄny, elemzĂ©s prĂłbĂĄlja meggyƑzni vagy elriasztani a közvĂ©lemĂ©nyt. E tanulmĂĄnyban a szerzƑ azt tĂĄrja fel, hogy milyen közgazdasĂĄgi matematikai modelleken alapulnak a TTIP-vel kapcsolatos gazdasĂĄgi hatĂĄsokrĂłl szĂłlĂł becslĂ©sek. Áttekinti a szĂĄmszerƱsĂ­tett ĂĄltalĂĄnos egyensĂșlyi modellek (CGE) alkalmazĂĄsi lehetƑsĂ©gĂ©t, közgazdasĂĄgi tartalmĂĄt Ă©s hogy hogyan adaptĂĄltĂĄk mindezt a TTIP növekedĂ©si hatĂĄsaira fĂłkuszĂĄlĂł elemzĂ©sek. Kritikai szemle alĂĄ veszi a CGE modell korlĂĄtait. AlternatĂ­v megközelĂ­tĂ©skĂ©nt Ă©rtĂ©keli a Global Policy Model alkalmazĂĄsĂĄra tett kĂ­sĂ©rletet. Összeveti Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©keli a CGE szemlĂ©letben kĂ©szĂŒlt kĂŒlönbözƑ TTIP elemzĂ©seke

    Monetåris hatåsossåg közösségi szinten (The community level efficiency of monetary policy)

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    A monetĂĄris integrĂĄciĂł központi szereplƑje a KözössĂ©g jegybankja. A közös valuta Ă©rtĂ©kĂĄllĂłsĂĄgĂĄnak közvetlenĂŒl fƑ meghatĂĄrozĂłja a jegybank. MozgĂĄsterĂ©t azonban több tĂ©nyezƑ alakĂ­tja. E tanulmĂĄny az intĂ©zmĂ©nyi Ă©s stratĂ©giai, a tagĂĄllami (decentralizĂĄlt fiskĂĄlis) Ă©s a pĂ©nzpiaci környezet fĂŒggvĂ©nyĂ©ben vizsgĂĄlja az EurĂłpai Központi Bank (ECB) lehetƑsĂ©geit Ă©s monetĂĄris politikĂĄjĂĄnak hatĂĄsossĂĄgĂĄt. / === / The efficiency of the European Economic and Monetary Union is a big dilemma of European applied economics. The first part introduces the monetary policy made by ECB. Rates and objectives are the framework of efficiency analysis. The second part details the common pool resource problem in the community of EMU countries, and describes the prisoner's dilemma of indebting in a currency community. The EMU practice shows free riding behavior of many member states what generally causes higher default risks. The increasing indebtedness shows dysfunction too, as the ECB must adjust the interest rate to the higher default risk which means cost premiums for fiscally disciplined countries as well. The third part analyses the efficiency of the ECB through the standards of monetary transmission. The updated criteria can explain any success or failure of the ECB in a not perfectly homogeneous community. The measures of transmission used in the study are the way of financing (banks vs. market), terms of financing, structure of the banking sector, private sector indebtedness, structure of savings and wealth, price elasticity, interest rate elasticity, wage elasticity. They show that the single monetary policy can create tension in the community not only because of the fiscal differences but also due to money market discrepancies

    Financial Integration of the CEE banking sector

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