7 research outputs found

    New data on the Pseudoscorpion fauna of the caves of the Bakony Mountains, Hungary

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    Examining cave samples from the Bakony Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Hungary two pseudoscorpion species were found; Chthonius ressli Beier, 1956 and Neobisium carcinoides (Hermann, 1804). C. ressli is new to the pseudoscorpion fauna of Hungary. The morphological characters of the specimens found are discussed in detail and drawings of the C. ressli specimens are given

    Effects of different cultivation techniques on vineyard fauna

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    Green covering compared to soil cultivation enhanced the number of individuals of Araneae living on or near soil. No differences between the different soil management systems were found for the number of individuals of Staphylinidae and Carabidae. The typical main species of the two systems were different for all groups analyzed (Araneae, Staphylinidae and Carabidae)

    脷jabb szenz谩ci贸s 艖sl茅nytani leletek a pulai alginitb谩ny谩b贸l = Further remarkable palaeontological finds at the alginite quarry in Pula

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    Remains of a volcanic crater from the Pliocene (4 million years ago), fi lled with alginite,were discovered near the village of Pula, Veszpr茅m County, in 1973. Paleontological research begun at the Pula alginite mine in 2003 has yielded several hundred specimens for the collections at the Bakony Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. The latest collections have yielded large numbers of insects (mayfl y larvae, dragonfl ies, bugs, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, fl ies, wasps, beetles, etc.) and specimens of moss. Many of the specimens are from extant genera and the species can be identifi ed in some cases. Specimens of two groups of such insect fossils have presentday relatives in the Mediterranean basin (Isoptera; Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae: Dicladispa). The aquatic and shoreline fauna of the lake must have been extremely diverse. The climate in the area was warmer than today. With 18 figures

    Ground beetles from S菐laj county (Romania) (coleoptera: carabidae)

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    During a faunistical exploration of S菐laj county carried out in 2014 and 2015, 207 ground beetle (Carabidae) species were recorded from the area. Considering the earlier literature data the total number of carabid species known from the county is 246. Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787 is a Natura 2000 species, Pterostichus bielzii Fuss, 1878 is a species endemic to the Western Apuseni Mountains. Further rare species from the area: Dromius quadraticollis A. Morawitz, 1862, Elaphropus parvulus (Dejean, 1831), Lebia marginata (Geoffroy, 1785), Ophonus ardosiacus (Lu膷nik, 1922), Trechus amplicollis Fairmaire, 1859

    Species composition of carabid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in apple and pear orchards in Hungary

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    Species richness and composition of carabid assemblages were investigated on the ground surface of differently treated (abandoned, commercial and IPM) apple and pear orchards in Hungary. Extensive sampling was carried out by pitfall trapping in 13 apple and 3 pear orchards located in ten different regions. 28 230 individuals belonging to 174 species were collected. Additional four species were collected by trunk-traps and 23 species were found during the review of earlier literature. Altogether 201 carabid species representing 40% of the carabid fauna of Hungary were found in our and earlier studies. The species richness varied between 23 and 76 in the different orchards, the average species richness was 43 species. The common species, occurring with high relative abundance in the individual orchards in decreasing order were: Pseudoophonus rufipes, Harpalus distinguendus, Harpalus tardus, Anisodactylus binotatus, Calathus fuscipes, Calathus erratus, Amara aenea, Harpalus affinis and Pterostichus melanarius. The species with wide distribution, occurring in more than 75% of the investigated orchards in decreasing order were: Pseudoophonus rufipes, Trechus quadristriatus, Harpalus tardus, Harpalus distinguendus, Pterostichus melanarius, Amara aenea, Amara familiaris Calathus fuscipes, Poecilus cupreus, Calathus ambiguus, Calathus melanocephalus, Pseudoophonus griseus and Harpalus serripes. Species, which are rare in Hungary, and therefore are interesting in respect of faunal research, were: Amara cursitans, Harpalus progrediens, Notiophilus pusillus, Olisthopus rotundatus, Pangus scaritides and Parophonus hirsutulus

    Species Composition of Ground Dwelling Staphylinid (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Communities in Apple and Pear Orchards in Hungary

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    Species richness and composition of Staphylinidae communities were investigated at ground level when differently treated with pesticides and in abandoned apple and pear orchards in Hungary. Altogether 6099 individuals were collected belonging to 241 staphylinid species. 233 have been identified to species level and 8 staphylinid taxa were determined up to generic level. More than 20% of the Hungarian staphylinid fauna was represented in the orchards. The similarity (Jaccard index) between apple and pear orchards at ground level were 54%. The species richness in each orchard varied between 23 and 100 species. The most widely occurring species in orchard ground level were: Dinaraea angustula, Palporus nitidulus, Tachyporus hypnorum, Sphenoma abdominale, Omalium caesum, Philonthus carbonarius, Drusilla canaliculata, Sepedophilus marshami, Mocyta orbata, Coprochara bipustulata, Mocyta fungi, Hyponygrus angustatus, Purrolinus laeticeps, Paraphallus linearis, Omalium cursor, Heterothops dissimilis and Atheta crassicornis

    New data on the mesostigmatid mite fauna of Hungary (Acari: Mesostigmata)

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    The authors give account of 7 new species, viz. Proctolaelaps striatus (Westerboer, 1963), Hypoaspiskargi Costa, 1968, Hypoaspis fishtowni Ruf and K枚hler, 1993, Neoseiulus zw枚lferi (Dosse, 1957), Euseiusstipulatus (Athias-Henriot, 1960), Neoseiulus subtilisetosus (Beglyarov, 1962), Neoseiulus pepperi (Specht, 1968) belonging to the order Mesostigmata, which have not been recorded so far in the Hungarian fauna