2 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Dispepsia Fungsional Dengan Ansietas Dan Depresi Pada Remaja Awal Di Semarang

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    Background: Early adolescent is one of the most important transition period at life where there is a change of physical, psychological, and social. Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a disorder of the stomach that is quite common in the community which can become a stressor for early adolescent.Objective: To determine the prevalence of FD, anxiety, depression and relationship between functional dyspepsia with anxiety and depression in early adolescence in Semarang.Methods: This study uses observational analytic with cross sectional study design. Subjects were 210 adolescents aged 10-14 years with dyspepsia from several elementary and junior high schools in Semarang. Subjects were then given informed consent, filled out personal data, filled out the Rome III Functional Dyspepsia questionnaire, Screen for Children Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, child (SCARED-C) questionnaire and Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) questionnaire. The relationship analysis was calculated using Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test as an alternative test.Results: The prevalence of FD was 2.4%, anxiety was 41.9% and depression was 5.2%. p=0.402 was obtained for relationship between FD with anxiety and p=1.000 for FD with depression. p=0.017 was obtained for relationship between nausea with depression.Conclusions: There was no significant relationship between functional dyspepsia with anxiety and depression. There was a significant relationship between nausea with depression symptom

    Aspartat Amino Transferase-Platelet Ratio Index (APRI), Kadar Bilirubin dan Venektasi Penderita Kolestasis Anak di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Aspartat amino transferase (AST)-platelet ratio index (APRI), bilirubin level and venectation of the pediatric cholestatic patient in Kariadi Hospital SemarangBackground: Cholestasis occurs when there is obstruction in the secretion of various substances, causing substances retention in the liver and cause damage to liver cells. The number of patients with cholestasis in infants and children is increasing, but diagnosis is still problematic. The purpose of this study is to describe cholestatic patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang and to define correlation between APRI, bilirubin level, and venectation.Method: A retrospective study was conducted in Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang from December 2010 until January 2012. Discriptive analysis was used to analyse data and Spearman Brown correlation was used to analyse correlation between APRI, bilirubin level, and venectation.Result: From December 2010 to January 2012 there were 29 patients with cholestasis. For 10 patient (34%) the cause of cholestatic problem could not be found. From 19 patient that were diagnosed, the most common cause of cholestasis in this group is cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, followed by billiary atresia and cholelithiasis. In this study the AST-Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) of the subjects were between 0.26 and 11.09, with mean of 3.23. There was no correlation between the degree of liver fibrosis as measured using the APRI with high levels of bilirubin (r=0.36; p=0.58) and venectation in the subject (r=0.47; p=0.14).Conclusion: Patients with cholestasis in Dr. Kariadi Hospital were mostly under 2 years old and the most common cause are CMV infection. There was no correlation between the degree of liver fibrosis with bilirubin, which is one of parameter in determining the prognosis of patients with end stage liver disease, and venectation. Although APRI is sensitive to detect liver fibrosis but it is not sensitive to determine the degree of liver damage