10 research outputs found

    Tradisi Kekerasan Seksual Sebagai Simbol Kekuasaan Pada Anak Jalanan Di Kota Semarang

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    Sexual Abuse Tradition among Street Children in Semarang Municipality; Street children is the high risk group of many harmful than others. It caused the effect wasn't simple like their understanding about sexual abuse. Based on Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak data, sexual abuse cases among children in Indonesia as long as 2008 increase to 30% or 4,2 cases per day. Komnas Anak decided 2013 be the “Sexual Crime National Emergency among Children”. Study purposed was to know the image of sexual abuse among street children in Semarang Municipality. Population are street children in Semarang Municipality and the subject are street children by sexual abuse experience in rape category and suit to inclusion criteria choosen by purposive sampling method. There are 5 persons. Primary data collection through in-depth interviews and observation. Data analysis was developed by data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The kinds of sexual abuse were per vaginal rape, per anal rape, commited by personal or collective. Sexual abuse carried out by whoever, in wherever, and whenever. The effects are psichology, social, and physic. Sexual abuse among street children is part of social norm and developed be the unconcious sexual abuse tradition. The result is majority of street children still got the sexual experience even increasing nowadays. Suggests are optimalization the program and cooperation all of side, such as Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan, LSM, Lembaga Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak, Lembaga Hukum, and others researcher to tackling the sexual abuse among street children

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Ibu Hamil dalam Pemeriksaan HIV di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Halmahera Kota Semarang

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    HIV/AIDS is a health problem throughout the world, including Indonesia. HIV is becoming an increasing concern in Indonesia, particularly among women of reproductive age. In Semarang city until June 2016 HIV cases in housewives reached 1503 cases and 297 cases in children. Therefore, efforts should be made to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child through HIV testing during pregnancy. The purpose of the research to analyze the factors related with maternal behavior to hiv testing in the region of halmahera health center, semarang. This research used quantitative method with cross sectional approach, with 60 population and 54 samples by using total sampling, 6 person dropout. Data were analyzed using chi square test (significant level is 0,05). The result showed that pregnant women do HIV testing as much as 74,1% and 25,9% do not conduct examination. Result of statistical test show several factors related with maternal behavior to hiv testing are knowledge (0,001) attitude (0,002), availability of facilities and infrastructure (0,001) and support of health workers (0,020). While factors do not related with maternal behavior to hiv testing are age (0,652), educational level (0,550), works (1,000), support of husband (0,111) and support of family (0,256). Effort that need to done is approach from health worker to pregnant women and family in the provision of information related to prevention and the transmission of hiv from mother to child. Promoting the services room means that privacy and comfortable to keep confidentiality

    Identifikasi Faktor Penghambat Pencapaian Kinerja Petugas Surveilans Kesehatan (Gasurkes) dalam Upaya Pengendalian Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) di Kecamatan Tembalang Tahun 2016

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    Procurement of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Gasurkes is an selected alternative to help Semarang government to reduce the number of dengue fever. This was done because the number of health workers in civil servants only focused in dengue fever. Although Gasurkes was started in Semarang since 2015, the number of dengue fever hasn't decline significantly yet. Even the number of dengue fever in 2015 to 2016 was increased from 1737 to 1857 cases.This research was aimed to identify the inhibiting factors for achieving Gasurkes performance in controlling dengue fever in Kecamatan Tembalang in 2016. This qualitative research used descriptive approach. By using purposive sampling, this research taken as many as 10 Gasurkes in Kecamatan Tembalang as subjek penelitiant. Data was collected by indepth interview. Data validity was done by triangulation of source as many as 14 people.The results showed that perceptional speed, ability of deductive thinking, communication skill, dynamic strength and stamina, working experience, education level, demographic factors, and superior support are not inhibiting factors for achieveing Gasurkes performance in controlling dengue fever in Kecamatan Tembalang in 2016. While numeracy skills, memory, family support, residential support, and community support in Gasurkes working area are inhibiting factors for achieveing Gasurkes performance in controlling dengue fever in Kecamatan Tembalang in 2016

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Merokok Shisha Pada Siswa SMA X Di Kota Semarang

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    Semarang City Health Office, specifically noting that 34.4% of young men and 4% of young women who smoke. Score high shisha smoking behavior in adolescents beginning comes from oneself, others and the environment that may influence smoking behavior itself. X high school students in the city Semaran often smoke shisha at 49.2%. The purpose of this study to analyze the factors related to the behavior of smoking shisha at X high school students in the city of Semarang. This research is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The population is X high school students in the city of Semarang ever consume shisha is there are 177 high school students. By using the formula of Lemeshow there are samples that are 63 respondents. The sampling technique using random sampling. Analyzed using univariate and bivariate statistical test Chi-Square (significance level 0.05). Most of the respondents were 14-16 years of age (early teens) (54.0%). Gender respondents was (92.1%) were male and knowledge of the respondents in the high category (50.8%). The attitude of the respondents in both categories (52.4%). Support Friends respondents was (61.9%) in both categories and support for families (57.1%) in both categories. The availability of resources in the complete category of (54.0%) and affordability of resources in both categories of (71.4%). Chi-Square test results found no relationship between knowledge, attitudes, peer support, and resource availability. As for age, sex, family support, and affordability of resources no relationship with shisha smoking behavior in high school students X in Semarang

    Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Praktik Kader Dalam Penyuluhan Di Meja 4 Pada Posyandu Di Kelurahan Ngaliyan, Kota Semarang

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    Integrated service post (Posyandu) as one means of basic health services in the community to grow and thrive. Posyanduis one form of Community Based Health Effort (UKBM) carried out by, of and with the community, to empower and provide convenience to the public in order to obtain medical care for mothers, infants and toddlers. The purpose of this study to analyze factors related to the practice of cadres in education at 4 tables on Posyandu in Ngaliyan, Semarang.Types of research with cross-sectional study. Respondents of the study amounted to 76 people. Collecting the information through interviews using a questionnaire. The statistical test used to analyze the relationship between variables using Chi-Square. The results showed 65.8% of health cadres including a category that has a good practice, 92.1% of cadres say there are facilities and supporting infrastructure extension, 82.9% Posyandu cadre say no incentive for Posyandu cadres, 85.5% of cadres say there are guidelines Posyandu, 76.3% said that the training good cadres, cadres 67.1% received support from health agencies and 63.2% posyandu cadre who had the support of the community. There is a relationship between education cadre to cadre practices (p = 0.035), facilities and infrastructure to the practice of cadre (p = 0.008), with the practice of Posyandu cadre training (p = 0.029). There is a significant relationship between cadres education, infrastructure and training of cadres posyandu with practices in education at 4 tables on Posyandu

    Fenomena Prostitusi Online di Jakarta Selatan

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    According to the research of Sedyaningsih by 2015 that South Jakarta has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence caused by online prostitution activities, namely of 372 cases out of 1.032 cases of online prostitution. The purpose of this research is to analyze the phenomenon of online prostitution in South Jakarta area focused on the practice of commercial sex workers behavioral. This research is qualitative research with the descriptive approach. The subjects in this study amounted to 14 people which consists of 5 research subjects and 9 triangulation subjects. The results showed that the whole subject of research is the commercial sex workers that can be booked via the internet and provide services to have sex with their clients, on the normative beliefs variables that most of the research subjects knows the online prostitution from their closer friend, on the attitude variables research subjects shows negativity attitude towards their job, on the motivational variable shows that most of the research subjects wants to be recognized in their social environment and cannot detached from the luxury lifestyle, on the subjective norm variables shows that most of the research subject does not want to be known as commercial sex workers of online prostitution, on the intention variable research subjects shows that the whole research subjects showed positive intention since the very first time they get to know the online prostitution. Data analysis in this study uses qualitative descriptive method. The behavior of commercial sex workers on online prostitution in South Jakarta based on their motives are self-actualization in group social and economic motives. Behavior of online prostitution is considered risky because the commercial sex workers online prostitution do high-risk sexual behavior as well as online prostitution is disguised prostitution so it cannot be observed by the Government. So the further monitoring of activities online prostitution in South Jakarta is very necessary

    Assessment Perilaku Tidak Aman Pada Sektor Informal Pengrajin Batu Akik Di Pasar Dargo Baru, Semarang

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    Occupational safety and health in the informal sector hasn\u27t become a concern from the governments, owners or workers. Informal sector of akik stone the sector which contains hazard, can cause accident and disease. Unsafe act can increase the risk. This research method was descriptive qualitative which aims to describe unsafe act of Akik stone\u27s craftsman at Dargo Baru Market, Semarang and some factors on the act based on L. Green\u27s theory. Data was collected from observation and indepth interview. The key informants were 6 Akik stone\u27s craftsmen and informant triangulation consists of 1 coordinator of Paguyuban Pengrajin Batu Akik (P3BA) Dargo Baru Market and 6 craftsman family members. The results showed there were so many unsafe act, such as careless of safety equipment, wearing PPE incorrectly, improper placement, incorrect body posture, frolic, and smoking. Most of those craftsman did know about hazards like machine, dust, electricity and incorrect body posture. Most craftsmen looked at the hazard is a common thing to deal with. Most of them also agreed that their jobs are extremely risky. The craftsmen have sufficient means to behave safely. P3BA not yet provide support in safety program to the craftsmen. Attention of each fellow among of craftsmen about safety is still minimal. Family supports by giving advice to be careful, give advice to drink milk, giving masks and health supplements. Suggestion: P3BA must activate the member so that the duty goes well, should make safety program, and collaborate with Primary Health Care to receive occupational health efforts

    Gambaran Praktik Personal Hygiene Pada Lansia Di Panti Sosial Lanjut Usia Tresna Werdha Kota Semarang

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    The elderly population continues to grow every year due to poor health status. One of the efforts to maintain the health of the elderly with preventive measures is by doing personal hygine. Hygine personal practices can be directed to maintain in order to stay healthy and productive life socially and economically in accordance with human dignity. The maintenance of personal hygiene includes the cleanliness of hair, eyes, ears, teeth, mouth, skin, nails, and hygiene in the dressing. To be able to perform personal hygiene of the elderly requires a good knowledge that can be applied to personal hygiene as possible. This study aims to describe the practice of personal hygiene of the elderly in the Elderly Social Panti Tresna Werdha Semarang. This type of research is descriptive analysis method with quantitative techniques using cross-sectional study. The population is all inhabitants of the Institution. Total sample of 33 elderly respondents with a total sampling techniques in accordance with the criteria specified. Sources of data research using primary and secondary data. Data analysis using univariate analysis results showed the beginning of elderly respondents (75.8%) of the women (57.6%) had not completed school seniors (45.5%) practices of the elderly (57.6%), knowledge (42.4%) , attitude (48.5%) were not available infrastructure (69.7%) affordability facilities are not affordable (69.7%) are less supportive role officers (69.7%) support the role of less friends (90.9%)