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    Gambaran Perilaku Cuci Tangan Teknisi di AHASS Kota Semarang

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    Hand washing is an important basic technique in disease prevention efforts. If the behavior of handwashing technicians motor vehicle repair work is not good, it will affect the health of technicians both in the short and long term. This study aims to identify the behavior of technicians at AHASS in Semarang City in hand washing. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive study. The data were collected using questionnaire sheet. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling with a total sample of 141 respondents. The results of this study indicate the knowledge of handwashing technicians is quite adequate with 88 respondents (62.4%), but there are still many respondents who who lack knowledge about the procedures of hand washing steps according to the World Health Organization (WHO), especially in the first step, the second step, the fourth step , The fifth step, and the sixth step. For the attitude of technicians to wash hands quite enough with 76 respondents (53.9%), but there are still a number of technicians who think if hands that looks clean, it means there is no germ in hand. In the practice of hand washing, most are sufficient with 75 respondents (53.2%), but there are still many respondents who have not applied 6 steps of handwashing routinely according to WHO. This indicates that the handwashing behavior of AHASS technicians in Semarang City is categorized enough although there are still a number of respondents who behave less well so that there is an effort to increase knowledge, especially about handwashing procedures according to WHO and hand washing practices in daily life